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Jeremiah 1:17

Thou therefore gird up
<0247> (8799)
thy loins
and arise
<06965> (8804)_,
and speak
<01696> (8765)
unto them all that I command
<06680> (8762)
thee: be not dismayed
<02865> (8735)
at their faces
lest I confound
<02865> (8686)
thee before
them. {confound: or, break to pieces}

Jeremiah 2:22

For though thou wash
<03526> (8762)
thee with nitre
and take thee much
<07235> (8686)
[yet] thine iniquity
is marked
<03799> (8737)
me, saith
<05002> (8803)
the Lord

Jeremiah 2:35

Yet thou sayest
<0559> (8799)_,
Because I am innocent
<05352> (8738)_,
surely his anger
shall turn
<07725> (8804)
from me. Behold, I will plead
<08199> (8737)
with thee, because thou sayest
<0559> (8800)_,
I have not sinned
<02398> (8804)_.

Jeremiah 3:3

Therefore the showers
have been withholden
<04513> (8735)_,
and there hath been no latter rain
and thou hadst a whore's
<02181> (8802) <0802>
thou refusedst
<03985> (8765)
to be ashamed
<03637> (8736)_.

Jeremiah 4:1

If thou wilt return
<07725> (8799)_,
O Israel
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
<07725> (8799)
unto me: and if thou wilt put away
<05493> (8686)
thine abominations
out of my sight
then shalt thou not remove
<05110> (8799)_.

Jeremiah 7:3

Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
of hosts
the God
of Israel
<03190> (8685)
your ways
and your doings
and I will cause you to dwell
<07931> (8762)
in this place

Jeremiah 7:11

Is this house
which is called
<07121> (8738)
by my name
become a den
of robbers
in your eyes
Behold, even I have seen
<07200> (8804)
[it], saith
<05002> (8803)
the LORD

Jeremiah 7:14

Therefore will I do
<06213> (8804)
unto [this] house
which is called
<07121> (8738)
by my name
wherein ye trust
<0982> (8802)_,
and unto the place
which I gave
<05414> (8804)
to you and to your fathers
as I have done
<06213> (8804)
to Shiloh

Jeremiah 10:7

Who would not fear
<03372> (8799)
thee, O King
of nations
for to thee doth it appertain
<02969> (8804)_:
forasmuch as among all the wise
[men] of the nations
and in all their kingdoms
[there is] none like unto thee. {to...: or, it liketh thee}

Jeremiah 12:1-3

[art] thou, O LORD
when I plead
<07378> (8799)
with thee: yet let me talk
<01696> (8762)
with thee of [thy] judgments
Wherefore doth the way
of the wicked
<06743> (8804)_?
[wherefore] are all they happy
<07951> (8804)
that deal very
<0898> (8802)_?
{talk...: or, reason the case with thee}
Thou hast planted
<05193> (8804)
them, yea, they have taken root
<08327> (8776)_:
they grow
<03212> (8799)_,
yea, they bring forth
<06213> (8804)
thou [art] near
in their mouth
and far from
their reins
{they grow: Heb. they go on}
But thou, O LORD
<03045> (8804)
me: thou hast seen
<07200> (8799)
me, and tried
<0974> (8804)
mine heart
toward thee: pull them out
<05423> (8685)
like sheep
for the slaughter
and prepare
<06942> (8685)
them for the day
of slaughter
{toward...: Heb. with thee}

Jeremiah 14:9

Why shouldest thou be as a man
<01724> (8737)_,
as a mighty man
[that] cannot
<03201> (8799)
<03467> (8687)_?
yet thou, O LORD
[art] in the midst
of us, and we are called
<07121> (8738)
by thy name
<03240> (8686)
us not. {we...: Heb. thy name is called upon us}

Jeremiah 14:13

Then said
<0559> (8799)
I, Ah
behold, the prophets
<0559> (8802)
unto them, Ye shall not see
<07200> (8799)
the sword
neither shall ye have famine
but I will give
<05414> (8799)
you assured
in this place
{assured...: Heb. peace of truth}

Jeremiah 15:5

For who shall have pity
<02550> (8799)
upon thee, O Jerusalem
or who shall bemoan
<05110> (8799)
thee? or who shall go aside
<05493> (8799)
to ask
<07592> (8800)
how thou doest
{how...: Heb. of thy peace?}

Jeremiah 17:16

As for me, I have not hastened
<0213> (8804)
from [being] a pastor
<07462> (8802)
to follow
thee: neither have I desired
<0183> (8694)
the woeful
<0605> (8803)
thou knowest
<03045> (8804)_:
that which came out
of my lips
was [right] before
{to...: Heb. after thee}

Jeremiah 20:7

thou hast deceived
<06601> (8765)
me, and I was deceived
<06601> (8735)_:
thou art stronger
<02388> (8804)
than I, and hast prevailed
<03201> (8799)_:
I am in derision
every one mocketh
<03932> (8802)
me. {was deceived: or, was enticed}

Jeremiah 20:12

of hosts
that triest
<0974> (8802)
the righteous
[and] seest
<07200> (8802)
the reins
and the heart
let me see
<07200> (8799)
thy vengeance
on them: for unto thee have I opened
<01540> (8765)
my cause

Jeremiah 21:13

Behold, I [am] against thee, O inhabitant
<03427> (8802)
of the valley
[and] rock
of the plain
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
which say
<0559> (8802)_,
Who shall come down
<05181> (8799)
against us? or who shall enter
<0935> (8799)
into our habitations
{inhabitant: Heb. inhabitress}

Jeremiah 22:25

And I will give
<05414> (8804)
thee into the hand
of them that seek
<01245> (8764)
thy life
and into the hand
[of them] whose face
thou fearest
<03016> (8801)_,
even into the hand
of Nebuchadrezzar
of Babylon
and into the hand
of the Chaldeans

Jeremiah 26:5

To hearken
<08085> (8800)
to the words
of my servants
the prophets
whom I sent
<07971> (8802)
unto you, both rising up early
<07925> (8687)_,
and sending
<07971> (8800)
[them], but ye have not hearkened
<08085> (8804)_;

Jeremiah 26:13

Therefore now amend
<03190> (8685)
your ways
and your doings
and obey
<08085> (8798)
the voice
of the LORD
your God
and the LORD
will repent
<05162> (8735)
him of the evil
that he hath pronounced
<01696> (8765)
against you.

Jeremiah 27:10

For they prophesy
<05012> (8737)
a lie
unto you, to remove you far
<07368> (8687)
from your land
and that I should drive you out
<05080> (8689)_,
and ye should perish
<06> (8804)_.

Jeremiah 28:16

Therefore thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
Behold, I will cast
<07971> (8764)
thee from off the face
of the earth
this year
thou shalt die
<04191> (8801)_,
because thou hast taught
<01696> (8765)
against the LORD
{rebellion: Heb. revolt}

Jeremiah 29:10

For thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
That after
be accomplished
<04390> (8800)
at Babylon
I will visit
<06485> (8799)
you, and perform
<06965> (8689)
my good
toward you, in causing you to return
<07725> (8687)
to this place

Jeremiah 30:16

Therefore all they that devour
<0398> (8802)
thee shall be devoured
<0398> (8735)_;
and all thine adversaries
every one of them, shall go
<03212> (8799)
into captivity
and they that spoil
<07601> (8802) (8675) <08154> (8802)
thee shall be a spoil
and all that prey
<0962> (8802)
upon thee will I give
<05414> (8799)
for a prey

Jeremiah 31:4

Again I will build
<01129> (8799)
thee, and thou shalt be built
<01129> (8738)_,
O virgin
of Israel
thou shalt again be adorned
<05710> (8799)
with thy tabrets
and shalt go forth
<03318> (8804)
in the dances
of them that make merry
<07832> (8764)_.
{tabrets: or, timbrels}

Jeremiah 32:7

Behold, Hanameel
the son
of Shallum
thine uncle
shall come
<0935> (8802)
unto thee, saying
<0559> (8800)_,
<07069> (8798)
thee my field
that [is] in Anathoth
for the right
of redemption
[is] thine to buy
<07069> (8800)

Jeremiah 32:18

Thou shewest
<06213> (8802)
unto thousands
and recompensest
<07999> (8764)
the iniquity
of the fathers
into the bosom
of their children
them: the Great
the Mighty
the LORD
of hosts
[is] his name

Jeremiah 34:3

And thou shalt not escape out
<04422> (8735)
of his hand
but shalt surely
<08610> (8800)
be taken
<08610> (8735)_,
and delivered
<05414> (8735)
into his hand
and thine eyes
shall behold
<07200> (8799)
the eyes
of the king
of Babylon
and he shall speak
<01696> (8762)
with thee mouth
to mouth
and thou shalt go
<0935> (8799)
to Babylon
{he shall...: Heb. his mouth shall speak to thy mouth}

Jeremiah 37:18

Moreover Jeremiah
<0559> (8799)
unto king
What have I offended
<02398> (8804)
against thee, or against thy servants
or against this people
that ye have put
<05414> (8804)
me in prison
<01004> <03608>_?

Jeremiah 38:20

But Jeremiah
<0559> (8799)_,
They shall not deliver
<05414> (8799)
[thee]. Obey
<08085> (8798)_,
I beseech thee, the voice
of the LORD
which I speak
<01696> (8802)
unto thee: so it shall be well
<03190> (8799)
unto thee, and thy soul
shall live
<02421> (8799)_.

Jeremiah 44:29

And this [shall be] a sign
unto you, saith
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
that I will punish
<06485> (8802)
you in this place
that ye may know
<03045> (8799)
that my words
shall surely
<06965> (8800)
<06965> (8799)
against you for evil

Jeremiah 46:11

Go up
<05927> (8798)
into Gilead
and take
<03947> (8798)
O virgin
the daughter
of Egypt
in vain
shalt thou use many
<07235> (8689)
[for] thou shalt not be cured
{thou shalt...: Heb. no cure shall be unto thee}

Jeremiah 48:7

For because thou hast trusted
<0982> (8800)
in thy works
and in thy treasures
thou shalt also be taken
<03920> (8735)_:
and Chemosh
shall go forth
<03318> (8804)
into captivity
[with] his priests
and his princes

Jeremiah 49:30

<05127> (8798)_,
<05110> (8798)
you far off
<03427> (8800)
<06009> (8689)_,
O ye inhabitants
<03427> (8802)
of Hazor
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
for Nebuchadrezzar
of Babylon
hath taken counsel
<06098> <03289> (8804)
against you, and hath conceived
<02803> (8804)
a purpose
against you. {get...: Heb. flit greatly}

Jeremiah 50:11

Because ye were glad
<08055> (8799)_,
because ye rejoiced
<05937> (8799)_,
O ye destroyers
<08154> (8802)
of mine heritage
because ye are grown fat
<06335> (8799)
as the heifer
at grass
<01877> (8676) <01758> (8801)_,
and bellow
<06670> (8799)
as bulls
{fat: Heb. big, or, corpulent} {bellow...: or, neigh as steeds}

Jeremiah 50:31

Behold, I [am] against thee, [O thou] most proud
<05002> (8803)
the Lord
of hosts
for thy day
is come
<0935> (8802)_,
the time
[that] I will visit
<06485> (8804)
thee. {most...: Heb. pride}

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