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NETBible: Strong -- 07097

qatseh <07097>

huq qatseh or (negative only) huq qetseh

Pronunciation:kaw-tseh' kay'-tseh
Origin:from 07096
Reference:TWOT - 2053a 2053c
PrtSpch:noun masculine
In Hebrew:huqm 33, huq 29, huqb 21, huqh 4, whuqm 2, whuq 2, whuqb 1, Mhyuqm 1, huqmw 1, huqmlw 1, huqbw 1
In NET:end 29, edge 12, other 4, After 4, mouth 3, horizon 2, distant 2, distant horizon 2, far-off horizons 2, tip 2, ends 2, extremity 2, remote regions 2, border 2, earth 1, boundary 1, after 1, bank 1, borders 1, countless 1, far end 1, outer parts 1, other side 1, outskirts 1, remote 1, surface 1, most remote place 1, limitless 1, far 1, extent 1, far regions 1, frontier 1, gain 1, entire 1
In AV:end 56, ...part 7, edge 6, border 3, outside 3, utmost 3, uttermost 3, coast 2, quarter 2, misc 11
Definition:1) end, extremity
1a) end, mouth, extremity
1b) border, outskirts
1c) the whole (condensed term for what is included within extremities)
1d) at the end of (a certain time)
or (negative only) qetseh {kay'-tseh}; from 7096; an
extremity (used in a great variety of applications and idioms;
compare 7093):-X after, border, brim, brink, edge, end,
(in-)finite, frontier, outmost coast, quarter, shore,
(out-)side, X some, ut(-ter-)most (part).
see HEBREW for 07096
see HEBREW for 07093

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