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NETBible: Strong -- 06541

parcah <06541>

horp parcah

Origin:from 06538
Reference:TWOT - 1821b
PrtSpch:noun feminime
In Hebrew:horp 7, horpw 4, tworp 3, horph 2, tworpb 1, torp 1, tworpw 1, Kytorpw 1, Nhyorpw 1
In NET:hooves 10, hoof 8, hoofbeats 1, hoofs 1, parts 1
In AV:hoof 17, claws 2
Definition:1) hoof
1a) of ruminants
1b) of horses (undivided hooves)
feminine of 6538; a claw or split hoof:-claw,
(cloven-)footed, hoof.
see HEBREW for 06538

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