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NETBible: Strong -- 07167

qara` <07167>

erq qara`

Origin:a primitive root
Reference:TWOT - 2074
In Hebrew:erqyw 16, erq 5, werq 4, erqtw 4, erqn 2, Myerq 2, erqaw 2, yterqw 2, werqyw 2, erqa 2, terq 2, erqy 2, Merqyw 2, erqw 2, yewrq 2, yerq 1, yterq 1, yerqw 1, ewrq 1, yerqbw 1, ewrql 1, werqw 1, hnerqa 1, yerqt 1, herq 1, herqyw 1, herqy 1
In NET:tore 17, torn 8, tear 4, rip 2, surely tear away 2, tear away 2, cuts 1, cut off 1, Tear 1, putting on 1, ripped 1, tear off 1, split open 1, tear apart 1, tore away 1
In AV:rent 54, tear 4, rend away 2, cut 1, cut out 1, surely 1
Definition:1) to tear, tear in pieces
1a) (Qal)
1a1) to tear, rend
1a2) to tear away or out
1a3) to tear, rend asunder
1a3a) to make wide or large (of eyes)
1a3b) to rend open (of heavens)
1a4) to tear, rend (of wild beasts)
1b) (Niphal) to be rent, be split asunder
a primitive root; to rend, literally or figuratively (revile,
paint the eyes, as if enlarging them):-cut out, rend, X
surely, tear.

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