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NETBible: Strong -- 1510

eimi <1510>

eimi eimi

Origin:the first person singular present indicative a prolonged form of a primary and defective verb
In Greek:ei 89, eih 11, eimi 138, einai 124, einai] 1, eisin 157, esesyai 4, esesye 12, esh 8, esmen 53, esomai 13, esomenon 1, esomeya 4, esontai 31, esontai] 1, estai 115, este 91, estin 894, estin] 1, estw 12, estwsan 2, h 42, hmen 8, hmeya 5, hmhn 15, hn 313, hsan 94, hsya 2, hte 19, htw 2, hv 7, isyi 5, on 1, onta 18, ontav 11, ontev 25, onti 4, ontov 15, ontwn 6, ousa 5, ousai 1, ousan 6, oush 4, oushv 6, ousin 9, ouswn 1, w 2, wmen 3, wn 44, wsin 11, [ei] 1, [estai] 1, [estin] 5, [hn] 1
In NET:is 557, are 213, was 169, am 72, will be 65, were 58, you are 55, it is 52, I am 48, he was 35, there is 33, he is 32, to be 30, it was 27, be 24, we are 24, It is 19, they were 18, there was 17, are you 17, there are 16, He is 15, there will be 15, you will be 13, there were 13, they are 12, it will be 11, you were 10, Are 10, I was 10, There is 9, You are 8, belongs 8, may be 8, I 8, you 8, would be 7, I will be 7, have 7, he 7, she is 7, must be 6, they will be 6, had been 6, we were 5, Are they 5, It was 5, I am he 5, There will be 5, Isn't 5, who were 5, while was 5, who is 5, This is 5, We are 5, There was 4, he be 4, There were 4, They are 4, They were 4, we will be 4, will come 4, will become 4, will 4, means 4, who was 4, It will be 4, will have been 4, must I be 3, does 3, come from 3, had 3, lived 3, being 3, they 3, do 3, exist 3, has 3, You will be 3, he had 3, they may be 3, while were 3, Is 3, will happen 3, He was 3, There are 3, who are 3, this is 2, I would be 2, let it be 2, let him be 2, Is it 2, brings 2, when was 2, belong 2, Is this 2, you're 2, it were 2, you have been 2, he comes from 2, you may be 2, Am I 2, you had been 2, he will be 2, do belong 2, is he 2, existed 2, are they 2, comes 2, there be 2, Jesus 2, we 2, You have been 2, they had been 2, they had 2, Herod 1, They do belong 1, does consist of 1, does mean 1, This was 1, She had 1, I been 1, I belong 1, did agree 1, discipline 1, entrusted 1, They got 1, do come 1, They belonged 1, Are is 1, had been given 1, Would 1, has done 1, We were 1, Whoever is 1, Are there 1, Are you 1, Now he is 1, He stayed 1, felt 1, He had 1, Could be 1, everything is 1, did 1, calls 1, belongs to 1, It's 1, can be 1, can have 1, We have 1, come 1, It 1, been 1, It would be 1, are to be 1, aren't 1, as 1, are agreement 1, It is I 1, Let be 1, amount 1, Meanwhile 1, May 1, could be 1, counts 1, are in this group 1, deserving 1, I have come 1, consisted of 1, We are belonging 1, come out 1, have come 1, compared 1, consist 1, Let your be 1, I come from 1, it will 1, we have been 1, we say 1, we had lived 1, we had 1, was it 1, was possessed 1, we should be 1, we were staying 1, what 1, when is 1, were there 1, were members 1, we would have participated 1, was happening 1, was created 1, this means 1, this will be 1, they would be 1, they will 1, they were gone 1, those were 1, thus be 1, unworthy 1, was about to happen 1, to exist 1, to end 1, to come 1, which 1, which is 1, within us 1, worked 1, will there be 1, will she be 1, will lead 1, would become 1, you bear 1, you once lived 1, you will 1, you do belong 1, you belonged 1, you belong 1, will have 1, will get it 1, who belonged 1, who had been 1, who 1, while are 1, which was 1, who had been suffering 1, who happened to be 1, will exist 1, will get 1, will be made 1, who used 1, who live 1, they existed 1, they do belong 1, it 1, it came 1, is there 1, is of 1, is meaning 1, it will be done 1, it would have been 1, man 1, me 1, located 1, let be 1, keep 1, is it 1, is being 1, he had really been 1, he may be 1, he exists 1, he could go 1, he continued 1, he must be 1, he were 1, including 1, is a 1, here 1, he would be 1, he would 1, mean 1, meant 1, the 1, their did agree 1, suffering 1, something is 1, should be 1, them 1, there really is 1, they continued 1, they did 1, they belong 1, these 1, there would be 1, she will be 1, she was 1, no 1, noon 1, must remain 1, must happen 1, might be 1, not 1, people there 1, resides 1, shall be 1, requires 1, represents 1, possess 1, have the same 1
In AV:I am + 1473 74, am 55, it is I + 1473 6, be 2, I was + 1473 1, have been 1, not tr 7
Definition:1) to be, to exist, to happen, to be present
the first person singular present indicative; a prolonged form of a
primary and defective verb; I exist (used only when emphatic):-am,
have been, X it is I, was. See also 1488, 1498, 1511, 1527, 2258,
2071, 2070, 2075, 2076, 2771, 2468, 5600.
see GREEK for 1488
see GREEK for 1498
see GREEK for 1511
see GREEK for 1527
see GREEK for 2258
see GREEK for 2071
see GREEK for 2070
see GREEK for 2075
see GREEK for 2076
see GREEK for 2771
see GREEK for 2468
see GREEK for 5600

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