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Revelation 1:8


1:8 “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” 1  says the Lord God – the one who is, and who was, and who is still to come – the All-Powerful! 2 

Revelation 2:7

2:7 The one who has an ear had better hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who conquers, 3  I will permit 4  him to eat from the tree of life that is 5  in the paradise of God.’ 6 

Revelation 2:18

To the Church in Thyatira

2:18 “To 7  the angel of the church in Thyatira write the following: 8 

“This is the solemn pronouncement of 9  the Son of God, the one who has eyes like a fiery flame 10  and whose feet are like polished bronze: 11 

Revelation 4:5

4:5 From 12  the throne came out flashes of lightning and roaring 13  and crashes of thunder. Seven flaming torches, which are the seven spirits of God, 14  were burning in front of the throne

Revelation 6:9


6:9 Now 15  when the Lamb opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been violently killed 16  because of the word of God and because of the testimony they had given.

Revelation 7:3

7:3 “Do not damage the earth or the sea or the trees until we have put a seal on the foreheads of the servants 17  of our God.”

Revelation 7:11-12


7:11 And all the angels stood 18  there in a circle around the throne and around the elders and the four living creatures, and they threw themselves down with their faces to the ground 19  before the throne and worshiped God, 7:12 saying,

“Amen! Praise and glory,

and wisdom and thanksgiving,

and honor and power and strength

be to our God for ever and ever. Amen!”

Revelation 7:15

7:15 For this reason they are before the throne of God, and they serve 20  him day and night in his temple, and the one seated on the throne will shelter them. 21 

Revelation 7:17

7:17 because the Lamb in the middle of the throne will shepherd them and lead them to springs of living water, and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.” 22 

Revelation 9:4

9:4 They 23  were told 24  not to damage the grass of the earth, or any green plant or tree, but only those people 25  who did not have the seal of God on their 26  forehead.

Revelation 9:13


9:13 Then 27  the sixth angel blew his trumpet, and I heard a single voice coming from the 28  horns on the golden altar that is before God,

Revelation 11:1

The Fate of the Two Witnesses

11:1 Then 29  a measuring rod 30  like a staff was given to me, and I was told, 31  “Get up and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and the ones who worship there.

Revelation 11:11

11:11 But 32  after three and a half days a breath of life from God entered them, and they stood on their feet, and tremendous fear seized 33  those who were watching them.

Revelation 11:17

11:17 with these words: 34 

“We give you thanks, Lord God, the All-Powerful, 35 

the one who is and who was,

because you have taken your great power

and begun to reign. 36 

Revelation 12:5-6

12:5 So 37  the woman gave birth to a son, a male child, 38  who is going to rule 39  over all the nations 40  with an iron rod. 41  Her 42  child was suddenly caught up to God and to his throne, 12:6 and she 43  fled into the wilderness 44  where a place had been prepared for her 45  by God, so she could be taken care of 46  for 1,260 days.

Revelation 15:7

15:7 Then 47  one of the four living creatures gave the seven angels seven golden bowls filled with the wrath 48  of God who lives forever and ever,

Revelation 16:7


16:7 Then 49  I heard the altar reply, 50  “Yes, Lord God, the All-Powerful, 51  your judgments are true and just!”

Revelation 16:14

16:14 For they are the spirits of the demons performing signs who go out to the kings of the earth 52  to bring them together for the battle that will take place on the great day of God, the All-Powerful. 53 

Revelation 16:21

16:21 And gigantic hailstones, weighing about a hundred pounds 54  each, fell from heaven 55  on people, 56  but they 57  blasphemed God because of the plague of hail, since it 58  was so horrendous. 59 

Revelation 19:1


19:1 After these things I heard what sounded like the loud voice of a vast throng in heaven, saying,

“Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God,

Revelation 19:4-5

19:4 The twenty-four elders and the four living creatures threw themselves to the ground 60  and worshiped God, who was seated on the throne, saying: “Amen! Hallelujah!”

19:5 Then 61  a voice came from the throne, saying:

“Praise our God

all you his servants,

and all you who fear Him,

both the small and the great!”

Revelation 19:9


19:9 Then 62  the angel 63  said to me, “Write the following: Blessed are those who are invited to the banquet at the wedding celebration of the Lamb!” He also said to me, “These are the true words of God.”

Revelation 19:17


19:17 Then 64  I saw one angel standing in 65  the sun, and he shouted in a loud voice to all the birds flying high in the sky: 66 

“Come, gather around for the great banquet 67  of God,

Revelation 21:2

21:2 And I saw the holy city – the new Jerusalem – descending out of heaven from God, made ready like a bride adorned for her husband.

Revelation 21:10-11

21:10 So 68  he took me away in the Spirit 69  to a huge, majestic mountain 70  and showed me the holy city, Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God. 21:11 The city possesses 71  the glory of God; its brilliance is like a precious jewel, like a stone of crystal-clear jasper. 72 

Revelation 21:23

21:23 The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, because the glory of God lights it up, and its lamp is the Lamb.

Revelation 22:5

22:5 Night will be no more, and they will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, because the Lord God will shine on them, and they will reign forever and ever.

Revelation 22:18


22:18 I testify to the one who hears the words of the prophecy contained in this book: If anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described 73  in this book.

1 tc The shorter reading “Omega” (, w) has superior ms evidence ({א1 A C 1611}) to the longer reading which includes “the beginning and the end” (ἀρχὴ καὶ τέλος or ἡ ἀρχὴ καὶ τὸ τέλος, arch kai telo" or Jh arch kai to telo"), found in א*,2 1854 2050 2329 2351 ÏA lat bo. There is little reason why a scribe would have deleted the words, but their clarifying value and the fact that they harmonize with 21:6 indicate that they are a secondary addition to the text.

2 tn On this word BDAG 755 s.v. παντοκράτωρ states, “the Almighty, All-Powerful, Omnipotent (One) only of God…() κύριος ὁ θεὸς ὁ π. …Rv 1:8; 4:8; 11:17; 15:3; 16:7; 21:22.”

3 tn Or “who is victorious”; traditionally, “who overcomes.” The pendent dative is allowed to stand in the English translation because it is characteristic of the author’s style in Revelation.

4 tn Or “grant.”

5 tn Or “stands.”

6 tc The omission of “my” (μου, mou) after “God” (θεοῦ, qeou) is well attested, supported by א A C and the Andreas of Caesarea group of Byzantine mss (ÏA). Its addition in 1611, the ÏK group, latt, and others, seems to be evidence of a purposeful conforming of the text to 3:2 and the four occurrences of “my God” (θεοῦ μου) in 3:12.

7 tn Here καί (kai) has not been translated due to differences between Greek and English style.

8 tn The phrase “the following” after “write” is supplied to clarify that what follows is the content of what is to be written.

9 tn Grk “These things says [the One]…” See the note on the phrase “this is the solemn pronouncement of” in 2:1.

sn The expression This is the solemn pronouncement of reflects an OT idiom. See the note on this phrase in 2:1.

10 tn Grk “a flame of fire.” The Greek term πυρός (puros) has been translated as an attributive genitive.

11 tn The precise meaning of the term translated “polished bronze” (χαλκολιβάνῳ, calkolibanw), which appears no where else in Greek literature outside of the book of Revelation (see 1:15), is uncertain. Without question it is some sort of metal. BDAG 1076 s.v. χαλκολίβανον suggests “fine brass/bronze.” L&N 2.57 takes the word to refer to particularly valuable or fine bronze, but notes that the emphasis here and in Rev 1:15 is more on the lustrous quality of the metal.

12 tn Here καί (kai) has not been translated because of differences between Greek and English style.

13 tn Or “sounds,” “voices.” It is not entirely clear what this refers to. BDAG 1071 s.v. φωνή 1 states, “In Rv we have ἀστραπαὶ καὶ φωναὶ καὶ βρονταί (cp. Ex 19:16) 4:5; 8:5; 11:19; 16:18 (are certain other sounds in nature thought of here in addition to thunder, as e.g. the roar of the storm?…).”

14 sn Some interpret the seven spirits of God as angelic beings, while others see them as a reference to the sevenfold ministry of the Holy Spirit.

15 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “now” to indicate the introduction of a new and somewhat different topic after the introduction of the four riders.

16 tn Or “murdered.” See the note on the word “butcher” in 6:4.

17 tn See the note on the word “servants” in 1:1.

18 tn The verb is pluperfect, but the force is simple past. See ExSyn 586.

19 tn Grk “they fell down on their faces.” BDAG 815 s.v. πίπτω 1.b.α.ב. has “fall down, throw oneself to the ground as a sign of devotion or humility, before high-ranking persons or divine beings.”

20 tn Or “worship.” The word here is λατρεύω (latreuw).

21 tn Grk “will spread his tent over them,” normally an idiom for taking up residence with someone, but when combined with the preposition ἐπί (epi, “over”) the idea is one of extending protection or shelter (BDAG 929 s.v. σκηνόω).

22 sn An allusion to Isa 25:8.

23 tn Here καί (kai) has not been translated because of differences between Greek and English style.

24 tn The dative indirect object (αὐταῖς, autais) was converted into the subject (“they”) as this more closely approximates English usage. The following ἵ῞να (Jina) is taken as substantival, introducing a direct object clause. In this case, because it is reported speech, the ἵνα is similar to the declarative ὅτι (Joti).

25 tn Grk “men”; but ἄνθρωπος (anqrwpo") is used in a generic sense here of both men and women.

26 tn The article τῶν (twn) has been translated as a possessive pronoun here (ExSyn 215).

27 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “then” to indicate the implied sequence of events within the vision.

28 tc ‡ Several key mss (Ì47 א1 A 0207 1611 2053 2344 pc lat syh co) lack the word τεσσάρων (tessarwn, “four”) before κεράτων (keratwn, “horns”). The word seems to have been added by scribes because a “horned” altar (described in the OT [Exod 30:2, 10]) could have only four “horns” or projections at the corners. NA27 includes the word in brackets, indicating doubts as to its authenticity.

29 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “then” to indicate the implied sequence within the narrative.

30 tn Grk “a reed” (but these were used for measuring). Cf. Ezek 40:3ff.

31 tn Grk “saying.”

32 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “but” to indicate the contrast present in this context.

33 tn Grk “fell upon.”

34 tn Grk “saying.”

35 tn On this word BDAG 755 s.v. παντοκράτωρ states, “the Almighty, All-Powerful, Omnipotent (One) only of God…() κύριος ὁ θεὸς ὁ π. …Rv 1:8; 4:8; 11:17; 15:3; 16:7; 21:22.”

36 tn The aorist verb ἐβασίλευσας (ebasileusa") has been translated ingressively.

37 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “so” to indicate the conclusion of the anticipated birth.

38 tn On this term BDAG 135 s.v. ἄρσην states: “male…The neut. ἄρσεν Rv 12:5, difft. vs. 13, comes fr. Is 66:7 and is in apposition to υἱόν. On the juxtaposition s. FBoll, ZNW 15, 1914, 253; BOlsson, Glotta 23, ’34, 112.”

39 tn Grk “shepherd.”

40 tn Or “all the Gentiles” (the same Greek word may be translated “Gentiles” or “nations”).

41 tn Or “scepter.” The Greek term ῥάβδος (rJabdo") can mean either “rod” or “scepter.”

sn An allusion to Ps 2:9 (see also Rev 2:27; 19:15).

42 tn Here καί (kai) has not been translated because of differences between Greek and English style.

43 tn Grk “and the woman,” which would be somewhat redundant in English.

44 tn Or “desert.”

45 tn Grk “where she has there a place prepared by God.”

46 tn Grk “so they can take care of her.”

47 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “then” to indicate the implied sequence of events within the vision.

48 tn Or “anger.”

49 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “then” to indicate the implied sequence of events within the vision.

50 tn Grk “the altar saying.”

51 tn On this word BDAG 755 s.v. παντοκράτωρ states, “the Almighty, All-Powerful, Omnipotent (One) only of God…() κύριος ὁ θεὸς ὁ π. …Rv 1:8; 4:8; 11:17; 15:3; 16:7; 21:22.”

52 tn BDAG 699 s.v. οἰκουμένη 1 states, “the inhabited earth, the worldὅλη ἡ οἰκ. the whole inhabited earthMt 24:14; Ac 11:28; Rv 3:10; 16:14.”

53 tn On this word BDAG 755 s.v. παντοκράτωρ states, “the Almighty, All-Powerful, Omnipotent (One) only of God…() κύριος ὁ θεὸς ὁ π. …Rv 1:8; 4:8; 11:17; 15:3; 16:7; 21:22.”

54 tn Here BDAG 988 s.v. ταλαντιαῖος states, “weighing a talentχάλαζα μεγάλη ὡς ταλαντιαία a severe hailstorm with hailstones weighing a talent (the talent=125 librae, or Roman pounds of c. 343 gr. or 12 ounces each) (weighing about a hundred pounds NRSV) Rv 16:21.” This means each hailstone would weigh just under 100 pounds or 40 kilograms.

55 tn Or “the sky.” Due to the apocalyptic nature of this book, it is probably best to leave the translation as “from heaven,” since God is ultimately the source of the judgment.

56 tn Grk “on men,” but ἄνθρωπος (anqrwpo") is used here in a generic sense to refer to people in general (the hailstones did not single out adult males, but would have also fallen on women and children).

57 tn Grk “the men”; for stylistic reasons the pronoun “they” is used here.

58 tn Grk “the plague of it.”

59 tn Grk “since the plague of it was exceedingly great.”

60 tn Grk “creatures fell down.” BDAG 815 s.v. πίπτω 1.b.α.ב. has “fall down, throw oneself to the ground as a sign of devotion or humility, before high-ranking persons or divine beings.”

61 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “then” to indicate the implied sequence within the narrative.

62 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “then” to indicate the implied sequence within the narrative.

63 tn Grk “he”; the referent (the angel) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

64 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “then” to indicate the implied sequence within the narrative.

65 tn The precise significance of ἐν (en) here is difficult to determine.

66 tn On μεσουρανήματι (mesouranhmati) here see L&N 1.10: “high in the sky, midpoint in the sky, directly overhead, straight above in the sky.” The birds mentioned here are carrion birds like vultures, circling high overhead, and now being summoned to feast on the corpses.

67 tn This is the same Greek word (δεῖπνον, deipnon) used in 19:9.

68 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “so” to indicate the implied result of the angel’s invitation.

69 tn Or “in the spirit.” “Spirit” could refer either to the Holy Spirit or the human spirit, but in either case John was in “a state of spiritual exaltation best described as a trance” (R. H. Mounce, Revelation [NICNT], 75).

70 tn Grk “to a mountain great and high.”

71 tn Grk “from God, having the glory of God.” Here a new sentence was started in the translation by supplying the words “the city” to refer back to the previous clause and translating the participle (“having”) as a finite verb.

72 tn On the term ἰάσπιδι (iaspidi) BDAG 465 s.v. ἴασπις states, “jasper, a precious stone found in various colors, mostly reddish, somet. green…brown, blue, yellow, and white. In antiquity the name was not limited to the variety of quartz now called jasper, but could designate any opaque precious stone. Rv 21:18f. W. λίθος 4:3 (TestSol C 11:8). λίθος ἴασπις κρυσταλλίζων a stone of crystal-clear jasper 21:11 (cp. Is 54:12); perh. the opal is meant here; acc. to some, the diamond.”

73 tn Grk “written.”

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