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Job 3:3

Let the day
<06> (8799)
wherein I was born
<03205> (8735)_,
and the night
[in which] it was said
<0559> (8804)_,
There is a man child
<02029> (8795)_.

Job 3:12

Why did the knees
<06923> (8765)
me? or why the breasts
that I should suck
<03243> (8799)_?

Job 3:16

Or as an hidden
<02934> (8803)
untimely birth
I had not been; as infants
[which] never saw
<07200> (8804)

Job 4:8

Even as I have seen
<07200> (8804)_,
they that plow
<02790> (8802)
and sow
<02232> (8802)
<07114> (8799)
the same.

Job 6:8

Oh that I might have
<0935> (8799)
my request
and that God
would grant
<05414> (8799)
[me] the thing that I long for
{the thing...: Heb. my expectation}

Job 7:3

So am I made to possess
<05157> (8717)
of vanity
and wearisome
are appointed
<04487> (8765)
to me.

Job 7:12

[Am] I a sea
or a whale
that thou settest
<07760> (8799)
a watch
over me?

Job 8:18

If he destroy
<01104> (8762)
him from his place
then [it] shall deny
<03584> (8765)
him, [saying], I have not seen
<07200> (8804)

Job 10:2

I will say
<0559> (8799)
unto God
Do not condemn
<07561> (8686)
me; shew
<03045> (8685)
me wherefore thou contendest
<07378> (8799)
with me.

Job 10:14

If I sin
<02398> (8804)_,
then thou markest
<08104> (8804)
me, and thou wilt not acquit
<05352> (8762)
me from mine iniquity

Job 10:16

For it increaseth
<01342> (8799)_.
Thou huntest
<06679> (8799)
me as a fierce lion
and again
<07725> (8799)
thou shewest thyself marvellous
<06381> (8691)
upon me.

Job 10:20

[Are] not my days
<02308> (8798) (8675) <02308> (8799)
[then, and] let me alone
<07896> (8798) (8675) <07896> (8799)_,
that I may take comfort
<01082> (8686)
a little

Job 13:13

Hold your peace
<02790> (8685)_,
let me alone, that I may speak
<01696> (8762)_,
and let come
<05674> (8799)
on me what [will]. {Hold...: Heb. Be silent from me}

Job 13:20

Only do
<06213> (8799)
not two
[things] unto me: then will I not hide
<05641> (8735)
myself from thee

Job 16:22

When a few
are come
<0857> (8799)_,
then I shall go
<01980> (8799)
the way
[whence] I shall not return
<07725> (8799)_.
{a few...: Heb. years of number}

Job 17:6

He hath made
<03322> (8689)
me also a byword
of the people
and aforetime
I was as a tabret
{aforetime: or, before them}

Job 17:10

as for you all, do ye return
<07725> (8799)_,
and come now
<0935> (8798)_:
for I cannot find
<04672> (8799)
[one] wise
[man] among you.

Job 17:14

I have said
<07121> (8804)
to corruption
Thou [art] my father
to the worm
[Thou art] my mother
and my sister
{said: Heb. cried, or, called}

Job 19:10

He hath destroyed
<05422> (8799)
me on every side
and I am gone
<03212> (8799)_:
and mine hope
hath he removed
<05265> (8686)
like a tree

Job 19:15

They that dwell
<01481> (8802)
in mine house
and my maids
<02803> (8799)
me for a stranger
<02114> (8801)_:
I am an alien
in their sight

Job 19:20

My bone
<01692> (8804)
to my skin
and to my flesh
and I am escaped
<04422> (8691)
with the skin
of my teeth
{and to: or, as to}

Job 19:25

For I know
<03045> (8804)
[that] my redeemer
<01350> (8802)
and [that] he shall stand
<06965> (8799)
at the latter
[day] upon the earth

Job 23:7

There the righteous
might dispute
<03198> (8737)
with him; so should I be delivered
<06403> (8762)
for ever
from my judge
<08199> (8802)_.

Job 23:11

My foot
hath held
<0270> (8804)
his steps
his way
have I kept
<08104> (8804)_,
and not declined
<05186> (8686)_.

Job 23:17

Because I was not cut off
<06789> (8738)
the darkness
[neither] hath he covered
<03680> (8765)
the darkness
from my face

Job 29:3-4

When his candle
<01984> (8800)
upon my head
[and when] by his light
I walked
<03212> (8799)
[through] darkness
{candle: or, lamp}
As I was in the days
of my youth
when the secret
of God
[was] upon my tabernacle

Job 29:12-14

Because I delivered
<04422> (8762)
the poor
that cried
<07768> (8764)_,
and the fatherless
and [him that had] none to help
<05826> (8802)
The blessing
of him that was ready to perish
<06> (8802)
<0935> (8799)
upon me: and I caused the widow's
to sing for joy
<07442> (8686)_.
I put
<03847> (8804)
on righteousness
and it clothed
<03847> (8799)
me: my judgment
[was] as a robe
and a diadem

Job 30:23

For I know
<03045> (8804)
[that] thou wilt bring
<07725> (8686)
me [to] death
and [to] the house
for all living

Job 31:13

If I did despise
<03988> (8799)
the cause
of my manservant
or of my maidservant
when they contended
with me;

Job 31:16-17

If I have withheld
<04513> (8799)
the poor
from [their] desire
or have caused the eyes
of the widow
to fail
<03615> (8762)_;
Or have eaten
<0398> (8799)
my morsel
myself alone, and the fatherless
hath not eaten
<0398> (8804)

Job 31:19

If I have seen
<07200> (8799)
any perish
<06> (8802)
for want of clothing
or any poor
without covering

Job 31:23-24

For destruction
[from] God
[was] a terror
to me, and by reason of his highness
I could
<03201> (8799)
not endure.
If I have made
<07760> (8804)
my hope
or have said
<0559> (8804)
to the fine gold
[Thou art] my confidence

Job 31:26

If I beheld
<07200> (8799)
the sun
when it shined
<01984> (8686)_,
or the moon
<01980> (8802)
[in] brightness
{sun: Heb. light} {in...: Heb. bright}

Job 31:28

This also [were] an iniquity
[to be punished by] the judge
for I should have denied
<03584> (8765)
the God
[that is] above

Job 31:30

Neither have I suffered
<05414> (8804)
my mouth
to sin
<02398> (8800)
by wishing
<07592> (8800)
a curse
to his soul
{mouth: Heb. palate}

Job 31:32

The stranger
did not lodge
<03885> (8799)
in the street
[but] I opened
<06605> (8799)
my doors
to the traveller
{traveller: or, way}

Job 32:14

Now he hath not directed
<06186> (8804)
[his] words
against me: neither will I answer
<07725> (8686)
him with your speeches
{directed: or, ordered}

Job 32:16

When I had waited
<03176> (8689)_,
(for they spake
<01696> (8762)
not, but stood still
<05975> (8804)_,
[and] answered
<06030> (8804)
no more;)

Job 33:12

Behold, [in] this thou art not just
<06663> (8804)_:
I will answer
<06030> (8799)
thee, that God
is greater
<07235> (8799)
than man

Job 37:20

Shall it be told
<05608> (8792)
him that I speak
<01696> (8762)_?
if a man
<0559> (8804)_,
surely he shall be swallowed up
<01104> (8792)_.

Job 38:3-4

Gird up
<0247> (8798)
now thy loins
like a man
for I will demand
<07592> (8799)
of thee, and answer
<03045> (8685)
thou me. {answer...: Heb. make me know}
wast thou when I laid the foundations
<03245> (8800)
of the earth
<05046> (8685)_,
if thou hast
<03045> (8804)
{hast...: Heb. knowest understanding}

Job 38:11

And said
<0559> (8799)_,
<05704> <06311>
shalt thou come
<0935> (8799)_,
but no further
<03254> (8686)_:
and here shall thy proud
be stayed
<07896> (8799)_?
{thy...: Heb. the pride of thy waves}

Job 40:7

Gird up
<0247> (8798)
thy loins
now like a man
I will demand
<07592> (8799)
of thee, and declare
<03045> (8685)
thou unto me.

Job 41:12

I will not conceal
<02790> (8686)
his parts
nor his power
<01369> <01697>_,
nor his comely

Job 42:5

I have heard
<08085> (8804)
of thee by the hearing
of the ear
but now mine eye
<07200> (8804)

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