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Jeremiah 1:16

And I will utter
<01696> (8765)
my judgments
against them touching
all their wickedness
who have forsaken
<05800> (8804)
me, and have burned incense
<06999> (8762)
unto other
and worshipped
<07812> (8691)
the works
of their own hands

Jeremiah 2:13

For my people
have committed
<06213> (8804)
they have forsaken
<05800> (8804)
me the fountain
of living
[and] hewed them out
<02672> (8800)
<07665> (8737)
that can hold
<03557> (8686)
no water

Jeremiah 2:25

<04513> (8798)
thy foot
from being unshod
and thy throat
from thirst
but thou saidst
<0559> (8799)_,
There is no hope
<02976> (8737)_:
no; for I have loved
<0157> (8804)
<02114> (8801)_,
and after
them will I go
<03212> (8799)_.
{There...: or, Is the case desperate?}

Jeremiah 2:35

Yet thou sayest
<0559> (8799)_,
Because I am innocent
<05352> (8738)_,
surely his anger
shall turn
<07725> (8804)
from me. Behold, I will plead
<08199> (8737)
with thee, because thou sayest
<0559> (8800)_,
I have not sinned
<02398> (8804)_.

Jeremiah 2:37

Yea, thou shalt go forth
<03318> (8799)
from him, and thine hands
upon thine head
for the LORD
hath rejected
<03988> (8804)
thy confidences
and thou shalt not prosper
<06743> (8686)
in them.

Jeremiah 4:26

I beheld
<07200> (8804)_,
and, lo, the fruitful place
[was] a wilderness
and all the cities
thereof were broken down
<05422> (8738)
at the presence
of the LORD
[and] by his fierce

Jeremiah 4:28

For this shall the earth
<056> (8799)_,
and the heavens
be black
<06937> (8804)_:
because I have spoken
<01696> (8765)
[it], I have purposed
<02161> (8804)
[it], and will not repent
<05162> (8738)_,
neither will I turn back
<07725> (8799)
from it.

Jeremiah 5:4

Therefore I said
<0559> (8804)_,
Surely these [are] poor
they are foolish
<02973> (8738)_:
for they know
<03045> (8804)
not the way
of the LORD
[nor] the judgment
of their God

Jeremiah 6:13

For from the least
of them even unto the greatest
of them every one [is] given
<01214> (8802)
to covetousness
and from the prophet
even unto the priest
every one dealeth
<06213> (8802)

Jeremiah 7:12

But go
<03212> (8798)
ye now unto my place
which [was] in Shiloh
where I set
<07931> (8765)
my name
at the first
and see
<07200> (8798)
what I did
<06213> (8804)
to it for
the wickedness
of my people

Jeremiah 7:30

For the children
of Judah
have done
<06213> (8804)
in my sight
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
they have set
<07760> (8804)
their abominations
in the house
which is called
<07121> (8738)
by my name
to pollute
<02930> (8763)

Jeremiah 10:7

Who would not fear
<03372> (8799)
thee, O King
of nations
for to thee doth it appertain
<02969> (8804)_:
forasmuch as among all the wise
[men] of the nations
and in all their kingdoms
[there is] none like unto thee. {to...: or, it liketh thee}

Jeremiah 12:13

They have sown
<02232> (8804)
but shall reap
<07114> (8804)
they have put themselves to pain
<02470> (8738)_,
[but] shall not profit
<03276> (8686)_:
and they shall be ashamed
<0954> (8804)
of your revenues
because of the fierce
of the LORD
{they shall: or, ye shall}

Jeremiah 13:22

And if thou say
<0559> (8799)
in thine heart
Wherefore come
<07122> (8804)
these things upon me? For the greatness
of thine iniquity
are thy skirts
<01540> (8738)_,
[and] thy heels
made bare
<02554> (8738)_.
{made...: or, shall be violently taken away}

Jeremiah 15:4

And I will cause
<05414> (8804)
them to be removed
<02189> (8675) <02113>
into all kingdoms
of the earth
of Manasseh
the son
of Hezekiah
of Judah
for [that] which he did
<06213> (8804)
in Jerusalem
{cause...: Heb. give them for a removing}

Jeremiah 16:11

Then shalt thou say
<0559> (8804)
unto them, Because your fathers
have forsaken
<05800> (8804)
me, saith
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
and have walked
<03212> (8799)
and have served
<05647> (8799)
them, and have worshipped
<07812> (8691)
them, and have forsaken
<05800> (8804)
me, and have not kept
<08104> (8804)
my law

Jeremiah 20:12

of hosts
that triest
<0974> (8802)
the righteous
[and] seest
<07200> (8802)
the reins
and the heart
let me see
<07200> (8799)
thy vengeance
on them: for unto thee have I opened
<01540> (8765)
my cause

Jeremiah 21:2

<01875> (8798)_,
I pray thee, of the LORD
for us
for Nebuchadrezzar
of Babylon
maketh war
<03898> (8737)
against us; if so be that the LORD
will deal
<06213> (8799)
with us according to all his wondrous works
<06381> (8737)_,
that he may go up
<05927> (8799)
from us.

Jeremiah 22:22

The wind
shall eat up
<07462> (8799)
all thy pastors
<07462> (8802)_,
and thy lovers
<0157> (8764)
shall go
<03212> (8799)
into captivity
surely then shalt thou be ashamed
<0954> (8799)
and confounded
<03637> (8738)
for all thy wickedness

Jeremiah 23:10

For the land
is full
<04390> (8804)
of adulterers
<05003> (8764)_;
for because
of swearing
the land
<056> (8804)_;
the pleasant places
of the wilderness
are dried up
<03001> (8804)_,
and their course
is evil
and their force
[is] not right. {swearing: or, cursing} {course: or, violence}

Jeremiah 25:36

A voice
of the cry
of the shepherds
<07462> (8802)_,
and an howling
of the principal
of the flock
[shall be heard]: for the LORD
hath spoiled
<07703> (8802)
their pasture

Jeremiah 27:10

For they prophesy
<05012> (8737)
a lie
unto you, to remove you far
<07368> (8687)
from your land
and that I should drive you out
<05080> (8689)_,
and ye should perish
<06> (8804)_.

Jeremiah 28:16

Therefore thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
Behold, I will cast
<07971> (8764)
thee from off the face
of the earth
this year
thou shalt die
<04191> (8801)_,
because thou hast taught
<01696> (8765)
against the LORD
{rebellion: Heb. revolt}

Jeremiah 30:15

Why criest
<02199> (8799)
thou for thine affliction
thy sorrow
[is] incurable
<0605> (8803)
for the multitude
of thine iniquity
[because] thy sins
were increased
<06105> (8804)_,
I have done
<06213> (8804)
these things unto thee.

Jeremiah 31:15

Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
A voice
was heard
<08085> (8738)
in Ramah
[and] bitter
<01058> (8764)
for her children
<03985> (8765)
to be comforted
<05162> (8736)
for her children
because they [were] not.

Jeremiah 31:19

Surely after
that I was turned
<07725> (8800)_,
I repented
<05162> (8738)_;
and after
that I was instructed
<03045> (8736)_,
I smote
<05606> (8804)
upon [my] thigh
I was ashamed
<0954> (8804)_,
yea, even confounded
<03637> (8738)_,
because I did bear
<05375> (8804)
the reproach
of my youth

Jeremiah 32:7

Behold, Hanameel
the son
of Shallum
thine uncle
shall come
<0935> (8802)
unto thee, saying
<0559> (8800)_,
<07069> (8798)
thee my field
that [is] in Anathoth
for the right
of redemption
[is] thine to buy
<07069> (8800)

Jeremiah 32:31

For this city
hath been to me [as] a provocation of mine anger
and of my fury
from the day
that they built
<01129> (8804)
it even unto this day
that I should remove
<05493> (8687)
it from before my face
{a provocation...: Heb. for my anger}

Jeremiah 34:7

When the king
of Babylon's
<03898> (8737)
against Jerusalem
and against all the cities
of Judah
that were left
<03498> (8737)_,
against Lachish
and against Azekah
for these defenced
<07604> (8738)
of the cities
of Judah

Jeremiah 35:6

But they said
<0559> (8799)_,
We will drink
<08354> (8799)
no wine
for Jonadab
the son
of Rechab
our father
<06680> (8765)
us, saying
<0559> (8800)_,
Ye shall drink
<08354> (8799)
no wine
[neither ye], nor your sons

Jeremiah 38:27

Then came
<0935> (8799)
all the princes
unto Jeremiah
and asked
<07592> (8799)
him: and he told
<05046> (8686)
them according to all these words
that the king
had commanded
<06680> (8765)_.
So they left off speaking
<02790> (8686)
with him; for the matter
was not perceived
<08085> (8738)_.
{they...: Heb. they were silent from him}

Jeremiah 40:3

Now the LORD
hath brought
<0935> (8686)
[it], and done
<06213> (8799)
according as he hath said
<01696> (8765)_:
because ye have sinned
<02398> (8804)
against the LORD
and have not obeyed
<08085> (8804)
his voice
therefore this thing
is come upon you.

Jeremiah 41:18

of the Chaldeans
for they were afraid
<03372> (8804)
of them, because Ishmael
the son
of Nethaniah
had slain
<05221> (8689)
the son
of Ahikam
whom the king
of Babylon
made governor
<06485> (8689)
in the land

Jeremiah 42:11

Be not afraid
<03372> (8799)
the king
of Babylon
of whom
ye are afraid
be not afraid
<03372> (8799)
of him, saith
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
for I [am] with you to save
<03467> (8687)
you, and to deliver
<05337> (8687)
you from his hand

Jeremiah 44:3

of their wickedness
which they have committed
<06213> (8804)
to provoke me to anger
<03707> (8687)_,
in that they went
<03212> (8800)
to burn incense
<06999> (8763)_,
[and] to serve
<05647> (8800)
whom they knew
<03045> (8804)
not, [neither] they, ye, nor your fathers

Jeremiah 44:11

Therefore thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
of hosts
the God
of Israel
Behold, I will set
<07760> (8802)
my face
against you for evil
and to cut off
<03772> (8687)
all Judah

Jeremiah 47:3

At the noise
of the stamping
of the hoofs
of his strong
[horses], at the rushing
of his chariots
[and at] the rumbling
of his wheels
the fathers
shall not look back
<06437> (8689)
to [their] children
for feebleness
of hands

Jeremiah 49:17

Also Edom
shall be a desolation
every one that goeth
<05674> (8802)
by it shall be astonished
<08074> (8799)_,
and shall hiss
<08319> (8799)
at all the plagues

Jeremiah 51:64

And thou shalt say
<0559> (8804)_,
Thus shall Babylon
<08257> (8799)_,
and shall not rise
<06965> (8799)
the evil
that I will bring
<0935> (8688)
upon her: and they shall be weary
<03286> (8804)_.
Thus far [are] the words
of Jeremiah

Jeremiah 52:3

For through
the anger
of the LORD
it came to pass in Jerusalem
and Judah
till he had cast them out
<07993> (8687)
from his presence
that Zedekiah
<04775> (8799)
against the king
of Babylon

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