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Isaiah 1:5

Why should ye be stricken
<05221> (8714)
any more? ye will revolt
more and more
<03254> (8686)_:
the whole head
is sick
and the whole heart
{revolt...: Heb. increase revolt}

Isaiah 1:20

But if ye refuse
<03985> (8762)
and rebel
<04784> (8804)_,
ye shall be devoured
<0398> (8792)
with the sword
for the mouth
of the LORD
hath spoken
<01696> (8765)

Isaiah 9:3

Thou hast multiplied
<07235> (8689)
the nation
[and] not increased
<01431> (8689)
the joy
they joy
<08055> (8804)
thee according to the joy
in harvest
[and] as [men] rejoice
<01523> (8799)
when they divide
<02505> (8763)
the spoil
{not: or, to him}

Isaiah 14:3

And it shall come to pass in the day
that the LORD
shall give thee rest
<05117> (8687)
from thy sorrow
and from thy fear
and from the hard
wherein thou wast made to serve
<05647> (8795)_,

Isaiah 14:12

How art thou fallen
<05307> (8804)
from heaven
O Lucifer
of the morning
<07837> (8676) <03213> (8685)_!
[how] art thou cut down
<01438> (8738)
to the ground
which didst weaken
<02522> (8802)
the nations
{O Lucifer: or, O day star}

Isaiah 14:20

Thou shalt not be joined
<03161> (8799)
with them in burial
because thou hast destroyed
<07843> (8765)
thy land
[and] slain
<02026> (8804)
thy people
the seed
of evildoers
<07489> (8688)
shall never
be renowned
<07121> (8735)_.

Isaiah 21:2

A grievous
is declared
<05046> (8717)
unto me; the treacherous dealer
<0898> (8802)
dealeth treacherously
<0898> (8802)_,
and the spoiler
<07703> (8802)
<07703> (8802)_.
Go up
<05927> (8798)_,
O Elam
<06696> (8798)_,
O Media
all the sighing
thereof have I made to cease
<07673> (8689)_.
{grievous: Heb. hard}

Isaiah 22:9

Ye have seen
<07200> (8804)
also the breaches
of the city
of David
that they are many
<07231> (8804)_:
and ye gathered together
<06908> (8762)
the waters
of the lower

Isaiah 23:12

And he said
<0559> (8799)_,
Thou shalt no more
<03254> (8686)
<05937> (8800)_,
O thou oppressed
<06231> (8794)
of Zidon
<06965> (8798)_,
pass over
<05674> (8798)
to Chittim
there also shalt thou have no rest
<05117> (8799)_.

Isaiah 27:8

In measure
when it shooteth forth
<07971> (8763)_,
thou wilt debate
<07378> (8799)
with it: he stayeth
<01898> (8804)
his rough
in the day
of the east wind
{it shooteth...: or, thou sendest it forth} {he...: or, when he removeth it with}

Isaiah 29:9

<04102> (8697)
yourselves, and wonder
<08539> (8798)_;
cry ye out
<08173> (8697)_,
and cry
<08173> (8798)_:
they are drunken
<07937> (8804)_,
but not with wine
they stagger
<05128> (8804)_,
but not with strong drink
{cry ye...: or, take your pleasure, and riot}

Isaiah 32:11

<02729> (8798)_,
ye women that are at ease
be troubled
<07264> (8798)_,
ye careless ones
<0982> (8802)_:
<06584> (8800)
you, and make you bare
<06209> (8798)_,
and gird
[sackcloth] upon [your] loins

Isaiah 34:1

Come near
<07126> (8798)_,
ye nations
to hear
<08085> (8800)_;
and hearken
<07181> (8685)_,
ye people
let the earth
<08085> (8799)_,
and all that is therein
the world
and all things that come forth
of it. {all that...: Heb. the fulness thereof}

Isaiah 36:5

I say
<0559> (8804)_,
[sayest thou], (but [they are but] vain
[I have] counsel
and strength
for war
now on whom dost thou trust
<0982> (8804)_,
that thou rebellest
<04775> (8804)
against me? {vain...: Heb. a word of lips} {I have...: or, but counsel and strength are for the war}

Isaiah 36:8

Now therefore give pledges
<06148> (8690)_,
I pray thee, to my master
the king
of Assyria
and I will give
<05414> (8799)
thee two thousand
if thou be able
<03201> (8799)
on thy part to set
<05414> (8800)
<07392> (8802)
upon them. {pledges: or, hostages}

Isaiah 36:14

Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the king
Let not Hezekiah
<05377> (8686)
you: for he shall not be able
<03201> (8799)
to deliver
<05337> (8687)

Isaiah 37:23

Whom hast thou reproached
<02778> (8765)
and blasphemed
<01442> (8765)_?
and against whom hast thou exalted
<07311> (8689)
[thy] voice
and lifted up
<05375> (8799)
thine eyes
on high
[even] against the Holy One
of Israel

Isaiah 38:17-18

Behold, for peace
I had great bitterness
<04751> <04843> (8804)_:
but thou hast in love
<02836> (8804)
to my soul
[delivered it] from the pit
of corruption
for thou hast cast
<07993> (8689)
all my sins
thy back
{for peace...: or, on my peace came great bitterness} {thou hast in...: Heb. thou hast loved my soul from the pit}
For the grave
cannot praise
<03034> (8686)
thee, death
can [not] celebrate
<01984> (8762)
thee: they that go down
<03381> (8802)
into the pit
cannot hope
<07663> (8762)
for thy truth

Isaiah 43:5

<03372> (8799)
not: for I [am] with thee: I will bring
<0935> (8686)
thy seed
from the east
and gather
<06908> (8762)
thee from the west

Isaiah 43:12

I have declared
<05046> (8689)_,
and have saved
<03467> (8689)_,
and I have shewed
<08085> (8689)_,
when [there was] no strange
<02114> (8801)
[god] among you: therefore ye [are] my witnesses
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
that I [am] God

Isaiah 45:5

I [am] the LORD
and [there is] none else, [there is] no God
me: I girded
<0247> (8762)
thee, though thou hast not known
<03045> (8804)

Isaiah 45:10

unto him that saith
<0559> (8802)
unto [his] father
What begettest
<03205> (8686)
thou? or to the woman
What hast thou brought forth
<02342> (8799)_?

Isaiah 45:22

<06437> (8798)
unto me, and be ye saved
<03467> (8734)_,
all the ends
of the earth
for I [am] God
and [there is] none else.

Isaiah 48:7

They are created
<01254> (8738)
now, and not from the beginning; even before
the day
when thou heardest
<08085> (8804)
them not; lest thou shouldest say
<0559> (8799)_,
Behold, I knew
<03045> (8804)

Isaiah 51:12

I, [even] I, [am] he that comforteth
<05162> (8764)
you: who [art] thou, that thou shouldest be afraid
<03372> (8799)
of a man
[that] shall die
<04191> (8799)_,
and of the son
of man
[which] shall be made
<05414> (8735)
[as] grass

Isaiah 54:8

In a little
I hid
<05641> (8689)
my face
from thee for a moment
but with everlasting
will I have mercy
<07355> (8765)
on thee, saith
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
thy Redeemer
<01350> (8802)_.

Isaiah 56:1

Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
<08104> (8798)
ye judgment
and do
<06213> (8798)
for my salvation
[is] near
to come
<0935> (8800)_,
and my righteousness
to be revealed
<01540> (8736)_.
{judgment: or, equity}

Isaiah 59:1-2

the LORD'S
is not shortened
<07114> (8804)_,
that it cannot save
<03467> (8687)_;
neither his ear
<03513> (8804)_,
that it cannot hear
<08085> (8800)_:
But your iniquities
have separated
<0914> (8688)
you and your God
and your sins
have hid
<05641> (8689)
[his] face
from you, that he will not hear
<08085> (8800)_.
{have hid: or, have made him hide}

Isaiah 60:2

For, behold, the darkness
shall cover
<03680> (8762)
the earth
and gross darkness
the people
but the LORD
shall arise
<02224> (8799)
upon thee, and his glory
shall be seen
<07200> (8735)
upon thee.

Isaiah 60:4

Lift up
<05375> (8798)
thine eyes
round about
and see
<07200> (8798)_:
all they gather themselves together
<06908> (8738)_,
they come
<0935> (8804)
to thee: thy sons
shall come
<0935> (8799)
from far
and thy daughters
shall be nursed
<0539> (8735)
at [thy] side

Isaiah 60:15

thou hast been forsaken
<05800> (8803)
and hated
<08130> (8803)_,
so that no man went through
<05674> (8802)
[thee], I will make
<07760> (8804)
thee an eternal
a joy
of many

Isaiah 62:2

And the Gentiles
shall see
<07200> (8804)
thy righteousness
and all kings
thy glory
and thou shalt be called
<07121> (8795)
by a new
<05344> (8799)_,
which the mouth
of the LORD
shall name

Isaiah 62:5

For [as] a young man
<01166> (8799)
a virgin
[so] shall thy sons
<01166> (8799)
thee: and [as] the bridegroom
over the bride
[so] shall thy God
<07797> (8799)
over thee. {as the...: Heb. with the joy of the bridegroom}

Isaiah 64:7-8

And [there is] none that calleth
<07121> (8802)
upon thy name
that stirreth up
<05782> (8711)
himself to take hold
<02388> (8687)
of thee: for thou hast hid
<05641> (8689)
thy face
from us, and hast consumed
<04127> (8799)
us, because
of our iniquities
{consumed: Heb. melted} {because: Heb. by the hand}
But now, O LORD
thou [art] our father
we [are] the clay
and thou our potter
<03335> (8802)_;
and we all [are] the work
of thy hand

Isaiah 64:12

Wilt thou refrain
<0662> (8691)
thyself for these [things], O LORD
wilt thou hold thy peace
<02814> (8799)_,
and afflict
<06031> (8762)
us very sore

Isaiah 66:10-11

<08055> (8798)
ye with Jerusalem
and be glad
<01523> (8798)
with her, all ye that love
<0157> (8802)
her: rejoice
<07797> (8798)
for joy
with her, all ye that mourn
<056> (8693)
for her:
That ye may suck
<03243> (8799)_,
and be satisfied
<07646> (8804)
with the breasts
of her consolations
that ye may milk out
<04711> (8799)_,
and be delighted
<06026> (8694)
with the abundance
of her glory
{abundance: or, brightness}

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