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Psalms 2:7

I will declare
<05608> (8762)
the decree
the LORD
hath said
<0559> (8804)
unto me, Thou [art] my Son
this day
have I begotten
<03205> (8804)
thee. {the decree: or, for a decree}

Psalms 9:14

That I may shew forth
<05608> (8762)
all thy praise
in the gates
of the daughter
of Zion
I will rejoice
<01523> (8799)
in thy salvation

Psalms 18:29

For by thee I have run through
<07323> (8799)
a troop
and by my God
have I leaped over
<01801> (8762)
a wall
{run...: or, broken}

Psalms 22:10

I was cast
<07993> (8717)
upon thee from the womb
thou [art] my God
from my mother's

Psalms 22:25

My praise
[shall be] of thee in the great
I will pay
<07999> (8762)
my vows
before them that fear

Psalms 23:4

Yea, though I walk
<03212> (8799)
through the valley
of the shadow of death
I will fear
<03372> (8799)
no evil
for thou [art] with me; thy rod
and thy staff
they comfort
<05162> (8762)

Psalms 27:1

<[A Psalm] of David <01732>.>>
[is] my light
and my salvation
whom shall I fear
<03372> (8799)_?
the LORD
[is] the strength
of my life
of whom shall I be afraid
<06342> (8799)_?

Psalms 28:2

<08085> (8798)
the voice
of my supplications
when I cry
<07768> (8763)
unto thee, when I lift up
<05375> (8800)
my hands
toward thy holy
{thy...: or, the oracle of thy sanctuary}

Psalms 31:7

I will be glad
<01523> (8799)
and rejoice
<08055> (8799)
in thy mercy
for thou hast considered
<07200> (8804)
my trouble
thou hast known
<03045> (8804)
my soul
in adversities

Psalms 35:13

But as for me, when they were sick
<02470> (8800)_,
my clothing
[was] sackcloth
I humbled
<06031> (8765)
my soul
with fasting
and my prayer
<07725> (8799)
into mine own bosom
{humbled: or, afflicted}

Psalms 38:20

They also that render
<07999> (8764)
for good
are mine adversaries
<07853> (8799)_;
because I follow
<07291> (8800)
[the thing that] good

Psalms 40:9

I have preached
<01319> (8765)
in the great
lo, I have not refrained
<03607> (8799)
my lips
thou knowest
<03045> (8804)_.

Psalms 42:9

I will say
<0559> (8799)
unto God
my rock
Why hast thou forgotten
<07911> (8804)
me? why go
<03212> (8799)
I mourning
<06937> (8802)
because of the oppression
of the enemy
<0341> (8802)_?

Psalms 49:4

I will incline
<05186> (8686)
mine ear
to a parable
I will open
<06605> (8799)
my dark saying
upon the harp

Psalms 52:8-9

But I [am] like a green
olive tree
in the house
of God
I trust
<0982> (8804)
in the mercy
of God
for ever
and ever
I will praise
<03034> (8686)
thee for ever
because thou hast done
<06213> (8804)
[it]: and I will wait
<06960> (8762)
on thy name
for [it is] good
before thy saints

Psalms 54:6

I will freely
<02076> (8799)
unto thee: I will praise
<03034> (8686)
thy name
for [it is] good

Psalms 56:9

I cry
<07121> (8799)
[unto thee], then shall mine enemies
<0341> (8802)
<07725> (8799)
this I know
<03045> (8804)_;
for God
[is] for me.

Psalms 56:13

For thou hast delivered
<05337> (8689)
my soul
from death
[wilt] not [thou deliver] my feet
from falling
that I may walk
<01980> (8692)
in the light
of the living

Psalms 57:4

My soul
[is] among
[and] I lie
<07901> (8799)
[even among] them that are set on fire
<03857> (8802)_,
[even] the sons
of men
whose teeth
[are] spears
and arrows
and their tongue
a sharp

Psalms 66:15

I will offer
<05927> (8686)
unto thee burnt sacrifices
of fatlings
with the incense
of rams
I will offer
<06213> (8799)
with goats
{fatlings: Heb. marrow}

Psalms 69:2

I sink
<02883> (8804)
in deep
where [there is] no standing
I am come
<0935> (8804)
into deep
where the floods
<07857> (8804)
me. {deep mire: Heb. the mire of depth} {deep waters: Heb. depth of waters}

Psalms 81:5

This he ordained
<07760> (8804)
in Joseph
[for] a testimony
when he went out
<03318> (8800)
through the land
of Egypt
[where] I heard
<08085> (8799)
a language
[that] I understood
<03045> (8804)
not. {through: or, against}

Psalms 81:10

I [am] the LORD
thy God
which brought
<05927> (8688)
thee out of the land
of Egypt
open thy mouth
<07337> (8685)_,
and I will fill
<04390> (8762)

Psalms 88:9

Mine eye
<01669> (8804)
by reason of affliction
I have called
<07121> (8804)
upon thee, I have stretched out
<07849> (8765)
my hands
unto thee.

Psalms 88:15

I [am] afflicted
and ready to die
<01478> (8802)
from [my] youth
up: [while] I suffer
<05375> (8804)
thy terrors
I am distracted
<06323> (8799)_.

Psalms 89:1

<Maschil <04905> (8688)
of Ethan
the Ezrahite
I will sing
<07891> (8799)
of the mercies
of the LORD
for ever
with my mouth
will I make known
<03045> (8686)
thy faithfulness
to all
{Maschil...: or, A Psalm for Ethan the Ezrahite, to give instruction} {to all...: Heb. to generation and generation}

Psalms 89:3

I have made
<03772> (8804)
a covenant
with my chosen
I have sworn
<07650> (8738)
unto David
my servant

Psalms 89:19

Then thou spakest
<01696> (8765)
in vision
to thy holy one
and saidst
<0559> (8799)_,
I have laid
<07737> (8765)
upon [one that is] mighty
I have exalted
<07311> (8689)
[one] chosen
<0977> (8803)
out of the people

Psalms 91:14

Because he hath set his love
<02836> (8804)
upon me, therefore will I deliver
<06403> (8762)
him: I will set him on high
<07682> (8762)_,
because he hath known
<03045> (8804)
my name

Psalms 92:11

Mine eye
also shall see
<05027> (8686)
[my desire] on mine enemies
[and] mine ears
shall hear
<08085> (8799)
[my desire] of the wicked
<07489> (8688)
that rise up
<06965> (8801)
against me.

Psalms 95:10-11

long was I grieved
<06962> (8799)
with [this] generation
and said
<0559> (8799)_,
It [is] a people
that do err
<08582> (8802)
in their heart
and they have not known
<03045> (8804)
my ways
Unto whom I sware
<07650> (8738)
in my wrath
that they should not enter
<0935> (8799)
into my rest
{that...: Heb. if they enter into my rest}

Psalms 101:2

I will behave myself wisely
<07919> (8686)
in a perfect
O when wilt thou come
<0935> (8799)
unto me? I will walk
<01980> (8691)
my house
with a perfect

Psalms 101:5

Whoso privily
<03960> (8764) (8675) <03960> (8781)
his neighbour
him will I cut off
<06789> (8686)_:
him that hath an high
and a proud
will not I suffer
<03201> (8799)_.

Psalms 108:1

<A Song <07892>
[or] Psalm
of David
O God
my heart
is fixed
<03559> (8737)_;
I will sing
<07891> (8799)
and give praise
<02167> (8762)_,
even with my glory

Psalms 138:1

<[A Psalm] of David <01732>.>>
I will praise
<03034> (8686)
thee with my whole heart
before the gods
will I sing praise
<02167> (8762)
unto thee.

Psalms 139:8

If I ascend up
<05266> (8799)
into heaven
thou [art] there: if I make my bed
<03331> (8686)
in hell
behold, thou [art there].

Psalms 141:1

<A Psalm <04210>
of David
I cry
<07121> (8804)
unto thee: make haste
<02363> (8798)
unto me; give ear
<0238> (8685)
unto my voice
when I cry
<07121> (8800)
unto thee.

Psalms 142:1

<Maschil <04905> (8688)
of David
A Prayer
when he was in the cave
I cried
<02199> (8799)
unto the LORD
with my voice
with my voice
unto the LORD
did I make my supplication
<02603> (8691)_.
{Maschil...: or, A Psalm of David, giving instruction}

Psalms 142:5-6

I cried
<02199> (8804)
unto thee, O LORD
I said
<0559> (8804)_,
Thou [art] my refuge
[and] my portion
in the land
of the living
<07181> (8685)
unto my cry
for I am brought
<01809> (0)
<01809> (8804)_:
<05337> (8685)
me from my persecutors
<07291> (8802)_;
for they are stronger
<0553> (8804)
than I.

Psalms 144:9

I will sing
<07891> (8799)
a new
unto thee, O God
upon a psaltery
[and] an instrument of ten strings
will I sing praises
<02167> (8762)
unto thee.

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