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Jeremiah 2:22

For though thou wash
<03526> (8762)
thee with nitre
and take thee much
<07235> (8686)
[yet] thine iniquity
is marked
<03799> (8737)
me, saith
<05002> (8803)
the Lord

Jeremiah 6:29

The bellows
are burned
<02787> (8738)_,
the lead
is consumed
<08552> (8804)
of the fire
<0800> <0784>_;
the founder
<06884> (8800)
<06884> (8804)
in vain
for the wicked
are not plucked away
<05423> (8738)_.

Jeremiah 7:33

And the carcases
of this people
shall be meat
for the fowls
of the heaven
and for the beasts
of the earth
and none shall fray [them] away
<02729> (8688)_.

Jeremiah 9:11

And I will make
<05414> (8804)
[and] a den
of dragons
and I will make
<05414> (8799)
the cities
of Judah
without an inhabitant
<03427> (8802)_.
{desolate: Heb. desolation}

Jeremiah 10:7

Who would not fear
<03372> (8799)
thee, O King
of nations
for to thee doth it appertain
<02969> (8804)_:
forasmuch as among all the wise
[men] of the nations
and in all their kingdoms
[there is] none like unto thee. {to...: or, it liketh thee}

Jeremiah 10:14

Every man
is brutish
<01197> (8738)
in [his] knowledge
every founder
<06884> (8802)
is confounded
<03001> (8689)
by the graven image
for his molten image
[is] falsehood
and [there is] no breath
in them. {brutish in his knowledge: or, more brutish than to know}

Jeremiah 13:23

Can the Ethiopian
<02015> (8799)
his skin
or the leopard
his spots
[then] may
<03201> (8799)
ye also do good
<03190> (8687)_,
that are accustomed
to do evil
<07489> (8687)_.
{accustomed: Heb. taught}

Jeremiah 14:3-4

And their nobles
have sent
<07971> (8804)
their little ones
to the waters
they came
<0935> (8804)
to the pits
<01356> (8676) <01360>_,
[and] found
<04672> (8804)
no water
they returned
<07725> (8804)
with their vessels
they were ashamed
<0954> (8804)
and confounded
<03637> (8717)_,
and covered
<02645> (8804)
their heads
Because the ground
is chapt
<02865> (8804)_,
for there was no rain
in the earth
the plowmen
were ashamed
<0954> (8804)_,
they covered
<02645> (8804)
their heads

Jeremiah 16:13

Therefore will I cast
<02904> (8689)
you out of this land
into a land
that ye know
<03045> (8804)
not, [neither] ye nor your fathers
and there shall ye serve
<05647> (8804)
and night
where I will not shew
<05414> (8799)
you favour

Jeremiah 18:4

And the vessel
that he made
<06213> (8802)
of clay
was marred
<07843> (8738)
in the hand
of the potter
<03335> (8802)_:
so he made
<06213> (8799)
it again
<07725> (8804)
as seemed
<03474> (8804)
to the potter
<03335> (8802)
to make
<06213> (8800)
[it]. {of clay...: or, was marred, as clay in the hand of the potter} {made it...: Heb. returned and made, etc}

Jeremiah 22:26

And I will cast thee out
<02904> (8689)_,
and thy mother
that bare
<03205> (8804)
thee, into another
where ye were not born
<03205> (8795)_;
and there shall ye die
<04191> (8799)_.

Jeremiah 24:6

For I will set
<07760> (8804)
mine eyes
upon them for good
and I will bring them again
<07725> (8689)
to this land
and I will build
<01129> (8804)
them, and not pull [them] down
<02040> (8799)_;
and I will plant
<05193> (8804)
them, and not pluck [them] up
<05428> (8799)_.

Jeremiah 26:20

And there was also a man
that prophesied
<05012> (8693)
in the name
of the LORD
the son
of Shemaiah
of Kirjathjearim
who prophesied
<05012> (8735)
against this city
and against this land
according to all the words
of Jeremiah

Jeremiah 26:23

And they fetched forth
<03318> (8686)
out of Egypt
and brought
<0935> (8686)
him unto Jehoiakim
the king
who slew
<05221> (8686)
him with the sword
and cast
<07993> (8686)
his dead body
into the graves
of the common
{common...: Heb. sons of the people}

Jeremiah 27:13

Why will ye die
<04191> (8799)_,
thou and thy people
by the sword
by the famine
and by the pestilence
as the LORD
hath spoken
<01696> (8765)
against the nation
that will not serve
<05647> (8799)
the king
of Babylon

Jeremiah 29:28

For therefore he sent
<07971> (8804)
unto us [in] Babylon
<0559> (8800)_,
[captivity is] long
<01129> (8798)
ye houses
and dwell
<03427> (8798)
[in them]; and plant
<05193> (8798)
and eat
<0398> (8798)
the fruit
of them.

Jeremiah 30:7

for that day
[is] great
so that
none [is] like it: it [is] even the time
of Jacob's
but he shall be saved
<03467> (8735)
out of it.

Jeremiah 32:5

And he shall lead
<03212> (8686)
to Babylon
and there shall he be until I visit
<06485> (8800)
him, saith
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
though ye fight
<03898> (8735)
with the Chaldeans
ye shall not prosper
<06743> (8686)_.

Jeremiah 37:12

Then Jeremiah
went forth
<03318> (8799)
out of Jerusalem
to go
<03212> (8800)
into the land
of Benjamin
to separate
<02505> (8687)
himself thence in the midst
of the people
{separate...: or, to slip away from thence in the midst of the people}

Jeremiah 37:20

Therefore hear
<08085> (8798)
now, I pray thee, O my lord
the king
let my supplication
I pray thee, be accepted
<05307> (8799)
thee; that thou cause me not to return
<07725> (8686)
to the house
of Jonathan
the scribe
<05608> (8802)_,
lest I die
<04191> (8799)
there. {let...: Heb. let my supplication fall}

Jeremiah 39:6

Then the king
of Babylon
<07819> (8799)
the sons
of Zedekiah
in Riblah
before his eyes
also the king
of Babylon
<07819> (8804)
all the nobles
of Judah

Jeremiah 43:9

<03947> (8798)
in thine hand
and hide
<02934> (8804)
them in the clay
in the brickkiln
which [is] at the entry
of Pharaoh's
in Tahpanhes
in the sight
of the men
of Judah

Jeremiah 44:3

of their wickedness
which they have committed
<06213> (8804)
to provoke me to anger
<03707> (8687)_,
in that they went
<03212> (8800)
to burn incense
<06999> (8763)_,
[and] to serve
<05647> (8800)
whom they knew
<03045> (8804)
not, [neither] they, ye, nor your fathers

Jeremiah 46:11

Go up
<05927> (8798)
into Gilead
and take
<03947> (8798)
O virgin
the daughter
of Egypt
in vain
shalt thou use many
<07235> (8689)
[for] thou shalt not be cured
{thou shalt...: Heb. no cure shall be unto thee}

Jeremiah 47:6

thou sword
of the LORD
how long [will it be] ere
thou be quiet
<08252> (8799)_?
put up
<0622> (8734)
thyself into thy scabbard
<07280> (8734)_,
and be still
<01826> (8798)_.
{put...: Heb. gather thyself}

Jeremiah 48:38

[There shall be] lamentation
generally upon all the housetops
of Moab
and in the streets
thereof: for I have broken
<07665> (8804)
like a vessel
wherein [is] no pleasure
<05002> (8803)
the LORD

Jeremiah 49:18

As in the overthrow
of Sodom
and Gomorrah
and the neighbour
[cities] thereof, saith
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
no man
shall abide
<03427> (8799)
there, neither shall a son
of man
<01481> (8799)
in it.

Jeremiah 50:28

The voice
of them that flee
<05127> (8801)
and escape out
of the land
of Babylon
to declare
<05046> (8687)
in Zion
the vengeance
of the LORD
our God
the vengeance
of his temple

Jeremiah 50:40

As God
and Gomorrah
and the neighbour
[cities] thereof, saith
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
[so] shall no man
<03427> (8799)
there, neither shall any son
of man
<01481> (8799)

Jeremiah 51:17

Every man
is brutish
<01197> (8738)
by [his] knowledge
every founder
<06884> (8802)
is confounded
<03001> (8689)
by the graven image
for his molten image
[is] falsehood
and [there is] no breath
in them. {is brutish...: or, is more brutish than to know}

Jeremiah 51:37

And Babylon
shall become heaps
a dwellingplace
for dragons
an astonishment
and an hissing
without an inhabitant
<03427> (8802)_.

Jeremiah 52:10-11

And the king
of Babylon
<07819> (8799)
the sons
of Zedekiah
before his eyes
he slew
<07819> (8804)
also all the princes
of Judah
in Riblah
Then he put out
<05786> (8765)
the eyes
of Zedekiah
and the king
of Babylon
<0631> (8799)
him in chains
and carried
<0935> (8686)
him to Babylon
and put
<05414> (8799)
him in prison
<01004> <06486>
till the day
of his death
{put out: Heb. blinded} {chains: or, fetters} {prison: Heb. house of the wards}

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