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Isaiah 10:1-34

unto them that decree
<02710> (8802)
and that write
<03789> (8764)
[which] they have prescribed
<03789> (8765)_;
{that write...: or, to the writers that write grievousness}
To turn aside
<05186> (8687)
the needy
from judgment
and to take away
<01497> (8800)
the right
from the poor
of my people
that widows
may be their prey
and [that] they may rob
<0962> (8799)
the fatherless
And what will ye do
<06213> (8799)
in the day
of visitation
and in the desolation
[which] shall come
<0935> (8799)
from far
to whom will ye flee
<05127> (8799)
for help
and where will ye leave
<05800> (8799)
your glory
Without me they shall
bow down
<03766> (8804)
under the prisoners
and they shall fall
<05307> (8799)
under the slain
<02026> (8803)_.
For all this his anger
is not turned away
<07725> (8804)_,
but his hand
[is] stretched out still
<05186> (8803)_.
the rod
of mine anger
and the staff
in their hand
is mine indignation
{O...: or, Woe to the Assyrian: Heb. Asshur} {and: or, though}
I will send
<07971> (8762)
him against an hypocritical
and against the people
of my wrath
will I give him a charge
<06680> (8762)_,
to take
<07997> (8800)
the spoil
and to take
<0962> (8800)
the prey
and to tread them down
<07760> (8800) <04823>
like the mire
of the streets
{tread...: Heb. lay them a treading}
Howbeit he meaneth
<01819> (8762)
not so, neither doth his heart
<02803> (8799)
so; but [it is] in his heart
to destroy
<08045> (8687)
and cut off
<03772> (8687)
not a few
For he saith
<0559> (8799)_,
[Are] not my princes
[Is] not Calno
as Carchemish
[is] not Hamath
as Arpad
[is] not Samaria
as Damascus
As my hand
hath found
<04672> (8804)
the kingdoms
of the idols
and whose graven images
did excel them of Jerusalem
and of Samaria
Shall I not, as I have done
<06213> (8804)
unto Samaria
and her idols
so do
<06213> (8799)
to Jerusalem
and her idols
Wherefore it shall come to pass, [that] when the Lord
hath performed
<01214> (8762)
his whole work
upon mount
and on Jerusalem
I will punish
<06485> (8799)
the fruit
of the stout
of the king
of Assyria
and the glory
of his high
{punish: Heb. visit upon} {stout...: Heb. greatness of the heart}
For he saith
<0559> (8804)_,
By the strength
of my hand
I have done
<06213> (8804)
[it], and by my wisdom
for I am prudent
<0995> (8738)_:
and I have removed
<05493> (8686)
the bounds
of the people
and have robbed
<08154> (8782)
their treasures
<06259> (8675) <06264>_,
and I have put down
<03381> (8686)
the inhabitants
<03427> (8802)
like a valiant
<047> <03524>
[man]: {a valiant...: or, many people}
And my hand
hath found
<04672> (8799)
as a nest
the riches
of the people
and as one gathereth
<0622> (8800)
[that are] left
<05800> (8803)_,
have I gathered
<0622> (8804)
all the earth
and there was none that moved
<05074> (8802)
the wing
or opened
<06475> (8802)
the mouth
or peeped
<06850> (8772)_.
Shall the axe
<06286> (8691)
itself against him that heweth
<02672> (8802)
therewith? [or] shall the saw
<01431> (8691)
itself against him that shaketh
<05130> (8688)
it? as if the rod
should shake
<05130> (8687)
[itself] against them that lift it up
<07311> (8688)_,
[or] as if the staff
should lift up
<07311> (8687)
[itself, as if it were] no wood
{the rod...: or, a rod should shake them that lift it up} {itself, as if...: or, that which is not wood}
Therefore shall the Lord
the Lord
<0136> (8676) <03068>
of hosts
<07971> (8762)
among his fat ones
and under his glory
he shall kindle
<03344> (8799)
a burning
like the burning of a fire
And the light
of Israel
shall be for a fire
and his Holy One
for a flame
and it shall burn
<01197> (8804)
and devour
<0398> (8804)
his thorns
and his briers
in one
And shall consume
<03615> (8762)
the glory
of his forest
and of his fruitful field
both soul
and body
and they shall be as when a standardbearer
<05263> (8802)
<04549> (8800)_.
{both...: Heb. from the soul, and even to the flesh}
And the rest
of the trees
of his forest
shall be few
that a child
may write
<03789> (8799)
them. {few: Heb. number}
And it shall come to pass in that day
[that] the remnant
of Israel
and such as are escaped
of the house
of Jacob
shall no more again
<03254> (8686)
<08172> (8736)
upon him that smote
<05221> (8688)
them; but shall stay
<08172> (8738)
upon the LORD
the Holy One
of Israel
in truth
The remnant
shall return
<07725> (8799)_,
[even] the remnant
of Jacob
unto the mighty
For though thy people
be as the sand
of the sea
[yet] a remnant
of them shall return
<07725> (8799)_:
the consumption
<02782> (8803)
shall overflow
<07857> (8802)
with righteousness
{of them: Heb. in, or, among, etc} {with: or, in}
For the Lord
of hosts
shall make
<06213> (8802)
a consumption
even determined
<02782> (8737)_,
in the midst
of all the land
Therefore thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the Lord
of hosts
O my people
that dwellest
<03427> (8802)
in Zion
be not afraid
<03372> (8799)
of the Assyrian
he shall smite
<05221> (8686)
thee with a rod
and shall lift up
<05375> (8799)
his staff
against thee, after the manner
of Egypt
{and shall...: or, but he shall lift up his staff for}
For yet a very
little while
and the indignation
shall cease
<03615> (8804)_,
and mine anger
in their destruction
And the LORD
of hosts
shall stir up
<05782> (8790)
a scourge
for him according to the slaughter
of Midian
at the rock
of Oreb
and [as] his rod
[was] upon the sea
so shall he lift it up
<05375> (8804)
after the manner
of Egypt
And it shall come to pass in that day
[that] his burden
shall be taken away
<05493> (8799)
from off thy shoulder
and his yoke
from off thy neck
and the yoke
shall be destroyed
<02254> (8795)
of the anointing
{be taken...: Heb. remove}
He is come
<0935> (8804)
to Aiath
he is passed
<05674> (8804)
to Migron
at Michmash
he hath laid up
<06485> (8686)
his carriages
They are gone over
<05674> (8804)
the passage
they have taken up their lodging
at Geba
is afraid
<02729> (8804)_;
of Saul
is fled
<05127> (8804)_.
Lift up
<06670> (8761)
thy voice
O daughter
cause it to be heard
<07181> (8685)
unto Laish
O poor
{Lift...: Heb. Cry shrill with}
is removed
<05074> (8804)_;
the inhabitants
<03427> (8802)
of Gebim
gather themselves to flee
<05756> (8689)_.
As yet shall he remain
<05975> (8800)
at Nob
that day
he shall shake
<05130> (8787)
his hand
[against] the mount
of the daughter
<01323> (8675) <01004>
of Zion
the hill
of Jerusalem
Behold, the Lord
the LORD
of hosts
shall lop
<05586> (8764)
the bough
with terror
and the high ones
<07311> (8802)
of stature
[shall be] hewn down
<01438> (8803)_,
and the haughty
shall be humbled
<08213> (8799)_.
And he shall cut down
<05362> (8765)
the thickets
of the forest
with iron
and Lebanon
shall fall
<05307> (8799)
by a mighty one
{by...: or, mightily}

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