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Isaiah 65:1--66:24

I am sought
<01875> (8738)
of [them that] asked
<07592> (8804)
[for me]; I am found
<04672> (8738)
of [them that] sought
<01245> (8765)
me not
I said
<0559> (8804)_,
Behold me, behold me, unto a nation
[that] was not called
<07121> (8795)
by my name
I have spread out
<06566> (8765)
my hands
all the day
unto a rebellious
<05637> (8802)
which walketh
<01980> (8802)
in a way
[that was] not good
their own thoughts
A people
that provoketh me to anger
<03707> (8688)
to my face
that sacrificeth
<02076> (8802)
in gardens
and burneth incense
<06999> (8764)
upon altars of brick
{upon...: Heb. upon bricks}
Which remain
<03427> (8802)
among the graves
and lodge
<03885> (8799)
in the monuments
<05341> (8803)_,
which eat
<0398> (8802)
and broth
<04839> (8675) <06564>
of abominable
[things is in] their vessels
{broth: or, pieces}
Which say
<0559> (8802)_,
<07126> (8798)
by thyself, come not near
<05066> (8799)
to me; for I am holier
<06942> (8804)
than thou. These [are] a smoke
in my nose
a fire
that burneth
<03344> (8802)
all the day
{nose: or, anger}
Behold, [it is] written
<03789> (8803)
me: I will not keep silence
<02814> (8799)_,
but will recompense
<07999> (8765)_,
even recompense
<07999> (8765)
into their bosom
Your iniquities
and the iniquities
of your fathers
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
which have burned incense
<06999> (8765)
upon the mountains
and blasphemed
<02778> (8765)
me upon the hills
therefore will I measure
<04058> (8804)
their former
into their bosom
Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
As the new wine
is found
<04672> (8735)
in the cluster
and [one] saith
<0559> (8804)_,
<07843> (8686)
it not; for a blessing
[is] in it: so will I do
<06213> (8799)
for my servants
sakes, that I may not destroy
<07843> (8687)
them all.
And I will bring forth
<03318> (8689)
a seed
out of Jacob
and out of Judah
an inheritor
<03423> (8802)
of my mountains
and mine elect
shall inherit
<03423> (8804)
it, and my servants
shall dwell
<07931> (8799)
And Sharon
shall be a fold
of flocks
and the valley
of Achor
a place for the herds
to lie down in
for my people
that have sought
<01875> (8804)
But ye [are] they that forsake
<05800> (8802)
the LORD
that forget
my holy
that prepare
<06186> (8802)
a table
for that troop
<01409> (8677) <01408>_,
and that furnish
<04390> (8764)
the drink offering
unto that number
{troop: or, Gad} {number: or, Meni, a pagan god}
Therefore will I number
<04487> (8804)
you to the sword
and ye shall all bow down
<03766> (8799)
to the slaughter
because when I called
<07121> (8804)_,
ye did not answer
<06030> (8804)_;
when I spake
<01696> (8765)_,
ye did not hear
<08085> (8804)_;
but did
<06213> (8799)
before mine eyes
and did choose
<0977> (8804)
[that] wherein I delighted
<02654> (8804)
Therefore thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the Lord
Behold, my servants
shall eat
<0398> (8799)_,
but ye shall be hungry
<07456> (8799)_:
behold, my servants
shall drink
<08354> (8799)_,
but ye shall be thirsty
<06770> (8799)_:
behold, my servants
shall rejoice
<08055> (8799)_,
but ye shall be ashamed
<0954> (8799)_:
Behold, my servants
shall sing
<07442> (8799)
for joy
of heart
but ye shall cry
<06817> (8799)
for sorrow
of heart
and shall howl
<03213> (8686)
for vexation
of spirit
{vexation: Heb. breaking}
And ye shall leave
<03240> (8689)
your name
for a curse
unto my chosen
for the Lord
shall slay
<04191> (8689)
thee, and call
<07121> (8799)
his servants
by another
That he who blesseth
<01288> (8693)
himself in the earth
shall bless
<01288> (8691)
himself in the God
of truth
and he that sweareth
<07650> (8737)
in the earth
shall swear
<07650> (8735)
by the God
of truth
because the former
are forgotten
<07911> (8738)_,
and because they are hid
<05641> (8738)
from mine eyes
For, behold, I create
<01254> (8802)
and a new
and the former
shall not be remembered
<02142> (8735)_,
nor come
<05927> (8799)
into mind
{come...: Heb. come upon the heart}
But be ye glad
<07797> (8798)
and rejoice
<01523> (8798)
for ever
[in that] which I create
<01254> (8802)_:
for, behold, I create
<01254> (8802)
a rejoicing
and her people
a joy
And I will rejoice
<01523> (8804)
in Jerusalem
and joy
<07797> (8804)
in my people
and the voice
of weeping
shall be no more heard
<08085> (8735)
in her, nor the voice
of crying
There shall be no more thence an infant
of days
nor an old man
that hath not filled
<04390> (8762)
his days
for the child
shall die
<04191> (8799)
an hundred
but the sinner
<02398> (8802)
[being] an hundred
shall be accursed
<07043> (8792)_.
And they shall build
<01129> (8804)
and inhabit
<03427> (8804)
[them]; and they shall plant
<05193> (8804)
and eat
<0398> (8804)
the fruit
of them.
They shall not build
<01129> (8799)_,
and another
<03427> (8799)_;
they shall not plant
<05193> (8799)_,
and another
<0398> (8799)_:
for as the days
of a tree
[are] the days
of my people
and mine elect
shall long enjoy
<01086> (8762)
the work
of their hands
{shall long...: Heb. shall make them continue long, or, shall wear out}
They shall not labour
<03021> (8799)
in vain
nor bring forth
<03205> (8799)
for trouble
for they [are] the seed
of the blessed
<01288> (8803)
of the LORD
and their offspring
with them.
And it shall come to pass, that before they call
<07121> (8799)_,
I will answer
<06030> (8799)_;
and while they are yet speaking
<01696> (8764)_,
I will hear
<08085> (8799)_.
The wolf
and the lamb
shall feed
<07462> (8799)
and the lion
shall eat
<0398> (8799)
like the bullock
and dust
[shall be] the serpent's
They shall not hurt
<07489> (8686)
nor destroy
<07843> (8686)
in all my holy
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
The heaven
[is] my throne
and the earth
[is] my footstool
<07272> <01916>_:
where [is] the house
that ye build
<01129> (8799)
unto me? and where [is] the place
of my rest
For all those [things] hath mine hand
<06213> (8804)_,
and all those [things] have been, saith
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
but to this [man] will I look
<05027> (8686)_,
[even] to [him that is] poor
and of a contrite
and trembleth
at my word
He that killeth
<07819> (8802)
an ox
[is as if] he slew
<05221> (8688)
a man
he that sacrificeth
<02076> (8802)
a lamb
[as if] he cut off
<06202> (0)
a dog's
<06202> (8802)_;
he that offereth
<05927> (8688)
an oblation
[as if he offered] swine's
he that burneth
<02142> (8688)
[as if] he blessed
<01288> (8764)
an idol
Yea, they have chosen
<0977> (8804)
their own ways
and their soul
<02654> (8804)
in their abominations
{lamb: or, kid} {burneth: Heb. maketh a memorial of}
I also will choose
<0977> (8799)
their delusions
and will bring
<0935> (8686)
their fears
upon them; because when I called
<07121> (8804)_,
none did answer
<06030> (8802)_;
when I spake
<01696> (8765)_,
they did not hear
<08085> (8804)_:
but they did
<06213> (8799)
before mine eyes
and chose
<0977> (8804)
[that] in which I delighted
<02654> (8804)
not. {delusions: or, devices}
<08085> (8798)
the word
of the LORD
ye that tremble
at his word
Your brethren
that hated
<08130> (8802)
you, that cast you out
<05077> (8764)
for my name's
sake, said
<0559> (8804)_,
Let the LORD
be glorified
<03513> (8799)_:
but he shall appear
<07200> (8737)
to your joy
and they shall be ashamed
<0954> (8799)_.
A voice
of noise
from the city
a voice
from the temple
a voice
of the LORD
that rendereth
<07999> (8764)
to his enemies
<0341> (8802)_.
Before she travailed
<02342> (8799)_,
she brought forth
<03205> (8804)_;
before her pain
<0935> (8799)_,
she was delivered
<04422> (8689)
of a man child
Who hath heard
<08085> (8804)
such a thing? who hath seen
<07200> (8804)
such things? Shall the earth
be made to bring forth
<02342> (8714)
in one
[or] shall a nation
be born
<03205> (8735)
at once
for as soon as
<02342> (8804)_,
she brought forth
<03205> (8804)
her children
Shall I bring to the birth
<07665> (8686)_,
and not cause to bring forth
<03205> (8686)_?
<0559> (8799)
the LORD
shall I
cause to bring forth
<03205> (8688)_,
and shut
<06113> (8804)
[the womb]? saith
<0559> (8804)
thy God
{not...: or, not beget?}
<08055> (8798)
ye with Jerusalem
and be glad
<01523> (8798)
with her, all ye that love
<0157> (8802)
her: rejoice
<07797> (8798)
for joy
with her, all ye that mourn
<056> (8693)
for her:
That ye may suck
<03243> (8799)_,
and be satisfied
<07646> (8804)
with the breasts
of her consolations
that ye may milk out
<04711> (8799)_,
and be delighted
<06026> (8694)
with the abundance
of her glory
{abundance: or, brightness}
For thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
Behold, I will extend
<05186> (8802)
to her like a river
and the glory
of the Gentiles
like a flowing
<07857> (8802)
then shall ye suck
<03243> (8804)_,
ye shall be borne
<05375> (8735)
upon [her] sides
and be dandled
<08173> (8746)
upon [her] knees
As one
whom his mother
<05162> (8762)_,
so will I comfort
<05162> (8762)
you; and ye shall be comforted
<05162> (8792)
in Jerusalem
And when ye see
<07200> (8804)
[this], your heart
shall rejoice
<07797> (8804)_,
and your bones
shall flourish
<06524> (8799)
like an herb
and the hand
of the LORD
shall be known
<03045> (8738)
toward his servants
and [his] indignation
<02194> (8804)
toward his enemies
<0341> (8802)_.
For, behold, the LORD
will come
<0935> (8799)
with fire
and with his chariots
like a whirlwind
to render
<07725> (8687)
his anger
with fury
and his rebuke
with flames
of fire
For by fire
and by his sword
will the LORD
<08199> (8737)
with all flesh
and the slain
of the LORD
shall be many
<07231> (8804)_.
They that sanctify
<06942> (8693)
themselves, and purify
<02891> (8693)
themselves in the gardens
[tree] in the midst
<0398> (8802)
and the abomination
and the mouse
shall be consumed
<05486> (8799)
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
{behind...: or, one after another}
For I [know] their works
and their thoughts
it shall come
<0935> (8802)_,
that I will gather
<06908> (8763)
all nations
and tongues
and they shall come
<0935> (8804)_,
and see
<07200> (8804)
my glory
And I will set
<07760> (8804)
a sign
among them, and I will send
<07971> (8765)
those that escape
of them unto the nations
[to] Tarshish
and Lud
that draw
<04900> (8802)
the bow
[to] Tubal
and Javan
[to] the isles
afar off
that have not heard
<08085> (8804)
my fame
neither have seen
<07200> (8804)
my glory
and they shall declare
<05046> (8689)
my glory
among the Gentiles
And they shall bring
<0935> (8689)
all your brethren
[for] an offering
unto the LORD
out of all nations
upon horses
and in chariots
and in litters
and upon mules
and upon swift beasts
to my holy
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
as the children
of Israel
<0935> (8686)
an offering
in a clean
into the house
of the LORD
{litters: or, coaches}
And I will also take
<03947> (8799)
of them for priests
[and] for Levites
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
For as the new
and the new
which I will make
<06213> (8802)_,
shall remain
<05975> (8802)
me, saith
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
so shall your seed
and your name
<05975> (8799)_.
And it shall come to pass, [that] from
one new moon
to another
and from
one sabbath
to another
shall all flesh
<0935> (8799)
to worship
<07812> (8692)
me, saith
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
{from one new...: Heb. from new moon to his new moon, and from sabbath to his sabbath}
And they shall go forth
<03318> (8804)_,
and look
<07200> (8804)
upon the carcases
of the men
that have transgressed
<06586> (8802)
against me: for their worm
shall not die
<04191> (8799)_,
neither shall their fire
be quenched
<03518> (8799)_;
and they shall be an abhorring
unto all flesh

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