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NETBible: Strong -- 04720

miqdash <04720>

vdqm miqdash or vdqm miqq@dash (\\#Ex 15:17\\)

Pronunciation:mik-dawsh' mik-ked-awsh'
Origin:from 06942
Reference:TWOT - 1990f
PrtSpch:noun masculine
In Hebrew:sdqmh 16, ysdqm 16, sdqm 9, wsdqm 5, sdqml 5, Ksdqm 3, ysdqmw 3, ysdqmb 3, sdqmw 2, sdqmb 2, Mkysdqm 1, Msdqm 1, hsdqm 1, Kysdqmm 1, ysdqmmw 1, Mysdqm 1, wsdqmb 1, Kysdqm 1, wsdqml 1, wnsdqm 1
In NET:sanctuary 53, temple 6, sanctuaries 3, holy places 1, holy rooms 1, holy place 1, holy sanctuary 1, holiest part 1, Place 1, palace 1, temples 1, shrine 1, places 1, where we can find refuge 1, holy temple 1
In AV:sanctuary 69, holy place 3, chapel 1, hallowed part 1
Definition:1) sacred place, sanctuary, holy place
1a) sanctuary
1a1) of the temple
1a2) of the tabernacle
1a3) of Ezekiel's temple
1a4) of Jehovah
or miqqdash (Exod. 15:17) {mik-ked-awsh'}; from 6942; a
consecrated thing or place, especially, a palace, sanctuary
(whether of Jehovah or of idols) or asylum:-chapel, hallowed
part, holy place, sanctuary.
see HEBREW for 06942

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