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Isaiah 1:4

<02398> (8802)
a people
with iniquity
a seed
of evildoers
<07489> (8688)_,
that are corrupters
<07843> (8688)_:
they have forsaken
<05800> (8804) <0853>
the LORD
they have provoked
<05006> (0) <0853>
the Holy One
of Israel
unto anger
<05006> (8765)_,
they are gone away
<02114> (8738)
{laden: Heb. of heaviness} {gone...: Heb. alienated, or, separated}

Isaiah 5:7

For the vineyard
of the LORD
of hosts
[is] the house
of Israel
and the men
of Judah
his pleasant
and he looked
<06960> (8762)
for judgment
but behold oppression
for righteousness
but behold a cry
{his...: Heb. plant of his pleasures} {oppression: Heb. a scab}

Isaiah 5:25

Therefore is the anger
of the LORD
<02734> (8804)
against his people
and he hath stretched forth
<05186> (8799)
his hand
against them, and hath smitten
<05221> (8686)
them: and the hills
did tremble
<07264> (8799)_,
and their carcases
[were] torn
in the midst
of the streets
For all this his anger
is not turned away
<07725> (8804)_,
but his hand
[is] stretched out
<05186> (8803)
still. {torn: or, as dung}

Isaiah 6:13

But yet in it [shall be] a tenth
and [it] shall return
<07725> (8804)_,
and shall be eaten
<01197> (8763)_:
as a teil tree
and as an oak
whose substance
[is] in them, when they cast
[their leaves: so] the holy
[shall be] the substance
thereof. {and it...: or, when it is returned, and hath been broused} {substance: or, stock, or, stem}

Isaiah 8:19

And when they shall say
<0559> (8799)
unto you, Seek
<01875> (8798)
unto them that have familiar spirits
and unto wizards
that peep
<06850> (8772)_,
and that mutter
<01897> (8688)_:
should not a people
<01875> (8799)
unto their God
for the living
to the dead
<04191> (8801)_?

Isaiah 9:7

Of the increase
of [his] government
and peace
[there shall be] no end
upon the throne
of David
and upon his kingdom
to order
<03559> (8687)
it, and to establish
<05582> (8800)
it with judgment
and with justice
from henceforth even for
The zeal
of the LORD
of hosts
will perform
<06213> (8799)

Isaiah 10:24

Therefore thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the Lord
of hosts
O my people
that dwellest
<03427> (8802)
in Zion
be not afraid
<03372> (8799)
of the Assyrian
he shall smite
<05221> (8686)
thee with a rod
and shall lift up
<05375> (8799)
his staff
against thee, after the manner
of Egypt
{and shall...: or, but he shall lift up his staff for}

Isaiah 17:12-13

to the multitude
of many
[which] make a noise
<01993> (8799)
like the noise
<01993> (8800)
of the seas
and to the rushing
of nations
[that] make a rushing like the rushing
<07582> (8735)
of mighty
{multitude: or, noise} {mighty: or, many}
The nations
shall rush
<07582> (8735)
like the rushing
of many
but [God] shall rebuke
<01605> (8804)
them, and they shall flee
<05127> (8804)
far off
and shall be chased
<07291> (8795)
as the chaff
of the mountains
the wind
and like a rolling thing
the whirlwind
{a rolling...: or, thistledown}

Isaiah 24:2

And it shall be, as with the people
so with the priest
as with the servant
so with his master
as with the maid
so with her mistress
as with the buyer
<07069> (8802)_,
so with the seller
<04376> (8802)_;
as with the lender
<03867> (8688)_,
so with the borrower
<03867> (8801)_;
as with the taker of usury
<05383> (8802)_,
with the giver of usury
<05378> (8801)
to him. {priest: or, prince}

Isaiah 30:26

Moreover the light
of the moon
shall be as the light
of the sun
and the light
of the sun
shall be sevenfold
as the light
of seven
in the day
that the LORD
bindeth up
<02280> (8800)
the breach
of his people
and healeth
<07495> (8799)
the stroke
of their wound

Isaiah 42:5

Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
he that created
<01254> (8802)
the heavens
and stretched them out
<05186> (8802)_;
he that spread forth
<07554> (8802)
the earth
and that which cometh out
of it; he that giveth
<05414> (8802)
unto the people
upon it, and spirit
to them that walk
<01980> (8802)

Isaiah 42:22

But this [is] a people
<0962> (8803)
and spoiled
<08154> (8803)_;
[they are] all of them snared
<06351> (8687)
in holes
<02352> (8676) <0970>_,
and they are hid
<02244> (8717)
in prison
they are for a prey
and none delivereth
<05337> (8688)_;
for a spoil
and none saith
<0559> (8802)_,
<07725> (8685)_.
{they are all...: or, in snaring all the young men of them} {for a spoil: Heb. a treading}

Isaiah 45:13

I have raised him up
<05782> (8689)
in righteousness
and I will direct
<03474> (8762)
all his ways
he shall build
<01129> (8799)
my city
and he shall let go
<07971> (8762)
my captives
not for price
nor reward
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
of hosts
{direct: or, make straight}

Isaiah 49:8

Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
In an acceptable
have I heard
<06030> (8804)
thee, and in a day
of salvation
have I helped
<05826> (8804)
thee: and I will preserve
<05341> (8799)
thee, and give
<05414> (8799)
thee for a covenant
of the people
to establish
<06965> (8687)
the earth
to cause to inherit
<05157> (8687)
the desolate
<08074> (8802)
{establish: or, raise up}

Isaiah 56:7

Even them will I bring
<0935> (8689)
to my holy
and make them joyful
<08055> (8765)
in my house
of prayer
their burnt offerings
and their sacrifices
[shall be] accepted
upon mine altar
for mine house
shall be called
<07121> (8735)
an house
of prayer
for all people

Isaiah 58:5

Is it such a fast
that I have chosen
<0977> (8799)_?
a day
for a man
to afflict
<06031> (8763)
his soul
[is it] to bow down
<03721> (8800)
his head
as a bulrush
and to spread
<03331> (8686)
and ashes
[under him]? wilt thou call
<07121> (8799)
a fast
and an acceptable
to the LORD
{a day...: or, to afflict his soul for a day?}

Isaiah 65:22

They shall not build
<01129> (8799)_,
and another
<03427> (8799)_;
they shall not plant
<05193> (8799)_,
and another
<0398> (8799)_:
for as the days
of a tree
[are] the days
of my people
and mine elect
shall long enjoy
<01086> (8762)
the work
of their hands
{shall long...: Heb. shall make them continue long, or, shall wear out}

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