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NETBible: Strong -- 08478

tachath <08478>

txt tachath

Origin:from the same as 08430
Reference:TWOT - 2504
PrtSpch:noun masculine
In Hebrew:txt 263, wytxt 93, txtm 48, txtw 26, hytxt 15, Mtxt 11, Kytxt 9, ytxt 8, Mhytxt 5, *wytxt {wtxt} 4, yntxt 3, txth 3, txtmw 2, Mkytxt 2, wnytxt 2, Kytxtm 1, wytxtmw 1, wytxtm 1, *txtw {txt} 1, hntxt 1, Nhytxt 1, txtml 1, {htxtmw} 1, hytxtw 1, ytxtw 1
In NET:under 120, place 66, replaced 43, for 26, instead 20, earth 20, below 17, succeeded 12, from 12, beneath 10, replace 9, Under 9, on 8, underneath 7, because 6, with 5, to 5, there 5, in place 3, For 3, in place of 3, on earth 2, Below 2, before 2, in its place 2, authority 2, at 2, succeeds 2, world 2, foot 2, Because 2, repaid 2, caresses 2, feet 2, Instead 2, blow 1, by 1, burning 1, bottom 1, belong 1, as 1, allegiance 1, amid 1, against 1, You 1, Why 1, among 1, ancestors 1, at your feet 1, as compensation for 1, area 1, are 1, behind 1, in exchange 1, since 1, spot 1, right there 1, riding 1, pad 1, repay 1, stands 1, stead 1, underparts 1, weight 1, underfoot 1, too 1, succeed 1, though 1, over 1, out 1, hard 1, homes 1, ground 1, exchange 1, disposal 1, dispossessed 1, in his place 1, in replacing 1, once 1, order 1, mine 1, me 1, land 1, collapsed 1
In AV:instead, under, for, as, with, from, flat, in the same place
Definition:1) the under part, beneath, instead of, as, for, for the sake of,
flat, unto, where, whereas
n m
1a) the under part
adv accus
1b) beneath
1c) under, beneath
1c1) at the foot of (idiom)
1c2) sweetness, subjection, woman, being burdened or oppressed (fig)
1c3) of subjection or conquest
1d) what is under one, the place in which one stands
1d1) in one's place, the place in which one stands (idiom with
reflexive pronoun)
1d2) in place of, instead of (in transferred sense)
1d3) in place of, in exchange or return for (of things mutually
1e) instead of, instead of that
1f) in return for that, because that
in compounds
1g) in, under, into the place of (after verbs of motion)
1h) from under, from beneath, from under the hand of, from his
place, under, beneath
from the same as 8430; the bottom (as depressed); only
adverbially, below (often with prepositional prefix
underneath), in lieu of, etc.:-as, beneath, X flat,
in(-stead), (same) place (, room, for...sake, stead
of, under, X unto, X when...was mine, whereas, (where-)fore,
see HEBREW for 08430

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