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NETBible: Strong -- 07339

r@chob <07339>

bxr r@chob or bwxr r@chowb

Pronunciation:rekh-obe' rekh-obe'
Origin:from 07337
Reference:TWOT - 2143d
PrtSpch:noun feminime
In Hebrew:bwxrb 8, twbxrb 7, bwxr 5, hytbxrb 3, wnytbxrb 2, hytbxrbw 2, bwxrh 2, twbxr 2, bwxrbw 2, bwxrl 1, hytwbwxrb 1, hbxr 1, twbxrm 1, bxrb 1, twbxrh 1, bxrm 1, hbxrm 1, twbxrbw 1, twbxrw 1
In NET:plaza 10, squares 10, square 9, streets 5, plazas 3, public square 2, broad plazas 1, city squares 1, town square 1, wide plazas 1
In AV:street 40, ways 2, places 1
Definition:1) broad or open place or plaza
or rchowb {rekh-obe'}; from 7337; a width, i.e. (concretely)
avenue or area:-broad place (way), street. See also 1050.
see HEBREW for 07337
see HEBREW for 01050

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