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Numbers 1:44


1:44 These were the men whom Moses and Aaron numbered 1  along with the twelve leaders of Israel, each of whom 2  was from his own family.

Numbers 3:40

The Substitution for the Firstborn

3:40 Then the Lord said to Moses, “Number all the firstborn males of the Israelites from a month old and upward, and take 3  the number of their names.

Numbers 4:46


4:46 All who were numbered of the Levites, whom Moses, Aaron, and the leaders of Israel numbered by their families and by their clans,

Numbers 5:4

5:4 So the Israelites did so, and expelled them outside the camp. As the Lord had spoken 4  to Moses, so the Israelites did.

Numbers 7:11

7:11 For the Lord said to Moses, “They must present their offering, one leader for each day, 5  for the dedication of the altar.”

Numbers 8:3


8:3 And Aaron did so; he set up the lamps to face toward the front of the lampstand, as the Lord commanded Moses.

Numbers 9:1

Passover Regulations

9:1 6 The Lord spoke to Moses in the wilderness of Sinai, in the first month of the second year after they had come out 7  of the land of Egypt:

Numbers 10:13

Judah Begins the Journey

10:13 This was the first time they set out on their journey according to the commandment 8  of the Lord, by the authority 9  of Moses.

Numbers 10:31

10:31 Moses 10  said, “Do not leave us, 11  because you know places for us to camp in the wilderness, and you could be our guide. 12 

Numbers 10:35

10:35 And when the ark traveled, Moses would say, “Rise up, O Lord! May your enemies be scattered, and may those who hate you flee before you!”

Numbers 11:21


11:21 Moses said, “The people around me 13  are 600,000 on foot; 14  but you say, ‘I will give them meat, 15  that they may eat 16  for a whole month.’

Numbers 11:23

11:23 And the Lord said to Moses, “Is the Lord’s hand shortened? 17  Now you will see whether my word to you will come true 18  or not!”

Numbers 12:1-2

Miriam and Aaron Oppose Moses

12:1 19 Then Miriam and Aaron spoke against 20  Moses because of the Cushite 21  woman he had married 22  (for he had married an Ethiopian woman). 12:2 They 23  said, “Has the Lord only 24  spoken through Moses? Has he not also spoken through us?” 25  And the Lord heard it. 26 

Numbers 12:4

The Response of the Lord

12:4 The Lord spoke immediately to Moses, Aaron, and Miriam: “The three of you come to the tent of meeting.” So the three of them went.

Numbers 12:11

The Intercession of Moses

12:11 So Aaron said to Moses, “O my lord, 27  please do not hold this sin against us, in which we have acted foolishly and have sinned!

Numbers 13:3

13:3 So Moses sent them from the wilderness of Paran at the command 28  of the Lord. All of them were leaders 29  of the Israelites.

Numbers 13:17

The Spies’ Instructions

13:17 When Moses sent 30  them to investigate the land of Canaan, he told them, “Go up through the Negev, 31  and then go up into the hill country

Numbers 13:27

13:27 They told Moses, 32  “We went to the land where you sent us. 33  It is indeed flowing with milk and honey, 34  and this is its fruit.

Numbers 13:30


13:30 Then Caleb silenced the people before Moses, saying, “Let us go up 35  and occupy it, 36  for we are well able to conquer it.” 37 

Numbers 14:13


14:13 Moses said to the Lord, “When the Egyptians hear 38  it – for you brought up this people by your power from among them –

Numbers 14:36


14:36 The men whom Moses sent to investigate the land, who returned and made the whole community murmur against him by producing 39  an evil report about the land,

Numbers 14:44


14:44 But they dared 40  to go up to the crest of the hill, although 41  neither the ark of the covenant of the Lord nor Moses departed from the camp.

Numbers 15:35

15:35 Then the Lord said to Moses, “The man must surely be put to death; the whole community must stone 42  him with stones outside the camp.”

Numbers 16:2

16:2 and rebelled against Moses, along with some of the Israelites, 250 leaders 43  of the community, chosen from the assembly, 44  famous men. 45 

Numbers 16:16


16:16 Then Moses said to Korah, “You and all your company present yourselves before the Lord – you and they, and Aaron – tomorrow.

Numbers 16:18

16:18 So everyone took his censer, put fire in it, and set incense on it, and stood at the entrance of the tent of meeting, with Moses and Aaron.

Numbers 16:41-42

16:41 But on the next day the whole community of Israelites murmured against Moses and Aaron, saying, “You have killed the Lord’s people!” 46  16:42 When the community assembled 47  against Moses and Aaron, they turned toward the tent of meeting – and 48  the cloud covered it, and the glory of the Lord appeared.

Numbers 17:9

17:9 So Moses brought out all the staffs from before the Lord to all the Israelites. They looked at them, 49  and each man took his staff.

Numbers 20:11

20:11 Then Moses raised his hand, and struck the rock twice with his staff. And water came out abundantly. So the community drank, and their beasts drank too.

Numbers 20:14

Rejection by the Edomites

20:14 50 Moses 51  sent messengers from Kadesh to the king of Edom: 52  “Thus says your brother Israel: ‘You know all the hardships we have experienced, 53 

Numbers 20:23

20:23 And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron in Mount Hor, by the border of the land of Edom. He said:

Numbers 21:8


21:8 The Lord said to Moses, “Make a poisonous snake and set it on a pole. When anyone who is bitten looks 54  at it, he will live.”

Numbers 21:16


21:16 And from there they traveled 55  to Beer; 56  that is the well where the Lord spoke to Moses, “Gather the people and I will give them water.”

Numbers 25:5

25:5 So Moses said to the judges of Israel, “Each of you must execute those of his men 57  who were joined to Baal-peor.”

Numbers 26:3-4

26:3 So Moses and Eleazar the priest spoke with them in the plains of Moab, by the Jordan River 58  across from Jericho. 59  They said, 26:4 “Number the people 60  from twenty years old and upward, just as the Lord commanded Moses and the Israelites who went out from the land of Egypt.”

Numbers 26:63


26:63 These are those who were numbered by Moses and Eleazar the priest, who numbered the Israelites in the plains of Moab along the Jordan River opposite Jericho. 61 

Numbers 27:2

27:2 And they stood before Moses and Eleazar the priest and the leaders of the whole assembly at the entrance to the tent of meeting and said,

Numbers 27:12

Leadership Change

27:12 62 Then the Lord said to Moses, “Go up this mountain of the Abarim range, 63  and see 64  the land I have given 65  to the Israelites.

Numbers 27:18


27:18 The Lord replied 66  to Moses, “Take Joshua son of Nun, a man in whom is such a spirit, 67  and lay your hand on him; 68 

Numbers 27:22


27:22 So Moses did as the Lord commanded him; he took Joshua and set 69  him before Eleazar the priest and before the whole community.

Numbers 31:3


31:3 So Moses spoke to the people: “Arm 70  men from among you for the war, to attack the Midianites and to execute 71  the Lord’s vengeance on Midian.

Numbers 31:14

The Death of the Midianite Women

31:14 But Moses was furious with the officers of the army, the commanders over thousands and commanders over hundreds, who had come from service in the war.

Numbers 31:21


31:21 Then Eleazar the priest said to the men of war who had gone into the battle, “This is the ordinance of the law that the Lord commanded Moses:

Numbers 31:48


31:48 Then the officers who were over the thousands of the army, the commanders over thousands and the commanders over hundreds, approached Moses

Numbers 32:28


32:28 So Moses gave orders about them to Eleazar the priest, to Joshua son of Nun, and to the heads of the families of the Israelite tribes.

Numbers 33:1-2

Wanderings from Egypt to Sinai

33:1 72 These are the journeys of the Israelites, who went out of the land of Egypt by their divisions under the authority 73  of Moses and Aaron. 33:2 Moses recorded their departures 74  according to their journeys, by the commandment 75  of the Lord; now these are their journeys according to their departures.

Numbers 36:5

Moses’ Decision

36:5 Then Moses gave a ruling 76  to the Israelites by the word 77  of the Lord: “What the tribe of the Josephites is saying is right.

1 tn The construction uses both the passive participle הַפְּקֻדִים (happÿqudim) and the verb פָּקַד (paqad), giving a literal translation of “these were the numbered ones, whom Moses and Aaron numbered.”

2 tn Heb “they were one man for the house of his fathers.”

3 tn The verb נָשָׂא (nasa, “take”) has here the sense of collect, take a census, or register the names.

4 tn The perfect tense is here given a past perfect nuance to stress that the word of the Lord preceded the obedience.

5 tn The distributive sense is achieved by repetition: “one leader for the day, one leader for the day.”

6 sn The chapter has just the two sections, the observance of the Passover (vv. 1-14) and the cloud that led the Israelites in the wilderness (vv. 15-23). It must be remembered that the material in vv. 7-9 is chronologically earlier than vv. 1-6, as the notices in the text will make clear. The two main discussions here are the last major issues to be reiterated before dealing with the commencement of the journey.

7 tn The temporal clause is formed with the infinitive construct of יָצָא (yatsa’, “to go out; to leave”). This verse indicates that a full year had passed since the exodus and the original Passover; now a second ruling on the Passover is included at the beginning of the second year. This would have occurred immediately after the consecration of the tabernacle, in the month before the census at Sinai.

8 tn Heb “mouth.”

9 tn Heb “hand.”

10 tn Heb “he”; the referent (Moses) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

11 tn The form with אַל־נָא (’al-na’) is a jussive; negated it stresses a more immediate request, as if Hobab is starting to leave, or at least determined to leave.

12 tn In the Hebrew text the expression is more graphic: “you will be for us for eyes.” Hobab was familiar with the entire Sinai region, and he could certainly direct the people where they were to go. The text does not record Hobab’s response. But the fact that Kenites were in Canaan as allies of Judah (Judg 1:16) would indicate that he gave in and came with Moses. The first refusal may simply be the polite Semitic practice of declining first so that the appeal might be made more urgently.

13 tn Heb “the people who I am in their midst,” i.e., among whom I am.

14 tn The Hebrew sentence stresses the number. The sentence begins “600,000….”

15 tn The word order places the object first here: “Meat I will give them.” This adds to the contrast between the number and the statement of the Lord.

16 tn The verb is the perfect tense with a vav (ו) consecutive, carrying the sequence from the preceding imperfect tense. However, this verb may be subordinated to the preceding to express a purpose clause.

17 sn This anthropomorphic expression concerns the power of God. The “hand of the Lord” is idiomatic for his power, what he is able to do. The question is rhetorical; it is affirming that his hand is not shortened, i.e., that his power is not limited. Moses should have known this, and so this is a rebuke for him at this point. God had provided the manna, among all the other powerful acts they had witnessed. Meat would be no problem. But the lack of faith by the people was infectious.

18 tn Or “will happen” (TEV); KJV “shall come to pass unto thee.”

19 sn In this short chapter we find a prime example of jealousy among leaders and how God dealt with it. Miriam and Aaron are envious of Moses’ leadership, but they use an occasion – his marriage – to criticize him. Often the immediate criticism is simply a surface issue for a deeper matter. God indicates very clearly he will speak through many people, including them, but Moses is different. Moses is the mediator of the covenant. The chapter is a lesson of what not to do. They should have fulfilled their duties before God and not tried to compete or challenge the leader in this way. There is a touch of divine irony here, for Miriam is turned white with leprosy. The chapter falls easily into the sections of the story: the accusation (vv. 1-3), the Lord’s response (vv. 4-10), the intercession of Moses (vv. 11-16). For further information, see J. S. Kselman, “A Note on Numbers 12:6-8,” VT 26 (1976): 500-504.

20 tn The preposition bet (בְּ) has the adversative sense here, “[speak] against” (see also its use for hostile speech in 21:5, 7). Speaking against is equal to the murmuring throughout the wilderness period. The verb of the sentence is וַתְּדַבֵּר (vattÿdabber), the feminine form of the verb. This indicates that Miriam was the main speaker for the two, the verb agreeing with the first of the compound subject.

sn It may be that Miriam was envious of the Cushite woman Moses married. And, in view of the previous chapter’s content about others being given a portion of the Spirit to share in the leadership role, she may have seen this as her chance finally to become just as important in the nation as her younger brother. After all, she safeguarded his birth and early years (Exod 2). But there are two issues here – the reason she gives (“does the Lord only speak through Moses?”), and the reason the text gives (the Cushite woman).

21 tn The Hebrew text has הַכֻּשִׁית (hakkushit, “the Cushite”) as the modifier of “woman.” The Greek text interpreted this correctly as “Ethiopian.” The word Cush in the Bible can describe the Cassites, east of Babylon of the later period (Gen 10:18), or Ethiopia (Isa 20:3; Nah 3:5; et al). Another suggestion is that it would refer to Cushan of Hab 3:7, perhaps close to Midian, and so the area Moses had been. This would suggest it could be Zipporah – but the Bible does not identify the Cushite as Zipporah. The most natural understanding would be that it refers to an Egyptian/Ethiopian woman. The text does not say when Moses married this woman, or what Miriam’s problem with her was. It is clear that it was a racial issue, by virtue of the use of “Cushite.” Whether she was of darker skin than the Hebrews would be hard to say, since the Bible gives no further detail. Neither does it say if this is a second wife, or a woman Moses married since Zipporah went home (Exod 18:2). These do not seem to be the issues the text wishes to elaborate on; it is simply stating that this woman was the occasion for a deeper challenge.

22 tn Heb “taken.”

23 tn Now the text changes to use a plural form of the verb. The indication is that Miriam criticized the marriage, and then the two of them raised questions about his sole leadership of the nation.

24 tn The use of both רַק and אַךְ (raq and ’akh) underscore the point that the issue is Moses’ uniqueness.

25 tn There is irony in the construction in the text. The expression “speak through us” also uses דִּבֵּר + בְּ(dibber + bÿ). They ask if God has not also spoken through them, after they have spoken against Moses. Shortly God will speak against them – their words are prophetic, but not as they imagined.

sn The questions are rhetorical. They are affirming that God does not only speak through Moses, but also speaks through them. They see themselves as equal with Moses. The question that was asked of the earlier presumptuous Moses – “Who made you a ruler over us?” – could also be asked of them. God had not placed them as equals with Moses. The passage is relevant for today when so many clamor for equal authority and leadership with those whom God has legitimately called.

26 sn The statement is striking. Obviously the Lord knows all things. But the statement of the obvious here is meant to indicate that the Lord was about to do something about this.

27 tn The expression בִּי אֲדֹנִי (biadoni, “O my lord”) shows a good deal of respect for Moses by Aaron. The expression is often used in addressing God.

28 tn Heb “mouth.”

29 tn Heb “heads.”

30 tn The preterite with vav (ו) consecutive is here subordinated to the next verb of the same formation to express a temporal clause.

31 tn The instructions had them first go up into the southern desert of the land, and after passing through that, into the hill country of the Canaanites. The text could be rendered “into the Negev” as well as “through the Negev.”

32 tn Heb “told him and said.” The referent (Moses) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

33 tn The relative clause modifies “the land.” It is constructed with the relative and the verb: “where you sent us.”

34 sn This is the common expression for the material abundance of the land (see further, F. C. Fensham, “An Ancient Tradition of the Fertility of Palestine,” PEQ 98 [1966]: 166-67).

35 tn The construction is emphatic, using the cohortative with the infinitive absolute to strengthen it: עָלֹה נַעֲלֶה (’aloh naaleh, “let us go up”) with the sense of certainty and immediacy.

36 tn The perfect tense with vav (ו) consecutive brings the cohortative idea forward: “and let us possess it”; it may also be subordinated to form a purpose or result idea.

37 tn Here again the confidence of Caleb is expressed with the infinitive absolute and the imperfect tense: יָכוֹל נוּכַל (yakhol nukhal), “we are fully able” to do this. The verb יָכַל (yakhal) followed by the preposition lamed means “to prevail over, to conquer.”

38 tn The construction is unusual in that we have here a perfect tense with a vav (ו) consecutive with no verb before it to establish the time sequence. The context requires that this be taken as a vav (ו) consecutive. It actually forms the protasis for the next verse, and would best be rendered “whenthen they will say.”

39 tn The verb is the Hiphil infinitive construct with a lamed (ל) preposition from the root יָצָא (yatsa’, “to bring out”). The use of the infinitive here is epexegetical, that is, explaining how they caused the people to murmur.

40 tn N. H. Snaith compares Arabic ’afala (“to swell”) and gafala (“reckless, headstrong”; Leviticus and Numbers [NCB], 248). The wordעֹפֶל (’ofel) means a “rounded hill” or a “tumor.” The idea behind the verb may be that of “swelling,” and so “act presumptuously.”

41 tn The disjunctive vav (ו) here introduces a circumstantial clause; the most appropriate one here would be the concessive “although.”

42 tn The sentence begins with the emphatic use of the infinitive absolute with the verb in the Hophal imperfect: “he shall surely be put to death.” Then, a second infinitive absolute רָגוֹם (ragom) provides the explanatory activity – all the community is to stone him with stones. The punishment is consistent with other decrees from God (see Exod 31:14,15; 35:2). Moses had either forgotten such, or they had simply neglected to (or were hesitant to) enact them.

43 tn Heb “princes” (so KJV, ASV).

44 tn These men must have been counselors or judges of some kind.

45 tn Heb “men of name,” or “men of renown.”

46 sn The whole congregation here is trying to project its guilt on Moses and Aaron. It was they and their rebellion that brought about the deaths, not Moses and Aaron. The Lord had punished the sinners. The fact that the leaders had organized a rebellion against the Lord was forgotten by these people. The point here is that the Israelites had learned nothing of spiritual value from the event.

47 tn The temporal clause is constructed with the temporal indicator (“and it was”) followed by the Niphal infinitive construct and preposition.

48 tn The verse uses וְהִנֵּה (vÿhinneh, “and behold”). This is the deictic particle – it is used to point things out, suddenly calling attention to them, as if the reader were there. The people turned to look toward the tent – and there is the cloud!

49 tn The words “at them” are not in the Hebrew text, but they have been added in the translation for clarity.

50 sn For this particular section, see W. F. Albright, “From the Patriarchs to Moses: 2. Moses out of Egypt,” BA 36 (1973): 57-58; J. R. Bartlett, “The Land of Seir and the Brotherhood of Edom,” JTS 20 (1969): 1-20, and “The Rise and Fall of the Kingdom of Edom,” PEQ 104 (1972): 22-37, and “The Brotherhood of Edom,” JSOT 4 (1977): 2-7.

51 tn Heb “And Moses sent.”

52 sn Some modern biblical scholars are convinced, largely through arguments from silence, that there were no unified kingdoms in Edom until the 9th century, and no settlements there before the 12th century, and so the story must be late and largely fabricated. The evidence is beginning to point to the contrary. But the cities and residents of the region would largely be Bedouin, and so leave no real remains.

53 tn Heb “found.”

54 tn The word order is slightly different in Hebrew: “and it shall be anyone who is bitten when he looks at it he shall live.”

55 tn The words “they traveled” are not in the Hebrew text, but are supplied here because of English style. The same phrase is supplied at the end of v. 18.

56 sn Isa 15:8 mentions a Moabite Beerelim, which Simons suggests is Wadi Ettemed.

57 tn Heb “slay – a man his men.” The imperative is plural, and so “man” is to be taken collectively as “each of you men.”

58 tn The word “River” is not in the Hebrew text, but has been supplied in the translation for clarity (also in v. 62).

59 map For the location of Jericho see Map5 B2; Map6 E1; Map7 E1; Map8 E3; Map10 A2; Map11 A1.

60 tn “Number the people” is added here to the text for a smooth reading.

61 map For the location of Jericho see Map5 B2; Map6 E1; Map7 E1; Map8 E3; Map10 A2; Map11 A1.

62 sn See further J. Lindblom, “Lot Casting in the Old Testament,” VT 12 (1962): 164-78; E. Lipinski, “Urim and Thummim,” VT 20 (1970): 495-96; and S. E. Loewenstamm, “The Death of Moses,” Tarbiz 27 (1957/58): 142-57.

63 tc The Greek version adds “which is Mount Nebo.” This is a typical scribal change to harmonize two passages.

sn The area is in the mountains of Moab; Deut 34:1 more precisely identifies it as Mount Nebo.

64 tn The imperative could be subordinated to the first to provide a purpose clause, although a second instruction fits well enough.

65 tn This perfect tense would best be classified as a perfect of resolve: “which I have decided to give.” God had not yet given the land to them, but it was certain he would.

66 tn Or “said.”

67 sn The word “spirit” probably refers to the Holy Spirit, in which case it would be rendered “in whom is the Spirit.” This would likely be a permanent endowment for Joshua. But it is also possible to take it to refer to a proper spirit to do all the things required of such a leader (which ultimately is a gift from the Spirit of God). The Hebrew text simply says “in whom is a spirit.”

68 sn This symbolic act would indicate the transfer of leadership to Joshua.

69 tn Heb “stood.”

70 tn The Niphal imperative, literally “arm yourselves,” is the call to mobilize the nation for war. It is followed by the jussive, “and they will be,” which would then be subordinated to say “that they may be.” The versions changed the verb to a Hiphil, but that is unnecessary: “arm some of yourselves.”

71 tn Heb “give.”

72 sn This material can be arranged into four sections: from Egypt to Sinai (vv. 1-15), the wilderness wanderings (vv. 16-36), from Kadesh to Moab (vv. 37-49), and final orders for Canaan (vv. 50-56).

73 tn Heb “hand.”

74 tn Heb “their goings out.”

75 tn Heb “mouth.”

76 tn Heb “commanded.”

77 tn Heb “mouth.”

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