Genesis 1:31
And God
every thing that
and, behold, [it was] very
And the evening
and the morning
were the sixth
{And the evening...: Heb. And the evening was, and the morning was etc.}<03117>_.
Genesis 6:5
that the wickedness
of man
[was] great
in the earth
and [that] every imagination
of the thoughts
of his heart
[was] only
{every...: or, the whole imagination: the Hebrew word signifieth not only the imagination, but also the purposes and desires} {continually: Heb. every day}<03117>_.
Genesis 6:21
thou unto thee of all food
[it] to thee; and it shall be for food
for thee, and for them.<0402>
Genesis 8:19
Every beast
every creeping thing
and every fowl
[and] whatsoever
upon the earth
after their kinds
out of the ark
{kinds: Heb. families}<08392>_.