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NETBible: Strong -- 4413

protos <4413>

prwtov protos

Origin:contracted superlative of 4253
Reference:TDNT - 6:865,965
In Greek:prwta 2, prwth 19, prwthn 6, prwthv 4, prwtoi 11, prwtoiv 2, prwton 7, prwtou 2, prwtouv 3, prwtov 29, prwtw 4, prwtwn 7, prwtwv 1
In NET:first 64, first one 3, leaders 2, worst 2, former 2, most important 2, greater 2, outer 2, earlier time 1, prominent men 1, earlier ones 1, first angel 1, chief official 1, First 1, best 1, first covenant 1, prominent leaders 1, person who is speaking 1, leading 1, most prominent 1, previously 1, former things 1, old 1, prominent 1, first importance 1
In AV:first 84, chief 9, first day 2, former 2, misc 7
Definition:1) first in time or place
1a) in any succession of things or persons
2) first in rank
2a) influence, honour
2b) chief
2c) principal
3) first, at the first
contracted superlative of 4253; foremost (in time, place, order or
importance):-before, beginning, best, chief(-est), first (of all),
see GREEK for 4253

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