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NETBible: Strong -- 02005

hen <02005>

Nh hen

Origin:a primitive particle
Reference:TWOT - 510
PrtSpch:interjection, hypothetical particle
In Hebrew:ynnh 168, Nh 97, Mnh 15, Knh 10, wnnh 7, Mnhw 7, Knhw 4, ynnhw 3, Nhw 2, wnh 2, *hnh {Nh} 1, Mknhw 1, hknh 1
In NET:Look 77, If 19, Here 17, Indeed 13, look 6, indeed 6, Since 5, Oh 4, Listen 3, if 3, See 3, Yes 3, Take note 2, Realize 2, take note 2, here 2, overlooking 1, realize 1, soon 1, then 1, Agreed 1, Beware 1, But for now 1, Even if 1, that 1, or 1, as 1, assuredly 1, here's 1, how 1, watch out 1, When 1, looking 1, most surely 1, Surely 1, Therefore 1, Say Here 1
In AV:lo, behold, if, or if, though
1) behold, lo, though
hypothetical part
2) if
a primitive particle; lo!; also (as expressing surprise)
if:-behold, if, lo, though.

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