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Isaiah 6:2

it stood
<05975> (8802)
the seraphims
each one
had six
with twain
he covered
<03680> (8762)
his face
and with twain
he covered
<03680> (8762)
his feet
and with twain
he did fly
<05774> (8787)_.

Isaiah 7:4

And say
<0559> (8804)
unto him, Take heed
<08104> (8734)_,
and be quiet
<08252> (8685)_;
<03372> (8799)
not, neither be fainthearted
<07401> (8735) <03824>
for the two
of these smoking
for the fierce
of Rezin
with Syria
and of the son
of Remaliah
{neither...: Heb. let not thy heart be tender}

Isaiah 7:14

Therefore the Lord
himself shall give
<05414> (8799)
you a sign
Behold, a virgin
shall conceive
and bear
<03205> (8802)
a son
and shall call
<07121> (8804)
his name
<0410> <06005>_.
{shall call: or, thou, O virgin, shalt call}

Isaiah 11:2

And the spirit
of the LORD
shall rest
<05117> (8804)
upon him, the spirit
of wisdom
and understanding
the spirit
of counsel
and might
the spirit
of knowledge
and of the fear
of the LORD

Isaiah 11:10

And in that day
there shall be a root
of Jesse
which shall stand
<05975> (8802)
for an ensign
of the people
to it shall the Gentiles
<01875> (8799)_:
and his rest
shall be glorious
{glorious: Heb. glory}

Isaiah 19:1

The burden
of Egypt
Behold, the LORD
<07392> (8802)
upon a swift
and shall come
<0935> (8804)
into Egypt
and the idols
of Egypt
shall be moved
<05128> (8804)
at his presence
and the heart
of Egypt
shall melt
<04549> (8735)
in the midst
of it.

Isaiah 22:24

And they shall hang
<08518> (8804)
upon him all the glory
of his father's
the offspring
and the issue
all vessels
of small
quantity, from the vessels
of cups
even to all the vessels
of flagons
{vessels of flagons: or, instruments of viols}

Isaiah 30:18

And therefore will the LORD
<02442> (8762)_,
that he may be gracious
<02603> (8800)
unto you, and therefore will he be exalted
<07311> (8799)_,
that he may have mercy
<07355> (8763)
upon you: for the LORD
[is] a God
of judgment
[are] all they that wait
<02442> (8802)
for him.

Isaiah 36:22

Then came
<0935> (8799)
the son
of Hilkiah
that [was] over the household
and Shebna
the scribe
<05608> (8802)_,
and Joah
the son
of Asaph
the recorder
<02142> (8688)_,
to Hezekiah
with [their] clothes
<07167> (8803)_,
and told
<05046> (8686)
him the words
of Rabshakeh

Isaiah 37:7

Behold, I will send
<05414> (8802)
a blast
upon him, and he shall hear
<08085> (8804)
a rumour
and return
<07725> (8804)
to his own land
and I will cause him to fall
<05307> (8689)
by the sword
in his own land
{send...: or, put a spirit into him}

Isaiah 39:3

Then came
<0935> (8799)
the prophet
unto king
and said
<0559> (8799)
unto him, What said
<0559> (8804)
these men
and from whence
<0935> (8799)
they unto thee? And Hezekiah
<0559> (8799)_,
They are come
<0935> (8804)
from a far
unto me, [even] from Babylon

Isaiah 40:22

[It is] he that sitteth
<03427> (8802)
upon the circle
of the earth
and the inhabitants
<03427> (8802)
thereof [are] as grasshoppers
that stretcheth out
<05186> (8802)
the heavens
as a curtain
and spreadeth them out
<04969> (8799)
as a tent
to dwell in
<03427> (8800)_:
{It is...: or, Him that}

Isaiah 42:1

Behold my servant
whom I uphold
<08551> (8799)_;
mine elect
[in whom] my soul
<07521> (8804)_;
I have put
<05414> (8804)
my spirit
upon him: he shall bring forth
<03318> (8686)
to the Gentiles

Isaiah 42:10

<07891> (8798)
unto the LORD
a new
[and] his praise
from the end
of the earth
ye that go down
<03381> (8802)
to the sea
and all that is therein
the isles
and the inhabitants
<03427> (8802)
thereof. {all...: Heb. the fulness thereof}

Isaiah 44:20

He feedeth
<07462> (8802)
on ashes
a deceived
<02048> (8795)
hath turned him aside
<05186> (8689)_,
that he cannot deliver
<05337> (8686)
his soul
nor say
<0559> (8799)_,
[Is there] not a lie
in my right hand

Isaiah 53:2

For he shall grow up
<05927> (8799)
him as a tender plant
and as a root
out of a dry
he hath no form
nor comeliness
and when we shall see
<07200> (8799)
him, [there is] no beauty
that we should desire
<02530> (8799)

Isaiah 53:6

All we like sheep
have gone astray
<08582> (8804)_;
we have turned
<06437> (8804)
every one
to his own way
and the LORD
hath laid
<06293> (8689)
on him the iniquity
of us all. {laid...: Heb. made the iniquity of us all to meet on him}

Isaiah 53:9

And he made
<05414> (8799)
his grave
with the wicked
and with the rich
in his death
because he had done
<06213> (8804)
no violence
neither [was any] deceit
in his mouth
{death: Heb. deaths}

Isaiah 58:7

[Is it] not to deal
<06536> (8800)
thy bread
to the hungry
and that thou bring
<0935> (8686)
the poor
that are cast out
to thy house
when thou seest
<07200> (8799)
the naked
that thou cover
<03680> (8765)
him; and that thou hide
<05956> (8691)
not thyself from thine own flesh
{cast...: or, afflicted}

Isaiah 61:11

For as the earth
bringeth forth
<03318> (8686)
her bud
and as the garden
causeth the things that are sown
in it to spring forth
<06779> (8686)_;
so the Lord
will cause righteousness
and praise
to spring forth
<06779> (8686)
before all the nations

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