Daniel 11:31
And arms
the sanctuary
of strength
the daily
the abomination
{maketh...: or, astonisheth}<08251>
Daniel 11:36-38
And the king
according to his will
himself above every god
against the God
of gods
till the indignation
the God
of his fathers
nor the desire
of women
any god
himself above all.<0433>_:
But in his estate
the God
of forces
and a god
whom his fathers
with gold
and silver
and with precious
and pleasant things
{in...: or, as for the Almighty God, in his seat he shall honour yea, he shall honour a god, whom, etc} {estate: or, stead} {forces: or, munitions: Heb. Mauzzim, or, God's protectors} {pleasant: Heb. things desired}<02532>_.