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NETBible: Strong -- 07522

ratsown <07522>

Nwur ratsown or Nur ratson

Pronunciation:raw-tsone' raw-tsone'
Origin:from 07521
Reference:TWOT - 2207a
PrtSpch:noun masculine
In Hebrew:Nwur 18, Nwurl 6, wnwur 6, Mknurl 4, Mnwurk 3, wnwurk 3, wnwurw 2, Knwurb 2, Knwur 2, Nwurw 1, Nwurk 1, Nwurb 1, Mnurbw 1, wnwurb 1, Mnwur 1, ynwurbw 1, wnurl 1, wnurk 1, Knurbw 1
In NET:favor 16, pleases 6, acceptable 4, delight 3, accepted 3, pleased 3, acceptance 2, pleasure 2, pleasing 2, favorably 2, desire 2, accept 1, acceptable for your benefit 1, acceptably 1, elight 1, pleasurable 1, see fit 1, good favor 1, willingly 1, desires 1, will 1, desired 1
In AV:favour 15, will 14, acceptable 8, delight 5, pleasure 5, accepted 4, desire 3, acceptance 1, selfwill 1
Definition:1) pleasure, delight, favour, goodwill, acceptance, will
1a) goodwill, favour
1b) acceptance
1c) will, desire, pleasure, self-will
or ratson {raw-tsone'}; from 7521; delight (especially as
shown):-(be) acceptable(-ance, -ed), delight, desire,
favour, (good) pleasure, (own, self, voluntary) will,
as...(what) would.
see HEBREW for 07521

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