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NETBible: Strong -- 06810

tsa`iyr <06810>

ryeu tsa`iyr or rweu tsa`owr

Pronunciation:tsaw-eer' tsaw-ore'
Origin:from 06819
Reference:TWOT - 1948a
In Hebrew:ryeu 5, hryeuh 4, ryeuh 2, yryeu 2, ryeuhw 2, *Mhyryeu {Mhyrweu} 1, wryeubw 1, *hyryeu {hyrweu} 1, hryeuhw 1, hreuh 1, wryeu 1, Myryeu 1
In NET:younger 7, youngest 4, little ones 2, smallest 2, insignificant 1, those who are younger 1, young 1
In AV:younger 8, least 4, youngest 3, little 2, little ones 2, small one 1, small 1, young + 03117 1
Definition:1) little, insignificant, young
1a) little, insignificant
1b) insignificant, mean
1c) young, younger, youngest
or tsanowr {tsaw-ore'}; from 6819; little; (in number) few;
(in age) young, (in value) ignoble:-least, little (one),
small (one), + young(-er, -est).
see HEBREW for 06819

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