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Ezekiel 3:3

And he said
<0559> (8799)
unto me, Son
of man
cause thy belly
to eat
<0398> (8686)_,
and fill
<04390> (8762)
thy bowels
with this roll
that I give
<05414> (8802)
thee. Then did I eat
<0398> (8799)
[it]; and it was in my mouth
as honey
for sweetness

Ezekiel 3:26

And I will make thy tongue
<01692> (8686)
to the roof of thy mouth
that thou shalt be dumb
<0481> (8738)_,
and shalt not be to them a reprover
<0376> <03198> (8688)_:
for they [are] a rebellious
{a reprover: Heb. a man reproving}

Ezekiel 5:11

Wherefore, [as] I live
<05002> (8803)
the Lord
Surely, because thou hast defiled
<02930> (8765)
my sanctuary
with all thy detestable things
and with all thine abominations
therefore will I also diminish
<01639> (8799)
[thee]; neither shall mine eye
<02347> (8799)_,
neither will I have any pity
<02550> (8799)_.

Ezekiel 6:11

Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the Lord
<05221> (8685)
with thine hand
and stamp
<07554> (8798)
with thy foot
and say
<0559> (8798)_,
for all the evil
of the house
of Israel
for they shall fall
<05307> (8799)
by the sword
by the famine
and by the pestilence

Ezekiel 7:3-4

Now [is] the end
[come] upon thee, and I will send
<07971> (8765)
mine anger
upon thee, and will judge
<08199> (8804)
thee according to thy ways
and will recompense
<05414> (8804)
upon thee all thine abominations
{recompense: Heb. give}
And mine eye
shall not spare
<02347> (8799)
thee, neither will I have pity
<02550> (8799)_:
but I will recompense
<05414> (8799)
thy ways
upon thee, and thine abominations
shall be in the midst
of thee: and ye shall know
<03045> (8804)
that I [am] the LORD

Ezekiel 7:8

Now will I shortly
pour out
<08210> (8799)
my fury
upon thee, and accomplish
<03615> (8765)
mine anger
upon thee: and I will judge
<08199> (8804)
thee according to thy ways
and will recompense
<05414> (8804)
thee for all thine abominations

Ezekiel 16:4

And [as for] thy nativity
in the day
thou wast born
<03205> (8715)
thy navel
was not cut
<03772> (8795)_,
neither wast thou washed
<07364> (8795)
in water
to supple
[thee]; thou wast not salted
<04414> (8717)
at all
<04414> (8715)_,
nor swaddled
<02853> (8795)
at all
<02853> (8715)_.
{to supple...: or, when I looked upon thee}

Ezekiel 16:7

I have caused
<05414> (8804)
thee to multiply
as the bud
of the field
and thou hast increased
<07235> (8799)
and waxen great
<01431> (8799)_,
and thou art come
<0935> (8799)
to excellent
[thy] breasts
are fashioned
<03559> (8738)_,
and thine hair
is grown
<06779> (8765)_,
whereas thou [wast] naked
and bare
{caused...: Heb. made thee a million} {excellent...: Heb. ornament of ornaments}

Ezekiel 16:27

Behold, therefore I have stretched out
<05186> (8804)
my hand
over thee, and have diminished
<01639> (8799)
thine ordinary
[food], and delivered
<05414> (8799)
thee unto the will
of them that hate
<08130> (8802)
thee, the daughters
of the Philistines
which are ashamed
<03637> (8737)
of thy lewd
{daughters: or, cities}

Ezekiel 16:31

In that thou buildest
<01129> (8800)
thine eminent place
in the head
of every way
and makest
<06213> (8804)
thine high place
in every street
and hast not been as an harlot
<02181> (8802)_,
in that thou scornest
<07046> (8763)
{In that thou buildest...: or, In thy daughters is thine, etc}

Ezekiel 16:33

They give
<05414> (8799)
to all whores
<02181> (8802)_:
but thou givest
<05414> (8804)
thy gifts
to all thy lovers
<0157> (8764)_,
and hirest
<07809> (8799)
them, that they may come
<0935> (8800)
unto thee on every side
for thy whoredom
{hirest: Heb. bribest}

Ezekiel 16:61

Then thou shalt remember
<02142> (8804)
thy ways
and be ashamed
<03637> (8738)_,
when thou shalt receive
<03947> (8800)
thy sisters
thine elder
and thy younger
and I will give
<05414> (8804)
them unto thee for daughters
but not by thy covenant

Ezekiel 20:43

And there shall ye remember
<02142> (8804)
your ways
and all your doings
wherein ye have been defiled
<02930> (8738)_;
and ye shall lothe
<06962> (8738)
yourselves in your own sight
for all your evils
that ye have committed
<06213> (8804)_.

Ezekiel 23:27

Thus will I make thy lewdness
to cease
<07673> (8689)
from thee, and thy whoredom
[brought] from the land
of Egypt
so that thou shalt not lift up
<05375> (8799)
thine eyes
unto them, nor remember
<02142> (8799)
any more.

Ezekiel 24:14

I the LORD
have spoken
<01696> (8765)
[it]: it shall come to pass
<0935> (8802)_,
and I will do
<06213> (8804)
[it]; I will not go back
<06544> (8799)_,
neither will I spare
<02347> (8799)_,
neither will I repent
<05162> (8735)_;
according to thy ways
and according to thy doings
shall they judge
<08199> (8804)
thee, saith
<05002> (8803)
the Lord

Ezekiel 25:4

Behold, therefore I will deliver
<05414> (8802)
thee to the men
of the east
for a possession
and they shall set
<03427> (8765)
their palaces
in thee, and make
<05414> (8804)
their dwellings
in thee: they shall eat
<0398> (8799)
thy fruit
and they shall drink
<08354> (8799)
thy milk
{men: Heb. children}

Ezekiel 26:15

Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the Lord
to Tyrus
Shall not the isles
<07493> (8799)
at the sound
of thy fall
when the wounded
<0602> (8800)_,
when the slaughter
is made
<02026> (8736)
in the midst
of thee?

Ezekiel 28:7

Behold, therefore I will bring
<0935> (8688)
<02114> (8801)
upon thee, the terrible
of the nations
and they shall draw
<07324> (8689)
their swords
against the beauty
of thy wisdom
and they shall defile
<02490> (8765)
thy brightness

Ezekiel 37:12

Therefore prophesy
<05012> (8734)
and say
<0559> (8804)
unto them, Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the Lord
Behold, O my people
I will open
<06605> (8802)
your graves
and cause you to come up
<05927> (8689)
out of your graves
and bring
<0935> (8689)
you into the land
of Israel

Ezekiel 38:4

And I will turn thee back
<07725> (8790)_,
and put
<05414> (8804)
into thy jaws
and I will bring thee forth
<03318> (8689)_,
and all thine army
and horsemen
all of them clothed
<03847> (8803)
with all sorts
[of armour, even] a great
[with] bucklers
and shields
all of them handling
<08610> (8802)

Ezekiel 43:27

And when these days
are expired
<03615> (8762)_,
it shall be, [that] upon the eighth
and [so] forward
the priests
shall make
<06213> (8799)
your burnt offerings
upon the altar
and your peace offerings
and I will accept
<07521> (8804)
you, saith
<05002> (8803)
the Lord
{peace...: or, thank offerings}

Ezekiel 44:30

And the first
of all the firstfruits
of all [things], and every oblation
of all, of every [sort] of your oblations
shall be the priest's
ye shall also give
<05414> (8799)
unto the priest
the first
of your dough
that he may cause the blessing
to rest
<05117> (8687)
in thine house
{And the first: or, And the chief}

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