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GREEK: 3604 Oziav Ozias
HEBREW: 5818 hyze `Uzziyah or whyze Uzziyahuw
NAVE: Uzziah
EBD: Uzziah
Uzzen Sheerah | Uzzen-sherah | Uzzensherah | Uzzi | Uzzia | Uzziah | Uzziel | Uzzielites | Uzzielites, The | Vagabond | Vaheb


In Bible versions:

Uzziah's: NASB
a son of Jehoram; the father of Jotham; an ancestor of Jesus.
son and successor of king Amaziah of Judah
son of Uriel of Kohath son of Levi
father of Jonathan, the head of country treasuries under David
a priest of the Harim Clan who put away his heathen wife
son of Zechariah; father of Athaiah of Judah, a returned exile

the strength, or kid, of the Lord ( --> same as Uzziel)
Arts Topics: Azariah (Uzziah) in Various Compositions; King Azariah (Uzziah); Other Portraits of Azariah (Uzziah)


Strongs #3604: Oziav Ozias

Uzziah = "strength of Jehovah"

1) son of Amaziah, king of Judah from B.C. 810 - 758

3604 Ozias od-zee'-as

of Hebrew origin (5818); Ozias (i.e. Uzzijah), an Israelite:-Ozias.
see HEBREW for 05818


Strongs #05818: hyze `Uzziyah or whyze Uzziyahuw

Uzziah = "my strength is Jehovah"

1) son of king Amaziah of Judah and king of Judah himself for 52
years; also 'Azariah'
2) a Kohathite Levite and ancestor of Samuel
3) a priest of the sons of Harim who took a foreign wife in the time
of Ezra
4) a Judaite, father of Athaiah or Uthai
5) father of Jehonathan, one of David's overseers

5818 `Uzziyah ooz-zee-yaw'

or Uzziyahuw {ooz-zee-yaw'-hoo}; from 5797 and 3050; strength
of Jah; Uzzijah, the name of five Israelites:-Uzziah.
see HEBREW for 05797
see HEBREW for 03050

Uzziah [EBD]

a contracted form of Azari'ah the Lord is my strength. (1.) One of Amaziah's sons, whom the people made king of Judah in his father's stead (2 Kings 14:21; 2 Chr. 26:1). His long reign of about fifty-two years was "the most prosperous excepting that of Jehosaphat since the time of Solomon." He was a vigorous and able ruler, and "his name spread abroad, even to the entering in of Egypt" (2 Chr. 26:8, 14). In the earlier part of his reign, under the influence of Zechariah, he was faithful to Jehovah, and "did that which was right in the sight of the Lord" (2 Kings 15:3; 2 Chr. 26:4, 5); but toward the close of his long life "his heart was lifted up to his destruction," and he wantonly invaded the priest's office (2 Chr. 26:16), and entering the sanctuary proceeded to offer incense on the golden altar. Azariah the high priest saw the tendency of such a daring act on the part of the king, and with a band of eighty priests he withstood him (2 Chr. 26:17), saying, "It appertaineth not unto thee, Uzziah, to burn incense." Uzziah was suddenly struck with leprosy while in the act of offering incense (26:19-21), and he was driven from the temple and compelled to reside in "a several house" to the day of his death (2 Kings 15:5, 27; 2 Chr. 26:3). He was buried in a separate grave "in the field of the burial which belonged to the kings" (2 Kings 15:7; 2 Chr. 26:23). "That lonely grave in the royal necropolis would eloquently testify to coming generations that all earthly monarchy must bow before the inviolable order of the divine will, and that no interference could be tolerated with that unfolding of the purposes of God, which, in the fulness of time, would reveal the Christ, the true High Priest and King for evermore" (Dr. Green's Kingdom of Israel, etc.).

(2.) The father of Jehonathan, one of David's overseers (1 Chr. 27:25).

Uzziah [NAVE]

1. Called Azariah. King of Judah, 2 Kin. 14:21; 15:1, 2; 2 Chr. 26:1, 3.
Rebuilds Elath, 2 Kin. 14:22; 2 Chr. 26:2.
Reigns righteously, 2 Kin. 15:3; 2 Chr. 26:4, 5.
Defeats the Philistines, 2 Chr. 26:6, 7.
Takes tribute from the Ammonites; strengthens the kingdom, 2 Chr. 26:8.
Strengthens the fortifications of Jerusalem, 2 Chr. 26:9.
Promotes cattle raising and agriculture, 2 Chr. 26:10.
Military establishment of, 2 Chr. 26:11-15.
Is presumptuous in burning incense; stricken with leprosy; quarantined, 2 Chr. 26:16-21; 2 Kin. 15:5.
Jotham regent during quarantine of, 2 Kin. 15:5; 2 Chr. 26:21.
Death of, 2 Kin. 15:7; 2 Chr. 26:23.
History of, written by Isaiah, 2 Chr. 26:22; Isa. 1:1.
Earthquake in the reign of, Amos 1:1; Zech. 14:5.
2. Son of Uriel, 1 Chr. 6:24.
3. Father of Jehonathan, 1 Chr. 27:25.
4. A priest. Puts away his Gentile wife, Ezra 10:21.
5. Father of Athaiah, Neh. 11:4.


(strength of Jehovah).
  1. King of Judah B.C. 809-8 to 757-6. In some passages his name appears in the lengthened form Azariah: After the murder of Amaziah, his son Uzziah was chosen by the people, at the age of sixteen, to occupy the vacant throne; and for the greater part of his long reign of fifty-two years he lived in the fear of God, and showed himself a wise, active and pious ruler. He never deserted the worship of the true God, and was much influenced by Zechariah, a prophet who is mentioned only in connection with him. (2 Chronicles 26:5) So the southern kingdom was raised to a condition of prosperity which it had not known since the death of Solomon. The end of Uzziah was less prosperous than his beginning. Elated with his splendid career, he determined to burn incense on the altar of God, but was opposed by the high priest Azariah and eighty others. See (Exodus 30:7,8; Numbers 16:40; 18:7) The king was enraged at their resistance, and, as he pressed forward with his censer was suddenly smitten with leprosy. This lawless attempt to burn incense was the only exception to the excellence of his administration. (2 Chronicles 27:2) Uzziah was buried "with his fathers," yet apparently not actually in the royal sepulchres. (2 Chronicles 26:23) During his reign a great earthquake occurred. (Amos 1:1; Zechariah 14:5)
  2. A Kohathite Levite, and ancestor of Samuel. (1 Chronicles 6:24) (9).
  3. A priest of the sons of Harim, who had taken a foreign wife in the days of Ezra. (Ezra 10:21) (B.C. 458.)
  4. Father of Athaiah or Uthai. (Nehemiah 11:4)
  5. Father of Jehonathan, one of David?s overseers. (1 Chronicles 27:25) (B.C. about 1053.)


UZZIAH; (AZARIAH) - u-zi'-a, oo-zi'-a (`uzziyah (2 Ki 15:13,30; Hos 1:1; Am 1:1; Zec 14:5), `uzziyahu (2 Ki 15:32,34; Isa 1:1; 6:1; 7:1; 2 Ch 26:1 ff; 27:2); also called `azaryah (2 Ki 14:21; 15:1,7; 1 Ch 3:12), 'azaryahu (2 Ki 15:6,8); Azarias, in Kings, elsewhere Ozias; the significations of the names are similar, the former meaning "my strength is Yah"; the latter, "Yah has helped." It has been thought that the form "Uzziah" may have originated by corruption from the other. The history of the reign is given in 2 Ki 15:1-8 and 2 Ch 26):

1. Accession:

Uzziah or Azariah, son of Amaziah, and 11th king of Judah, came to the throne at the age of 16. The length of his reign is given as 52 years. The chronological questions raised by this statement are considered below. His accession may here be provisionally dated in 783 BC. His father Amaziah had met his death by popular violence (2 Ki 14:19), but Uzziah seems to have been the free and glad choice of the people (2 Ch 26:1).

2. Foreign Wars:

The unpopularity of his father, owing to a great military disaster, must ever have been present to the mind of Uzziah, and early in his reign he undertook and successfully carried through an expedition against his father's enemies of 20 years before, only extending his operations over a wider area. The Edomites, Philistines and Arabians were successively subdued (these being members of a confederacy which, in an earlier reign, had raided Jerusalem and nearly extirpated the royal family, 2 Ch 21:16; 22:1); the port of Eloth, at the head of the Red Sea, was restored to Judah, and the city rebuilt (2 Ki 14:22; 2 Ch 26:2); the walls of certain hostile towns, Gath, Jabneh and Ashdod, were razed to the ground, and the inhabitants of Gur-baal and Maan were reduced to subjection (2 Ch 26:6,7). Even the Ammonites, East of the Jordan, paid tribute to Uzziah, and "his name spread abroad even to the entrance to Egypt; for he waxed exceeding strong" (2 Ch 26:8).

3. Home Defenses:

Uzziah next turned his attention to securing the defenses of his capital and country. The walls of Jerusalem were strengthened by towers built at the corner gate, at the valley gate, and at an angle in the wall (see plan of Jerusalem in the writer's Second Temple in Jerusalem); military stations were also formed in Philistia, and in the wilderness of the Negeb, and these were supplied with the necessary cisterns for rain storage (2 Ch 26:6,10). The little realm had now an extension and prosperity to which it had been a stranger since the days of Solomon.

4. Uzziah's Leprosy and Retirement:

These successes came so rapidly that Uzziah had hardly passed his 40th year when a great personal calamity overtook him. In the earlier part of his career Uzziah had enjoyed and profited by the counsels of Zechariah, a man "who had understanding in the vision of God" (2 Ch 26:5), and during the lifetime of this godly monitor "be set himself to seek God." Now it happened to him as with his grandfather Jehoash, who, so long as his preserver Jehoiada lived, acted admirably, but, when he died, behaved like an ingrate, and killed his son (2 Ki 12:2; 2 Ch 24:2,22). So now that Zechariah was gone, Uzziah's heart was lifted up in pride, and he trespassed against Yahweh. In the great kingdoms of the East, the kings had been in the habit of exercising priestly as well as royal functions. Elated with his prosperity, Uzziah determined to exercise what he may have thought was his royal prerogative in burning incense on the golden altar of the temple. Azariah the high priest, with 80 others, offered stout remonstrance; but the king was only angry, and pressed forward with a censer in his hand, to offer the incense. Ere, however, he could scatter the incense on the coals, and while yet in anger, the white spots of leprosy showed themselves upon his forehead. Smitten in conscience, and thrust forth by the priests, he hastened away, and was a leper ever after (2 Ch 26:16-21).

Uzziah's public life was now ended. In his enforced privacy, he may still have occupied himself with his cattle and agricultural operations, "for he loved husbandry" (2 Ch 26:10); but his work in the government was over. Both Kings and Chronicles state in nearly identical words: "Jotham the king's son was over the household, judging the people of the land" (2 Ki 15:5; 2 Ch 26:21). Works of the same kind as those undertaken by Uzziah, namely, building military stations in the hills and forests of Judah, repairing the walls of city and temple, etc., are attributed to Jotham (2 Ch 27:3 ff); the truth being that Jotham continued and completed the enterprises his father had undertaken.

5. Chronology of Reign:

The chronology of the reign of Uzziah presents peculiar difficulties, some of which, probably, cannot be satisfactorily solved. Reckoning upward from the fall of Samaria in 721 BC, the Biblical data would suggest 759 as the first year of Jotham. If, as is now generally conceded, Jotham's regnal years are reckoned from the commencement of his regency, when his father had been stricken with leprosy, and if, as synchronisms seem to indicate, Uzziah was about 40 years of age at this time, we are brought for the year of Uzziah's accession to 783. His death, 52 years later, would occur in 731. (On the other hand, it is known that Isaiah, whose call was in the year of Uzziah's death, Isa 6:1, was already exercising his ministry in the reign of Jotham, Isa 1:1.) Another note of time is furnished by the statement that the earliest utterance of Amos the prophet was "two years before the earthquake" (Am 1:1). This earthquake, we are told by Zechariah, was "in the days of Uzziah, king of Judah" (Zec 14:5). Josephus likewise embodies a tradition that the earthquake occurred at the moment of the king's entry into the temple (Ant., IX, x, 4). Indubitably the name of Uzziah was associated in the popular mind with this earthquake. If the prophecy of Amos was uttered a year or two before Jeroboam's death, and this is placed in 759 BC, we are brought near to the date already given for Uzziah's leprosy (Jeroboam's date is put lower by others).

In 2 Kings 15 Uzziah is referred to as giving data for the accessions of the northern kings (15:8, Zechariah; 15:13, Shallum; 15:17, Menahem; 15:23, Pekahiah; 15:27, Pekah), but it is difficult to fit these synchronisms into any scheme of chronology, if taken as regnal years. Uzziah is mentioned as the father of Jotham in 2 Ki 15:32,34; 2 Ch 27:2, and as the grandfather of Ahaz in Isa 7:1. He was living when Isaiah began his ministry (Isa 1:1; 6:1); when Hoses prophesied (Hos 1:1); and is the king in whose reign the afore-mentioned earthquake took place (Zec 14:5). His name occurs in the royal genealogies in 1 Ch 3:11 and Mt 1:8,9. The place of his entombment, owing to his having been a leper, was not in the sepulchers of the kings, but "in the garden of Uzza" (2 Ki 21:26; compare 2 Ch 26:23). Isaiah is stated to have written a life of Uzziah (2 Ch 26:22).

W. Shaw Caldecott

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