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Isaiah 34

Come near
<07126> (8798)_,
ye nations
to hear
<08085> (8800)_;
and hearken
<07181> (8685)_,
ye people
let the earth
<08085> (8799)_,
and all that is therein
the world
and all things that come forth
of it. {all that...: Heb. the fulness thereof}
For the indignation
of the LORD
[is] upon all nations
and [his] fury
upon all their armies
he hath utterly destroyed
<02763> (8689)
them, he hath delivered
<05414> (8804)
them to the slaughter
Their slain
also shall be cast out
<07993> (8714)_,
and their stink
shall come up
<05927> (8799)
out of their carcases
and the mountains
shall be melted
<04549> (8738)
with their blood
And all the host
of heaven
shall be dissolved
<04743> (8738)_,
and the heavens
shall be rolled together
<01556> (8738)
as a scroll
and all their host
shall fall down
<05034> (8799)_,
as the leaf
falleth off
<05034> (8800)
from the vine
and as a falling
<05034> (8802)
[fig] from the fig tree
For my sword
shall be bathed
<07301> (8765)
in heaven
behold, it shall come down
<03381> (8799)
upon Idumea
and upon the people
of my curse
to judgment
The sword
of the LORD
is filled
<04390> (8804)
with blood
it is made fat
<01878> (8719)
with fatness
[and] with the blood
of lambs
and goats
with the fat
of the kidneys
of rams
for the LORD
hath a sacrifice
in Bozrah
and a great
in the land
of Idumea
And the unicorns
shall come down
<03381> (8804)
with them, and the bullocks
with the bulls
and their land
shall be soaked
<07301> (8765)
with blood
and their dust
made fat
<01878> (8792)
with fatness
{unicorns: or, rhinocerots} {soaked: or, drunken}
For [it is] the day
of the LORD'S
[and] the year
of recompences
for the controversy
of Zion
And the streams
thereof shall be turned
<02015> (8738)
into pitch
and the dust
thereof into brimstone
and the land
thereof shall become burning
<01197> (8802)
It shall not be quenched
<03518> (8799)
nor day
the smoke
thereof shall go up
<05927> (8799)
for ever
from generation
to generation
it shall lie waste
<02717> (8799)_;
none shall pass through
<05674> (8802)
it for ever
and ever
But the cormorant
and the bittern
shall possess
<03423> (8804)
it; the owl
also and the raven
shall dwell
<07931> (8799)
in it: and he shall stretch out
<05186> (8804)
upon it the line
of confusion
and the stones
of emptiness
{cormorant: or, pelican}
They shall call
<07121> (8799)
the nobles
thereof to the kingdom
but none [shall be] there, and all her princes
shall be nothing
And thorns
shall come up
<05927> (8804)
in her palaces
and brambles
in the fortresses
thereof: and it shall be an habitation
of dragons
[and] a court
for owls
<01323> <03284>_.
{owls: or, ostriches: Heb. daughters of the owl}
The wild beasts of the desert
shall also meet
<06298> (8804)
with the wild beasts of the island
and the satyr
shall cry
<07121> (8799)
to his fellow
the screech owl
also shall rest
<07280> (8689)
there, and find
<04672> (8804)
for herself a place of rest
{The wild...desert: Heb. Ziim} {the wild...island: Heb. Ijim} {screech...: or, night monster}
There shall the great owl
make her nest
<07077> (8765)_,
and lay
<04422> (8762)_,
and hatch
<01234> (8804)_,
and gather
<01716> (8804)
under her shadow
there shall the vultures
also be gathered
<06908> (8738)_,
every one
with her mate
Seek ye out
<01875> (8798)
of the book
of the LORD
and read
<07121> (8798)_:
no one
of these
shall fail
<05737> (8738)_,
shall want
<06485> (8804)
her mate
for my mouth
it hath commanded
<06680> (8765)_,
and his spirit
it hath gathered
<06908> (8765)
And he hath cast
<05307> (8689)
the lot
for them, and his hand
hath divided
<02505> (8765)
it unto them by line
they shall possess
<03423> (8799)
it for
from generation
to generation
shall they dwell
<07931> (8799)

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