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Jeremiah 2:28

But where [are] thy gods
that thou hast made
<06213> (8804)
thee? let them arise
<06965> (8799)_,
if they can save
<03467> (8686)
thee in the time
of thy trouble
for [according to] the number
of thy cities
are thy gods
O Judah
{trouble: Heb. evil}

Jeremiah 2:35

Yet thou sayest
<0559> (8799)_,
Because I am innocent
<05352> (8738)_,
surely his anger
shall turn
<07725> (8804)
from me. Behold, I will plead
<08199> (8737)
with thee, because thou sayest
<0559> (8800)_,
I have not sinned
<02398> (8804)_.

Jeremiah 3:21

A voice
was heard
<08085> (8738)
upon the high places
[and] supplications
of the children
of Israel
for they have perverted
<05753> (8689)
their way
[and] they have forgotten
<07911> (8804)
the LORD
their God

Jeremiah 4:18

Thy way
and thy doings
have procured
<06213> (8804)
these [things] unto thee; this [is] thy wickedness
because it is bitter
because it reacheth
<05060> (8804)
unto thine heart

Jeremiah 5:27

As a cage
is full
of birds
so [are] their houses
of deceit
therefore they are become great
<01431> (8804)_,
and waxen rich
<06238> (8686)_.
{cage: or, coop}

Jeremiah 6:24

We have heard
<08085> (8804)
the fame
thereof: our hands
wax feeble
<07503> (8804)_:
hath taken hold
<02388> (8689)
of us, [and] pain
as of a woman in travail
<03205> (8802)_.

Jeremiah 8:8-9

How do ye say
<0559> (8799)_,
We [are] wise
and the law
of the LORD
[is] with us? Lo, certainly
in vain
<06213> (8804)
he [it]; the pen
of the scribes
<05608> (8802)
[is] in vain
{in vain made...: or, the false pen of the scribes worketh for falsehood}
The wise
[men] are ashamed
<03001> (8689)_,
they are dismayed
<02865> (8804)
and taken
<03920> (8735)_:
lo, they have rejected
<03988> (8804)
the word
of the LORD
and what wisdom
[is] in them? {The wise...: or, Have they been ashamed, etc} {what...: Heb. the wisdom of what thing}

Jeremiah 9:16

I will scatter
<06327> (8689)
them also among the heathen
whom neither they nor their fathers
have known
<03045> (8804)_:
and I will send
<07971> (8765)
a sword
them, till I have consumed
<03615> (8763)

Jeremiah 10:21

For the pastors
<07462> (8802)
are become brutish
<01197> (8738)_,
and have not sought
<01875> (8804)
the LORD
therefore they shall not prosper
<07919> (8689)_,
and all their flocks
shall be scattered
<06327> (8738)_.

Jeremiah 12:8

Mine heritage
is unto me as a lion
in the forest
it crieth out
<05414> (8804) <06963>
against me: therefore have I hated
<08130> (8804)
it. {crieth...: or, yelleth: Heb. giveth out his voice}

Jeremiah 12:15

And it shall come to pass, after
that I have plucked them out
<05428> (8800)
I will return
<07725> (8799)_,
and have compassion
<07355> (8765)
on them, and will bring them again
<07725> (8689)_,
every man
to his heritage
and every man
to his land

Jeremiah 14:7

though our iniquities
<06030> (8804)
against us, do
<06213> (8798)
thou [it] for thy name's
sake: for our backslidings
are many
<07231> (8804)_;
we have sinned
<02398> (8804)
against thee.

Jeremiah 14:17

Therefore thou shalt say
<0559> (8804)
this word
unto them; Let mine eyes
run down
<03381> (8799)
with tears
and day
and let them not cease
<01820> (8799)_:
for the virgin
of my people
is broken
<07665> (8738)
with a great
with a very
<02470> (8737)

Jeremiah 16:10-11

And it shall come to pass, when thou shalt shew
<05046> (8686)
this people
all these words
and they shall say
<0559> (8804)
unto thee, Wherefore hath the LORD
<01696> (8765)
all this great
against us? or what [is] our iniquity
or what [is] our sin
that we have committed
<02398> (8804)
against the LORD
our God
Then shalt thou say
<0559> (8804)
unto them, Because your fathers
have forsaken
<05800> (8804)
me, saith
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
and have walked
<03212> (8799)
and have served
<05647> (8799)
them, and have worshipped
<07812> (8691)
them, and have forsaken
<05800> (8804)
me, and have not kept
<08104> (8804)
my law

Jeremiah 18:13

Therefore thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
<07592> (8798)
ye now among the heathen
who hath heard
<08085> (8804)
such things: the virgin
of Israel
hath done
<06213> (8804)
a very
horrible thing

Jeremiah 18:22

Let a cry
be heard
<08085> (8735)
from their houses
when thou shalt bring
<0935> (8686)
a troop
upon them: for they have digged
<03738> (8804)
a pit
<07745> (8675) <07882>
to take
<03920> (8800)
me, and hid
<02934> (8804)
for my feet

Jeremiah 22:21

I spake
<01696> (8765)
unto thee in thy prosperity
[but] thou saidst
<0559> (8804)_,
I will not hear
<08085> (8799)_.
This [hath been] thy manner
from thy youth
that thou obeyedst
<08085> (8804)
not my voice
{prosperity: Heb. prosperities}

Jeremiah 23:22

But if they had stood
<05975> (8804)
in my counsel
and had caused my people
to hear
<08085> (8686)
my words
then they should have turned
<07725> (8686)
them from their evil
and from the evil
of their doings

Jeremiah 26:5

To hearken
<08085> (8800)
to the words
of my servants
the prophets
whom I sent
<07971> (8802)
unto you, both rising up early
<07925> (8687)_,
and sending
<07971> (8800)
[them], but ye have not hearkened
<08085> (8804)_;

Jeremiah 27:6

And now have I given
<05414> (8804)
all these lands
into the hand
of Nebuchadnezzar
the king
of Babylon
my servant
and the beasts
of the field
have I given
<05414> (8804)
him also to serve
<05647> (8800)

Jeremiah 29:6

<03947> (8798)
ye wives
and beget
<03205> (8685)
and daughters
and take
<03947> (8798)
for your sons
and give
<05414> (8798)
your daughters
to husbands
that they may bear
<03205> (8799)
and daughters
that ye may be increased
<07235> (8798)
there, and not diminished
<04591> (8799)_.

Jeremiah 31:3

hath appeared
<07200> (8738)
of old
unto me, [saying], Yea, I have loved
<0157> (8804)
thee with an everlasting
therefore with lovingkindness
have I drawn
<04900> (8804)
thee. {of...: Heb. from afar} {with lovingkindness...: have I extended lovingkindness unto thee}

Jeremiah 32:25

And thou hast said
<0559> (8804)
unto me, O Lord
<07069> (8798)
thee the field
for money
and take
<05749> (8685)
for the city
is given
<05414> (8738)
into the hand
of the Chaldeans
{for the: or, though the}

Jeremiah 32:31

For this city
hath been to me [as] a provocation of mine anger
and of my fury
from the day
that they built
<01129> (8804)
it even unto this day
that I should remove
<05493> (8687)
it from before my face
{a provocation...: Heb. for my anger}

Jeremiah 33:4

For thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
the God
of Israel
concerning the houses
of this city
and concerning the houses
of the kings
of Judah
which are thrown down
<05422> (8803)
by the mounts
and by the sword

Jeremiah 33:25

Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
If my covenant
[be] not with day
and night
[and if] I have not appointed
<07760> (8804)
the ordinances
of heaven
and earth

Jeremiah 37:18

Moreover Jeremiah
<0559> (8799)
unto king
What have I offended
<02398> (8804)
against thee, or against thy servants
or against this people
that ye have put
<05414> (8804)
me in prison
<01004> <03608>_?

Jeremiah 44:9

Have ye forgotten
<07911> (8804)
the wickedness
of your fathers
and the wickedness
of the kings
of Judah
and the wickedness
of their wives
and your own wickedness
and the wickedness
of your wives
which they have committed
<06213> (8804)
in the land
of Judah
and in the streets
of Jerusalem
{wickedness...: Heb. wickednesses, or, punishments, etc}

Jeremiah 44:18

But since we left off
<02308> (8804)
to burn incense
<06999> (8763)
to the queen
of heaven
and to pour out
<05258> (8687)
drink offerings
unto her, we have wanted
<02637> (8804)
all [things], and have been consumed
<08552> (8804)
by the sword
and by the famine

Jeremiah 45:4

Thus shalt thou say
<0559> (8799)
unto him, The LORD
<0559> (8804)
thus; Behold, [that] which I have built
<01129> (8804)
will I break down
<02040> (8802)_,
and that which I have planted
<05193> (8804)
I will pluck up
<05428> (8802)_,
even this whole land

Jeremiah 50:7

All that found
<04672> (8802)
them have devoured
<0398> (8804)
them: and their adversaries
<0559> (8804)_,
We offend
<0816> (8799)
not, because they have sinned
<02398> (8804)
against the LORD
the habitation
of justice
even the LORD
the hope
of their fathers

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