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Ezekiel 2:2

2:2 As he spoke to me, 1  a wind 2  came into me and stood me on my feet, and I heard the one speaking to me.

Ezekiel 2:4

2:4 The people 3  to whom I am sending you are obstinate and hard-hearted, 4  and you must say to them, ‘This is what the sovereign Lord says.’ 5 

Ezekiel 3:6

3:6 not to many peoples of unintelligible speech and difficult language, whose words you cannot understand 6  – surely if 7  I had sent you to them, they would listen to you!

Ezekiel 3:10


3:10 And he said to me, “Son of man, take all my words that I speak to you to heart and listen carefully.

Ezekiel 3:12

Ezekiel Before the Exiles

3:12 Then a wind lifted me up 8  and I heard a great rumbling sound behind me as the glory of the Lord rose from its place, 9 

Ezekiel 3:14

3:14 A wind lifted me up and carried me away. I went bitterly, 10  my spirit full of fury, and the hand of the Lord rested powerfully 11  on me.

Ezekiel 3:22

Isolated and Silenced

3:22 The hand 12  of the Lord rested on me there, and he said to me, “Get up, go out to the valley, 13  and I will speak with you there.”

Ezekiel 4:8

4:8 Look here, I will tie you up with ropes, so you cannot turn from one side to the other until you complete the days of your siege. 14 

Ezekiel 4:13

4:13 And the Lord said, “This is how the people of Israel will eat their unclean food among the nations 15  where I will banish them.”

Ezekiel 4:15


4:15 So he said to me, “All right then, I will substitute cow’s manure instead of human excrement. You will cook your food over it.”

Ezekiel 5:5


5:5 “This is what the sovereign Lord says: This is Jerusalem; I placed her in the center of the nations with countries all around her.

Ezekiel 5:14


5:14 “I will make you desolate and an object of scorn among the nations around you, in the sight of everyone who passes by.

Ezekiel 6:4

6:4 Your altars will be ruined and your incense altars will be broken. I will throw down your slain in front of your idols. 16 

Ezekiel 7:20-22

7:20 They rendered the beauty of his ornaments into pride, 17  and with it they made their abominable images – their detestable idols. Therefore I will render it filthy to them. 7:21 I will give it to foreigners as loot, to the world’s wicked ones as plunder, and they will desecrate it. 7:22 I will turn my face away from them and they will desecrate my treasured place. 18  Vandals will enter it and desecrate it. 19 

Ezekiel 8:8

8:8 He said to me, “Son of man, dig into the wall.” So I dug into the wall and discovered a doorway.

Ezekiel 8:14


8:14 Then he brought me to the entrance of the north gate of the Lord’s house. I noticed 20  women sitting there weeping for Tammuz. 21 

Ezekiel 9:5


9:5 While I listened, he said to the others, 22  “Go through the city after him and strike people down; do no let your eye pity nor spare 23  anyone!

Ezekiel 10:22

10:22 As for the form of their faces, they were the faces whose appearance I had seen at the Kebar River. Each one moved straight ahead.

Ezekiel 11:11

11:11 This city will not be a cooking pot for you, and you will not 24  be meat within it; I will judge you at the border of Israel.

Ezekiel 11:20-21

11:20 so that they may follow my statutes and observe my regulations and carry them out. Then they will be my people, and I will be their God. 25  11:21 But those whose hearts are devoted to detestable things and abominations, I hereby repay them for what they have done, 26  says the sovereign Lord.”

Ezekiel 12:20

12:20 The inhabited towns will be left in ruins and the land will be devastated. Then you will know that I am the Lord.’”

Ezekiel 13:7-8

13:7 Have you not seen a false vision and announced a lying omen when you say, “the Lord declares,” although I myself never spoke?

13:8 “‘Therefore, this is what the sovereign Lord says: Because you have spoken false words and forecast delusion, look, 27  I am against you, 28  declares the sovereign Lord.

Ezekiel 14:5

14:5 I will do this in order to capture the hearts of the house of Israel, who have alienated themselves from me on account of all their idols.’

Ezekiel 14:15


14:15 “Suppose I were to send wild animals through the land and kill its children, leaving it desolate, without travelers due to the wild animals.

Ezekiel 14:19


14:19 “Or suppose I were to send a plague into that land, and pour out my rage on it with bloodshed, killing both people and animals.

Ezekiel 16:14

16:14 Your fame 29  spread among the nations because of your beauty; your beauty was perfect because of the splendor which I bestowed on you, declares the sovereign Lord. 30 

Ezekiel 16:48

16:48 As surely as I live, declares the sovereign Lord, your sister Sodom and her daughters never behaved as wickedly as you and your daughters have behaved.

Ezekiel 16:53


16:53 “‘I will restore their fortunes, the fortunes of Sodom and her daughters, and the fortunes of Samaria and her daughters (along with your fortunes among them),

Ezekiel 16:59


16:59 “‘For this is what the sovereign Lord says: I will deal with you according to what you have done when you despised your oath by breaking your covenant.

Ezekiel 16:63

16:63 Then you will remember, be ashamed, and remain silent 31  when I make atonement for all you have done, 32  declares the sovereign Lord.’”

Ezekiel 20:11

20:11 I gave them my statutes 33  and revealed my regulations to them. The one 34  who carries 35  them out will live by them! 36 

Ezekiel 20:16

20:16 I did this 37  because they rejected my regulations, did not follow my statutes, and desecrated my Sabbaths; for their hearts followed their idols. 38 

Ezekiel 20:18


20:18 “‘But I said to their children 39  in the wilderness, “Do not follow the practices of your fathers; do not observe their regulations, 40  nor defile yourselves with their idols.

Ezekiel 20:20

20:20 Treat my Sabbaths as holy 41  and they will be a reminder of our relationship, 42  and then you will know that I am the Lord your God.”

Ezekiel 20:24

20:24 I did this 43  because they did not observe my regulations, they rejected my statutes, they desecrated my Sabbaths, and their eyes were fixed on 44  their fathers’ idols.

Ezekiel 20:29

20:29 So I said to them, What is this high place you go to?’” (So it is called “High Place” 45  to this day.)

Ezekiel 20:49


20:49 Then I said, “O sovereign Lord! They are saying of me, ‘Does he not simply speak in eloquent figures of speech?’”

Ezekiel 21:5

21:5 Then everyone will know that I am the Lord, who drew my sword from its sheath – it will not be sheathed again!’

Ezekiel 21:32


21:32 You will become fuel for the fire –

your blood will stain the middle of the land; 46 

you will no longer be remembered,

for I, the Lord, have spoken.’”

Ezekiel 22:13


22:13 “‘See, I strike my hands together 47  at the dishonest profit you have made, and at the bloodshed 48  they have done among you.

Ezekiel 22:16

22:16 You will be profaned within yourself 49  in the sight of the nations; then you will know that I am the Lord.’”

Ezekiel 22:19

22:19 Therefore this is what the sovereign Lord says: ‘Because all of you 50  have become slag, look out! – I am about to gather you in the middle of Jerusalem. 51 

Ezekiel 22:21

22:21 I will gather you and blow on you with the fire of my fury, and you will be melted in it.

Ezekiel 23:34

23:34 You will drain it dry, 52  gnaw its pieces, 53  and tear out your breasts, 54  for I have spoken, declares the sovereign Lord.

Ezekiel 23:48-49

23:48 I will put an end to the obscene conduct in the land; all the women will learn a lesson from this and not engage in obscene conduct. 23:49 They will repay you for your obscene conduct, and you will be punished for idol worship. 55  Then you will know that I am the sovereign Lord.”

Ezekiel 24:8-9


24:8 To arouse anger, to take vengeance,

I have placed her blood on an exposed rock so that it cannot be covered up.

24:9 “‘Therefore this is what the sovereign Lord says:

Woe to the city of bloodshed!

I will also make the pile high.

Ezekiel 25:10

25:10 I will hand it over, 56  along with the Ammonites, 57  to the tribes 58  of the east, so that the Ammonites will no longer be remembered among the nations.

Ezekiel 26:4

26:4 They will destroy the walls of Tyre and break down her towers. I will scrape her soil 59  from her and make her a bare rock.

Ezekiel 26:6

26:6 and her daughters 60  who are in the field will be slaughtered by the sword. Then they will know that I am the Lord.

Ezekiel 26:21

26:21 I will bring terrors on you, and you will be no more! Though you are sought after, you will never be found again, declares the sovereign Lord.”

Ezekiel 28:10


28:10 You will die the death of the uncircumcised 61  by the hand of foreigners;

for I have spoken, declares the sovereign Lord.’”

Ezekiel 28:14


28:14 I placed you there with an anointed 62  guardian 63  cherub; 64 

you were on the holy mountain of God;

you walked about amidst fiery stones.

Ezekiel 29:6


29:6 Then all those living in Egypt will know that I am the Lord

because they were a reed staff 65  for the house of Israel;

Ezekiel 29:13


29:13 “‘For this is what the sovereign Lord says: At the end of forty years 66  I will gather Egypt from the peoples where they were scattered.

Ezekiel 29:20

29:20 I have given him the land of Egypt as his compensation for attacking Tyre 67 , because they did it for me, declares the sovereign Lord.

Ezekiel 30:10


30:10 “‘This is what the sovereign Lord says:

I will put an end to the hordes of Egypt,

by the hand of King Nebuchadrezzar 68  of Babylon.

Ezekiel 30:16


30:16 I will ignite a fire in Egypt;

Syene 69  will writhe in agony,

Thebes will be broken down,

and Memphis will face enemies every day.

Ezekiel 32:6


32:6 I will drench the land with the flow

of your blood up to the mountains,

and the ravines will be full of your blood. 70 

Ezekiel 32:13


32:13 I will destroy all its cattle beside the plentiful waters;

and no human foot will disturb 71  the waters 72  again,

nor will the hooves of cattle disturb them.

Ezekiel 33:14

33:14 Suppose I say to the wicked, ‘You must certainly die,’ but he turns from his sin and does what is just and right.

Ezekiel 33:20

33:20 Yet you say, ‘The behavior of the Lord is not right.’ House of Israel, I will judge each of you according to his behavior.” 73 

Ezekiel 34:17


34:17 “‘As for you, my sheep, this is what the sovereign Lord says: Look, I am about to judge between one sheep and another, between rams and goats.

Ezekiel 34:20


34:20 “‘Therefore, this is what the sovereign Lord says to them: Look, I myself will judge between the fat sheep and the lean sheep.

Ezekiel 34:23


34:23 I will set one shepherd over them, and he will feed them – namely, my servant David. 74  He will feed them and will be their shepherd.

Ezekiel 34:30-31

34:30 Then they will know that I, the Lord their God, am with them, 75  and that they are my people, the house of Israel, declares the sovereign Lord. 76  34:31 And you, my sheep, the sheep of my pasture, are my people, 77  and I am your God, declares the sovereign Lord.’”

Ezekiel 35:8

35:8 I will fill its mountains with its dead; on your hills and in your valleys and in all your ravines, those killed by the sword will fall.

Ezekiel 36:10

36:10 I will multiply your people 78  – the whole house of Israel, all of it. The cities will be populated and the ruins rebuilt.

Ezekiel 36:12

36:12 I will lead people, my people Israel, across you; they will possess you and you will become their inheritance. No longer will you bereave them of their children.

Ezekiel 36:18

36:18 So I poured my anger on them 79  because of the blood they shed on the land and because of the idols with which they defiled it. 80 

Ezekiel 36:30

36:30 I will multiply the fruit of the trees and the produce of the fields, so that you will never again suffer the disgrace of famine among the nations.

Ezekiel 36:32

36:32 Understand that 81  it is not for your sake I am about to act, declares the sovereign Lord. Be ashamed and embarrassed by your behavior, O house of Israel.

Ezekiel 37:2

37:2 He made me walk all around among them. 82  I realized 83  there were a great many bones in the valley and they were very dry.

Ezekiel 37:5

37:5 This is what the sovereign Lord says to these bones: Look, I am about to infuse breath 84  into you and you will live.

Ezekiel 38:3

38:3 and say: ‘This is what the sovereign Lord says: Look, 85  I am against you, Gog, chief prince of Meshech and Tubal.

Ezekiel 38:19

38:19 In my zeal, in the fire of my fury, 86  I declare that on that day there will be a great earthquake 87  in the land of Israel.

Ezekiel 38:21

38:21 I will call for a sword to attack 88  Gog 89  on all my mountains, declares the sovereign Lord; every man’s sword will be against his brother.

Ezekiel 39:8

39:8 Realize that it is coming and it will be done, declares the sovereign Lord. It is the day I have spoken about.

Ezekiel 39:13

39:13 All the people of the land will bury them, and it will be a memorial 90  for them on the day I magnify myself, declares the sovereign Lord.

Ezekiel 39:19

39:19 You will eat fat until you are full, and drink blood until you are drunk, 91  at my slaughter 92  which I have made for you.

Ezekiel 40:17


40:17 Then he brought me to the outer court. I saw 93  chambers there, and a pavement made for the court all around; thirty chambers faced the pavement.

Ezekiel 41:8


41:8 I saw that the temple had a raised platform all around; the foundations of the side chambers were a full measuring stick 94  of 10½ feet 95  high.

Ezekiel 43:2

43:2 I saw 96  the glory of the God of Israel 97  coming from the east; 98  the sound was like that of rushing water; 99  and the earth radiated 100  his glory.

Ezekiel 43:5

43:5 Then a wind 101  lifted me up and brought me to the inner court; I watched 102  the glory of the Lord filling the temple. 103 

Ezekiel 43:9

43:9 Now they must put away their spiritual prostitution and the pillars of their kings far from me, and then I will live among them forever.

Ezekiel 44:14

44:14 Yet I will appoint them to keep charge of the temple, all of its service and all that will be done in it.

Ezekiel 47:14

47:14 You must divide it equally just as I vowed to give it to your forefathers; 104  this land will be assigned as your inheritance. 105 

1 tc The phrase “as he spoke to me” is absent from the LXX.

2 tn Or “spirit.” NIV has “the Spirit,” but the absence of the article in the Hebrew text makes this unlikely. Elsewhere in Ezekiel the Lord’s Spirit is referred to as “the Spirit of the Lord” (11:5; 37:1), “the Spirit of God” (11:24), or “my (that is, the Lord’s) Spirit” (36:27; 37:14; 39:29). Some identify the “spirit” of 2:2 as the spirit that energized the living beings, however, that “spirit” is called “the spirit” (1:12, 20) or “the spirit of the living beings” (1:20-21; 10:17). Still others see the term as referring to an impersonal “spirit” of strength or courage, that is, the term may also be understood as a disposition or attitude. The Hebrew word often refers to a wind in Ezekiel (1:4; 5:10, 12; 12:4; 13:11, 13; 17:10, 21; 19:12; 27:26; 37:9). In 37:5-10 a “breath” originates in the “four winds” and is associated with the Lord’s life-giving breath (see v. 14). This breath enters into the dry bones and gives them life. In a similar fashion the breath of 2:2 (see also 3:24) energizes paralyzed Ezekiel. Breath and wind are related. On the one hand it is a more normal picture to think of breath rather than wind entering someone, but since wind represents an external force it seems more likely for wind rather than breath to stand someone up (unless we should understand it as a disposition). It may be that one should envision the breath of the speaker moving like a wind to revive Ezekiel, helping him to regain his breath and invigorating him to stand. A wind also transports the prophet from one place to another (3:12, 14; 8:3; 11:1, 24; 43:5).

3 tn Heb “sons.” The word choice may reflect treaty idiom, where the relationship between an overlord and his subjects can be described as that of father and son.

4 tc Heb “stern of face and hard of heart.” The phrases “stern of face” and “hard of heart” are lacking in the LXX.

5 tn The phrase “thus says [the Lord]” occurs 129 times in Ezekiel; the announcement is identical to the way messengers often introduced their messages (Gen 32:5; 45:9; Exod 5:10; Num 20:14; Judg 11:15).

6 tn Heb “hear.”

7 tc The MT reads “if not” but most ancient versions translate only “if.” The expression occurs with this sense in Isa 5:9; 14:24. See also Ezek 34:8; 36:5; 38:19.

8 sn See note on “wind” in 2:2.

9 tc This translation accepts the emendation suggested in BHS of בְּרוּם (bÿrum) for בָּרוּךְ (barukh). The letters mem (מ) and kaph (כ) were easily confused in the old script while בָּרוּךְ (“blessed be”) both implies a quotation which is out of place here and also does not fit the later phrase, “from its place,” which requires a verb of motion.

10 tn The traditional interpretation is that Ezekiel embarked on his mission with bitterness and anger, either reflecting God’s attitude toward the sinful people or his own feelings about having to carry out such an unpleasant task. L. C. Allen (Ezekiel [WBC], 1:13) takes “bitterly” as a misplaced marginal note and understands the following word, normally translated “anger,” in the sense of fervor or passion. He translates, “I was passionately moved” (p. 4). Another option is to take the word translated “bitterly” as a verb meaning “strengthened” (attested in Ugaritic). See G. R. Driver, Canaanite Myths and Legends, 152.

11 tn Heb “the hand of the Lord was on me heavily.” The “hand of the Lord” is a metaphor for his power or influence; the modifier conveys intensity.

sn In Ezekiel God’s “hand” being on the prophet is regularly associated with communication or a vision from God (1:3; 3:14, 22; 8:1; 37:1; 40:1).

12 tn Or “power.”

sn Hand in the OT can refer metaphorically to power, authority, or influence. In Ezekiel God’s hand being on the prophet is regularly associated with communication or a vision from God (1:3; 3:14, 22; 8:1; 37:1; 40:1).

13 sn Ezekiel had another vision at this location, recounted in Ezek 37.

14 sn The action surely refers to a series of daily acts rather than to a continuous period.

15 sn Unclean food among the nations. Lands outside of Israel were considered unclean (Josh 22:19; Amos 7:17).

16 tn Thirty-nine of the forty-eight biblical occurrences of this Hebrew word are found in the book of Ezekiel.

sn This verse is probably based on Lev 26:30 in which God forecasts that he will destroy their high places, cut off their incense altars, and set their corpses by the corpses of their idols.

17 tc The MT reads “he set up the beauty of his ornament as pride.” The verb may be repointed as plural without changing the consonantal text. The Syriac reads “their ornaments” (plural), implying עֶדְיָם (’edyam) rather than עֶדְיוֹ (’edyo) and meaning “they were proud of their beautiful ornaments.” This understands “ornaments” in the common sense of women’s jewelry, which then were used to make idols. The singular suffix “his ornaments” would refer to using items from the temple treasury to make idols. D. I. Block points out the foreshadowing of Ezek 16:17 which, with Rashi and the Targum, supports the understanding that this is a reference to temple items. See D. I. Block, Ezekiel (NICOT), 1:265.

18 sn My treasured place probably refers to the temple (however, cf. NLT “my treasured land”).

19 sn Since the pronouns “it” are both feminine, they do not refer to the masculine “my treasured place”; instead they probably refer to Jerusalem or the land, both of which are feminine in Hebrew.

20 tn Given the context this could be understood as a shock, e.g., idiomatically “Good grief! I saw….”

21 sn The worship of Tammuz included the observation of the annual death and descent into the netherworld of the god Dumuzi. The practice was observed by women in the ancient Near East over a period of centuries.

22 tn Heb “to these he said in my ears.”

23 tn The meaning of the Hebrew term is primarily emotional: “to pity,” which in context implies an action, as in being moved by pity in order to spare them from the horror of their punishment.

24 tn The Hebrew text does not have the negative particle, but it is implied. The negative particle in the previous line does double duty here.

25 sn The expression They will be my people, and I will be their God occurs as a promise to Abraham (Gen 17:8), Moses (Exod 6:7), and the nation (Exod 29:45).

26 tn Heb “their way on their head I have placed.”

27 tn The word h!nn@h indicates becoming aware of something and has been translated here as a verb.

28 tn Or “I challenge you.” The phrase “I am against you” may be a formula for challenging someone to combat or a duel. See D. I. Block, Ezekiel (NICOT), 1:201-2, and P. Humbert, “Die Herausforderungsformel ‘h!nn#n' ?l?K>,’” ZAW 45 (1933): 101-8.

29 tn Heb “name.”

30 sn The description of the nation Israel in vv. 10-14 recalls the splendor of the nation’s golden age under King Solomon.

31 tn Heb “and your mouth will not be open any longer.”

32 tn Heb “when I make atonement for you for all which you have done.”

33 sn The laws were given at Mount Sinai.

34 tn Heb “the man.”

35 tn Heb “does.”

36 tn The wording and the concept is contained in Lev 18:5 and Deut 30:15-19.

37 tn The words “I did this” are not in the Hebrew text, but are supplied for stylistic reasons. Verses 15-16 are one long sentence in the Hebrew text. The translation divides this sentence into two for stylistic reasons.

38 tn Heb “for after their idols their heart was going.” The use of the active participle (“was going”) in the Hebrew text draws attention to the ongoing nature of their idolatrous behavior.

39 tn Heb “sons,” reflecting the patriarchal idiom of the culture.

40 tn Or “standard of justice.” See Ezek 7:27.

41 tn Or “set apart my Sabbaths.”

42 tn Heb “and they will become a sign between me and you.”

43 tn The words “I did this” are not in the Hebrew text, but are supplied for stylistic reasons. Verses 23-24 are one long sentence in the Hebrew text. The translation divides this sentence into two for stylistic reasons.

44 tn Or “they worshiped” (NCV, TEV, CEV); Heb “their eyes were on” or “were after” (cf. v. 16).

45 tn The Hebrew word (“Bamah”) means “high place.”

46 tn Heb “your blood will be in the middle of the land.”

47 sn This gesture apparently expresses mourning and/or anger (see 6:11; 21:14, 17).

48 tn Heb “the blood which was in you.”

49 tc Several ancient versions read the verb as first person, in which case the Lord refers to how his people’s sin brings disgrace upon him. For a defense of the Hebrew text, see D. I. Block, Ezekiel (NICOT), 1:712, n. 68, and M. Greenberg, Ezekiel (AB), 2:457-58.

tn The phrase “within yourself” is the same as the several previous occurrences of “within you” but adjusted to fit this clause which is the culmination of the series of indictments.

50 tn The Hebrew second person pronoun is masculine plural here and in vv. 19b-21, indicating that the people are being addressed.

51 map For location see Map5 B1; Map6 F3; Map7 E2; Map8 F2; Map10 B3; JP1 F4; JP2 F4; JP3 F4; JP4 F4.

52 tn Heb “You will drink it and drain (it).”

53 tn D. I. Block compares this to the idiom of “licking the plate” (Ezekiel [NICOT], 1:754, n. 137). The text is difficult as the word translated “gnaw” is rare. The noun is used of the shattered pieces of pottery and so could envision a broken cup. But the Piel verb form is used in only one other place (Num 24:8), where it is a denominative from the noun “bone” and seems to mean to “break (bones).” Why it would be collocated with “sherds” is not clear. For this reason some emend the phrase to read “consume its dregs” (see L. C. Allen, Ezekiel [WBC], 2:44) or emend the verb to read “swallow,” as if the intoxicated Oholibah breaks the cup and then eats the very sherds in an effort to get every last drop of the beverage that dampens them.

54 sn The severe action is more extreme than beating the breasts in anguish (Isa 32:12; Nah 2:7). It is also ironic for these are the very breasts she so blatantly offered to her lovers (vv. 3, 21).

55 tn Heb “and the sins of your idols you will bear.” By extension it can mean the punishment for the sins.

56 tn Heb “I will give it for a possession.”

57 tn Heb “the sons of Ammon” (twice in this verse).

58 tn Heb “the sons.”

59 tn Or “debris.”

60 sn That is, the towns located inland that were under Tyre’s rule.

61 sn The Phoenicians practiced circumcision, so the language here must be figurative, indicating that they would be treated in a disgraceful manner. Uncircumcised peoples were viewed as inferior, unclean, and perhaps even sub-human. See 31:18 and 32:17-32, as well as the discussion in D. I. Block, Ezekiel (NICOT), 2:99.

62 tn Or “winged”; see L. C. Allen, Ezekiel (WBC), 2:91.

63 tn The meaning of this phrase in Hebrew is uncertain. The word translated here “guards” occurs in Exod 25:20 in reference to the cherubim “covering” the ark.

64 tn Heb “you (were) an anointed cherub that covers and I placed you.” In the Hebrew text the ruler of Tyre is equated with a cherub, and the verb “I placed you” is taken with what follows (“on the holy mountain of God”). However, this reading is problematic. The pronoun “you” at the beginning of verse 14 is feminine singular in the Hebrew text; elsewhere in this passage the ruler of Tyre is addressed with masculine singular forms. It is possible that the pronoun is a rare (see Deut 5:24; Num 11:15) or defectively written (see 1 Sam 24:19; Neh 9:6; Job 1:10; Ps 6:3; Eccl 7:22) masculine form, but it is more likely that the form should be repointed as the preposition “with” (see the LXX). In this case the ruler of Tyre is compared to the first man, not to a cherub. If this emendation is accepted, then the verb “I placed you” belongs with what precedes and concludes the first sentence in the verse. It is noteworthy that the verbs in the second and third lines of the verse also appear at the end of the sentence in the Hebrew text. The presence of a conjunction at the beginning of “I placed you” is problematic for the proposal, but it may reflect a later misunderstanding of the syntax of the verse. For a defense of the proposed emendation, see L. C. Allen, Ezekiel (WBC), 2:91.

65 sn Compare Isa 36:6.

66 sn In Ezek 4:4-8 it was said that the house of Judah would suffer forty years.

67 tn Heb “for which he worked,” referring to the assault on Tyre (v. 18).

68 tn Heb “Nebuchadrezzar” is a variant and more correct spelling of Nebuchadnezzar, as the Babylonian name Nabu-kudurri-usur has an “r” rather than an “n.”

69 tc The LXX reads “Syene,” which is Aswan in the south. The MT reads Sin, which has already been mentioned in v. 15.

70 tn Heb “from you.”

71 tn Heb “muddy.”

72 tn Heb “them,” that is, the waters mentioned in the previous line. The translation clarifies the referent.

73 tn Heb “ways.”

74 sn The messianic king is here called “David” (see Jer 30:9 and Hos 3:5, as well as Isa 11:1 and Mic 5:2) because he will fulfill the Davidic royal ideal depicted in the prophets and royal psalms (see Ps 2, 89).

75 sn A promise given to Abraham (Gen 15:7) and his descendants (Gen 15:8; Exod 6:7).

76 sn The blessings described in vv. 25-30 are those promised for obedience in Lev 26:4-13.

77 tn Heb, “the sheep of my pasture, you are human.” See 36:37-38 for a similar expression. The possessive pronoun “my” is supplied in the translation to balance “I am your God” in the next clause.

78 tn Heb “I will multiply on you human(s).”

79 sn See Ezek 7:8; 9:8; 14:19; 20:8, 13, 21; 22:22; 30:15.

80 sn For the concept of defiling the land in legal literature, see Lev 18:28; Deut 21:23.

81 tn Heb “Let it be known.”

82 tn Heb “and he made me pass over them, around, around.”

83 tn The word הִנֵּה (hinneh, traditionally “behold”) indicates becoming aware of something and is here translated as “I realized” because it results from Ezekiel’s recognition of the situation around him. In Hebrew, the exclamation is repeated in the following sentence.

84 tn Heb “I am about to bring a spirit.”

85 tn Or “I challenge you.” The phrase “I am against you” may be a formula for challenging someone to combat or a duel. See D. I. Block, Ezekiel (NICOT), 1:201-2, and P. Humbert, “Die Herausforderungsformel ‘h!nn#n' ?l?K>,’” ZAW 45 (1933): 101-8.

86 sn The phrase “in the fire of my fury” occurs in Ezek 21:31; 22:21, 31.

87 tn Or “shaking.”

88 tn Heb “against.”

89 tn Heb “him”; the referent (Gog, cf. v. 18) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

90 tn Heb “name.”

91 sn Eating the fat and drinking blood were God’s exclusive rights in Israelite sacrifices (Lev 3:17).

92 tn Or “sacrifice” (so also in the rest of this verse).

93 tn The word הִנֵּה (hinneh, traditionally “behold”) indicates becoming aware of something and has been translated here as a verb.

94 tn Heb “reed.”

95 tn Heb “six cubits” (i.e., 3.15 meters).

96 tn The word הִנֵּה (hinneh, traditionally “behold”) indicates becoming aware of something and has been translated here as a verb.

97 sn This same title appears in 8:4; 9:3; 10:19; and 11:22.

98 sn Earlier Ezekiel had observed God leaving the temple to the east (11:23).

99 sn See Ezek 1:24; Rev 1:15; 14:2; 19:6.

100 tn Heb “shone from.”

101 tn See note on “wind” in 2:2.

102 tn The word הִנֵּה (hinneh, traditionally “behold”) indicates becoming aware of something and has been translated here as a verb.

103 sn In 1 Kgs 8:10-11 we find a similar event with regard to Solomon’s temple. See also Exod 40:34-35. and Isa 6:4.

104 sn Gen 15:9-21.

105 tn Heb “will fall to you as an inheritance.”

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