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NETBible: Strong -- 0517

'em <0517>

Ma 'em

Origin:a primitive word
Reference:TWOT - 115a
PrtSpch:noun feminime
In Hebrew:wma 79, Kma 27, Ma 23, yma 23, wmaw 14, wmal 8, wmalw 5, hma 5, ymaw 4, Kmaw 4, Mkma 3, hmaw 3, Maw 3, Mtma 2, Mah 2, ymalw 2, hmalw 1, Nkma 1, Malw 1, Mahw 1, Mal 1, Mtmal 1, Mkmab 1, wmakw 1, wnytma 1, Mma 1, hmal 1, hmak 1, hmab 1
In NET:mother 154, mother's 38, mothers 9, uncle 3, grandmother 3, conceived 1, brothers 1, Mother 1, brother 1, fork 1, important 1, she 1, own people 1, motherly 1, full brother 1
In AV:mother 214, dam 5, parting 1
Definition:1) mother
1a) of humans
1b) of Deborah's relationship to the people (fig.)
1c) of animals
2) point of departure or division
a primitive word; a mother (as the bond of the family); in a
wide sense (both literally and figuratively (like 1):-dam,
mother, X parting.
see HEBREW for 01

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