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NETBible: Strong -- 450

anistemi <450>

anisthmi anistemi

Origin:from 303 and 2476
Reference:TDNT - 1:368,60
In Greek:anaphdhsav 1, anasta 3, anastan 1, anastantev 6, anastasa 2, anastav 34, anasth 2, anasthnai 7, anasthsav 3, anasthsei 3, anasthsetai 5, anasthsontai 4, anasthsw 4, anasthyi 7, anastwsin 1, anesth 15, anesthsan 3, anesthsen 4, anistamenov 1, anistasyai 1, anistatai 1, [[anastav 1
In NET:got up 16, stood up 12, Get up 10, get up 7, will raise up 5, rose up 4, raised up 3, rises 3, rise 3, rose 2, left 2, will stand up 2, he will rise 2, he got up 2, had risen 2, father 1, has risen 1, came 1, After left 1, Stand up 1, arises 1, after arose 1, When got up 1, arose 1, he has raised 1, He got up 1, Rise 1, Stand upright 1, by raising 1, helped get up 1, they rise 1, stood 1, stand up 1, to arise 1, to rise 1, will rise 1, will come back to life 1, will arise 1, she got up 1, ruled 1, he will rise again 1, he will come back to life again 1, he stood up 1, would rise 1, jumped up 1, raise up 1, meant 1, he rose 1
In AV:arise 38, rise 19, rise up 16, rise again 13, raise up 11, stand up 8, raise up again 2, misc 5
Definition:1) to cause to rise up, raise up
1a) raise up from laying down
1b) to raise up from the dead
1c) to raise up, cause to be born, to cause to appear, bring forward
2) to rise, stand up
2a) of persons lying down, of persons lying on the ground
2b) of persons seated
2c) of those who leave a place to go elsewhere
2c1) of those who prepare themselves for a journey
2d) of the dead
3) at arise, appear, stand forth
3a) of kings prophets, priests, leaders of insurgents
3b) of those about to enter into conversation or dispute with anyone,
or to undertake some business, or attempt something against others
3c) to rise up against any one
from 303 and 2476; to stand up (literal or figurative, transitive or
intransitive):-arise, lift up, raise up (again), rise (again), stand
see GREEK for 303
see GREEK for 2476

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