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Ezekiel 39

Therefore, thou son
of man
<05012> (8734)
against Gog
and say
<0559> (8804)_,
Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the Lord
Behold, I [am] against thee, O Gog
the chief
of Meshech
and Tubal
And I will turn thee back
<07725> (8790)_,
and leave but the sixth part
<08338> (8765)
of thee, and will cause thee to come up
<05927> (8689)
from the north
and will bring
<0935> (8689)
thee upon the mountains
of Israel
{leave...: or, strike thee with six plagues: or, draw thee back with an hook of six teeth} {the north...: Heb. the sides of the north}
And I will smite
<05221> (8689)
thy bow
out of thy left
and will cause thine arrows
to fall
<05307> (8686)
out of thy right
Thou shalt fall
<05307> (8799)
upon the mountains
of Israel
thou, and all thy bands
and the people
that [is] with thee: I will give
<05414> (8804)
thee unto the ravenous
of every sort
and [to] the beasts
of the field
to be devoured
{sort: Heb. wing} {to be...: Heb. to devour}
Thou shalt fall
<05307> (8799)
upon the open
for I have spoken
<01696> (8765)
[it], saith
<05002> (8803)
the Lord
{the open...: Heb. the face of the field}
And I will send
<07971> (8765)
a fire
on Magog
and among them that dwell
<03427> (8802)
in the isles
and they shall know
<03045> (8804)
that I [am] the LORD
{carelessly: or, confidently}
So will I make my holy
<03045> (8686)
in the midst
of my people
and I will not [let them] pollute
<02490> (8686)
my holy
any more: and the heathen
shall know
<03045> (8804)
that I [am] the LORD
the Holy One
in Israel
Behold, it is come
<0935> (8804)_,
and it is done
<01961> (8738)_,
<05002> (8803)
the Lord
this [is] the day
whereof I have spoken
<01696> (8765)_.
And they that dwell
<03427> (8802)
in the cities
of Israel
shall go forth
<03318> (8804)_,
and shall set
<01197> (8765)
on fire
and burn
<05400> (8689)
the weapons
both the shields
and the bucklers
the bows
and the arrows
and the handstaves
<03027> <04731>_,
and the spears
and they shall burn
<01197> (8765)
them with fire
{handstaves: or, javelins} {burn them...: or, make a fire of them}
So that they shall take
<05375> (8799)
no wood
out of the field
neither cut down
<02404> (8799)
[any] out of the forests
for they shall burn
<01197> (8762)
the weapons
with fire
and they shall spoil
<07997> (8804)
those that spoiled
<07997> (8802)
them, and rob
<0962> (8804)
those that robbed
<0962> (8802)
them, saith
<05002> (8803)
the Lord
And it shall come to pass in that day
[that] I will give
<05414> (8799)
unto Gog
a place
there of graves
in Israel
the valley
of the passengers
<05674> (8802)
on the east
of the sea
and it shall stop
<02629> (8802)
the [noses] of the passengers
<05674> (8802)_:
and there shall they bury
<06912> (8804)
and all his multitude
and they shall call
<07121> (8804)
[it] The valley
of Hamongog
{noses: or, mouths} {Hamongog: that is, The multitude of Gog}
And seven
shall the house
of Israel
be burying
<06912> (8804)
of them, that they may cleanse
<02891> (8763)
the land
Yea, all the people
of the land
shall bury
<06912> (8804)
[them]; and it shall be to them a renown
the day
that I shall be glorified
<03513> (8736)_,
<05002> (8803)
the Lord
And they shall sever out
<0914> (8686)
of continual employment
passing through
<05674> (8802)
the land
to bury
<06912> (8764)
with the passengers
<05674> (8802)
those that remain
<03498> (8737)
upon the face
of the earth
to cleanse
<02891> (8763)
it: after the end
of seven
shall they search
<02713> (8799)_.
{men...: Heb. men of continuance}
And the passengers
<05674> (8802)
[that] pass through
<05674> (8804)
the land
when [any] seeth
<07200> (8804)
a man's
then shall he set up
<01129> (8804)
a sign
it, till the buriers
<06912> (8764)
have buried
<06912> (8804)
it in the valley
of Hamongog
{set up: Heb. build}
And also the name
of the city
[shall be] Hamonah
Thus shall they cleanse
<02891> (8765)
the land
{Hamonah: that is, The multitude}
And, thou son
of man
thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the Lord
<0559> (8798)
unto every feathered
and to every beast
of the field
<06908> (8734)
yourselves, and come
<0935> (8798)_;
<0622> (8734)
yourselves on every side
to my sacrifice
that I do sacrifice
<02076> (8802)
for you, [even] a great
upon the mountains
of Israel
that ye may eat
<0398> (8804)
and drink
<08354> (8804)
{unto...: Heb. to the fowl of every wing} {my sacrifice: or, my slaughter}
Ye shall eat
<0398> (8799)
the flesh
of the mighty
and drink
<08354> (8799)
the blood
of the princes
of the earth
of rams
of lambs
and of goats
of bullocks
all of them fatlings
of Bashan
{goats: Heb. great goats}
And ye shall eat
<0398> (8804)
till ye be full
and drink
<08354> (8804)
till ye be drunken
of my sacrifice
which I have sacrificed
<02076> (8804)
for you.
Thus ye shall be filled
<07646> (8804)
at my table
with horses
and chariots
with mighty men
and with all men
of war
<05002> (8803)
the Lord
And I will set
<05414> (8804)
my glory
among the heathen
and all the heathen
shall see
<07200> (8804)
my judgment
that I have executed
<06213> (8804)_,
and my hand
that I have laid
<07760> (8804)
upon them.
So the house
of Israel
shall know
<03045> (8804)
that I [am] the LORD
their God
from that day
and forward
And the heathen
shall know
<03045> (8804)
that the house
of Israel
went into captivity
<01540> (8804)
for their iniquity
because they trespassed
<04603> (8804)
against me, therefore hid
<05641> (8686)
I my face
from them, and gave
<05414> (8799)
them into the hand
of their enemies
so fell
<05307> (8799)
they all by the sword
According to their uncleanness
and according to their transgressions
have I done
<06213> (8804)
unto them, and hid
<05641> (8686)
my face
from them.
Therefore thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the Lord
Now will I bring again
<07725> (8686)
the captivity
<07622> (8675) <07622>
of Jacob
and have mercy
<07355> (8765)
upon the whole house
of Israel
and will be jealous
<07065> (8765)
for my holy
After that they have borne
<05375> (8804)
their shame
and all their trespasses
whereby they have trespassed
<04603> (8804)
against me, when they dwelt
<03427> (8800)
in their land
and none made [them] afraid
<02729> (8688)_.
When I have brought them again
<07725> (8788)
from the people
and gathered
<06908> (8765)
them out of their enemies
<0341> (8802)_'
and am sanctified
<06942> (8738)
in them in the sight
of many
Then shall they know
<03045> (8804)
that I [am] the LORD
their God
which caused them to be led into captivity
<01540> (8687)
among the heathen
but I have gathered
<03664> (8765)
them unto their own land
and have left
<03498> (8686)
none of them any more there. {which...: Heb. by my causing of them, etc}
Neither will I hide
<05641> (8686)
my face
any more from them: for I have poured out
<08210> (8804)
my spirit
upon the house
of Israel
<05002> (8803)
the Lord

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