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NETBible: Strong -- 314

anaginosko <314>

anaginwskw anaginosko

Origin:from 303 and 1097
Reference:TDNT - 1:343,55
In Greek:anaginwskeiv 2, anaginwskete 1, anaginwskhtai 1, anaginwskomenav 1, anaginwskomenh 1, anaginwskomenov 1, anaginwskontev 1, anaginwskontov 1, anaginwskwn 3, anagnontev 1, anagnouv 1, anagnwnai 1, anagnwsyh 2, anagnwsyhnai 1, anagnwte 1, aneginwsken 2, anegnwsan 1, anegnwte 10
In NET:Have you read 4, read 3, have you read 3, reading 3, is read 2, reader 2, you read 2, do you understand 1, had read 1, When reading 1, When read 1, Have you read Out 1, you have read 1, you can read 1, to have read 1, reads 1, you're reading 1, to read 1, it read 1, that are read 1
In AV:read 33
Definition:1) to distinguish between, to recognise, to know accurately,
to acknowledge
2) to read
from 303 and 1097; to know again, i.e. (by extension) to read:-read.
see GREEK for 303
see GREEK for 1097

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