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NETBible: Strong -- 1097

ginosko <1097>

ginwskw ginosko

Origin:a prolonged form of a primary verb
Reference:TDNT - 1:689,119
In Greek:eginwsken 4, eginwskon 1, egnw 16, egnwka 2, egnwkamen 6, egnwkan 1, egnwkate 4, egnwkav 1, egnwkeite 2, egnwken 3, egnwkenai 1, egnwkotev 1, egnwn 6, egnwsan 18, egnwstai 1, egnwsyh 2, egnwv 3, ginwske 1, ginwskei 12, ginwskein 2, ginwskeiv 7, ginwsketai 2, ginwskete 23, ginwsketw 2, ginwskh 1, ginwskhte 1, ginwskomen 10, ginwskomenh 1, ginwskontev 6, ginwskousin 2, ginwskw 7, ginwskwn 2, ginwskwsin 1, gnoi 3, gnonta 1, gnontev 5, gnouv 12, gnw 4, gnwnai 15, gnwsesye 5, gnwsetai 1, gnwsh 1, gnwsin 1, gnwsomai 2, gnwsomeya 1, gnwsontai 3, gnwsyentev 1, gnwsyh 1, gnwsyhsetai 4, gnwsyhtw 1, gnwte 6, gnwtw 1, gnwv 1, gnwyi 1
In NET:know 32, to know 11, knows 11, understand 9, we know 8, knew 8, will know 7, learned 6, you know 6, I know 5, does know 4, you have known 4, you may know 3, realized 3, is known 3, you will know 3, they realized 3, they have known 3, will be made known 3, you understand 2, did know 2, known 2, recognized 2, you do know 2, he does foresee 2, has known 2, Do you understand 2, You know 2, should know 2, I knew 2, understood 2, Let see 1, Know 1, They did understand 1, do know 1, evidence 1, do you know 1, Do you know 1, I will find out 1, have known 1, have come to know 1, found out 1, find out 1, did understand 1, did recognize 1, be aware 1, be understood 1, have learned 1, acknowledge 1, I have had 1, You should know 1, by hearing news 1, can I be sure 1, We have come to know 1, I have come to know 1, We know 1, could see 1, I understand 1, When was informed 1, you will realize 1, you may come to know 1, we do know 1, we have come to know 1, to find out 1, to be known 1, they know 1, they understand 1, we have known 1, we will know 1, you did recognize 1, you had known 1, you had only known 1, will you understand 1, who know 1, when found out 1, when noticed 1, they knew 1, they had known 1, it did know 1, you have come to know 1, you will understand 1, heard 1, he would know 1, he knew 1, he will know 1, learns 1, let you know 1, they did grasp 1, they did understand 1, test 1, she felt 1, may know 1, recognize 1, have marital 1
In AV:know 196, perceive 9, understand 8, misc 10
Definition:1) to learn to know, come to know, get a knowledge of perceive, feel
1a) to become known
2) to know, understand, perceive, have knowledge of
2a) to understand
2b) to know
3) Jewish idiom for sexual intercourse between a man and a woman
4) to become acquainted with, to know

Synonym : See Definition 5825
a prolonged form of a primary verb; to "know" (absolutely) in a great
variety of applications and with many implications (as follow, with
others not thus clearly expressed):-allow, be aware (of), feel,
(have) know(-ledge), perceived, be resolved, can speak, be sure,

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