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Table of Contents
Rain | Rainbow | Rainfall In Jerusalem In Inches | Raise | Raisin | Raisin-Cakes | Raising | Raisins | Rakkath | Rakkon | Ram'S Horn



RAISIN-CAKES - ra'-z'-n-kaks: the Revised Version (British and American) gives this rendering for the King James Version "foundations" in Isa 16:7 (Hebrew 'ashishah from 'ashash, "to found," "make firm," "press"). The trade in these would cease through the desolation of the vineyards. For the King James Version "flagons of wine" in Hos 3:1, the Revised Version (British and American) gives "cakes of raisins," such as were offered to the gods of the land, the givers of the grape (compare Song 2:5). See next article.

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