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NETBible: Strong -- 1520

heis <1520>

eiv heis

Origin:(including the neuter [etc.] hen)
Reference:TDNT - 2:434,214
In Greek:eiv 97, en 61, ena 43, eni 21, enov 33, mia 35, mian 36, miav 7, [eiv] 1, [eni] 1, [en] 2, [miav] 1
In NET:one 236, a single 11, One 9, first 8, for one 5, one man 5, a 5, one thing 4, alone 3, of one 3, to one 2, to 2, each other 2, an 2, someone 2, one at a time 2, One thing 1, A 1, A member 1, Christ 1, in detail 1, one talent 1, one point 1, other 1, stroke 1, the other 1, one by one 1, in unison 1, in 1, in a single 1, in agreement 1, with one 1, have the same origin 1
In AV:one 229, a 9, other 6, some 6, not tr 4, misc 18
Definition:1) one
(including the neuter (etc.) hen); a primary numeral; one:-a(-n, -ny,
certain), + abundantly, man, one (another), only, other, some. See
also 1527, 3367, 3391, 3762.
see GREEK for 1527
see GREEK for 3367
see GREEK for 3391
see GREEK for 3762

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