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NETBible: Strong -- 07122

qara' <07122>

arq qara'

Origin:a primitive root, to encounter, whether accidentally or in a hostile manner
Reference:TWOT - 2064
In Hebrew:tarql 12, wtarql 4, arqn 3, ynarq 2, ytarql 2, arqy 2, wnarqy 1, hnarqtw 1, htarql 1, Kytarq 1, wharqw 1, tarqw 1, arqtw 1, tarqlw 1, tarq 1, hnarqt 1, Mtarql 1, arqyw 1
In NET:meet 9, happened 5, fight 3, met 2, confront 2, happens 2, attack 2, coming out 1, breaks out 1, confronted 1, brought 1, gripped 1, happen to notice 1, just happened 1, happen 1, opposite 1, fight against 1, direction 1
In AV:befall 5, come 4, chance 2, happened 2, met 2, fall out 1
Definition:1) to encounter, befall, meet
1a) (Qal)
1a1) to meet, encounter
1a2) to befall (fig)
1b) (Niphal) to meet, meet unexpectedly
1c) (Hiphil) to cause to meet
a primitive root: to encounter, whether accidentally or in a
hostile manner:-befall, (by) chance, (cause to) come (upon),
fall out, happen, meet.

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