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NETBible: Strong -- 07936

sakar <07936>

rks sakar or (by permutation) rko cakar (\\#Ezr 4:5\\)

Pronunciation:saw-kar' saw-kar'
Origin:a primitive root [apparently akin (by prosthesis) to 03739 through the idea of temporary purchase]
Reference:TWOT - 2264 1
In Hebrew:rkv 3, rkvyw 3, wrkvyw 2, rkvw 2, wrkvn 1, wrkv 1, rktvm 1, rwkv 1, Kytrkv 1, rkvl 1, Myrkv 1, wrkvy 1, ynrkvyw 1, Myrkow 1, rktvmhw 1
In NET:hired 8, hire 4, hires 2, paid 2, earn 1, services 1, wages 1
In AV:hire 15, rewardeth 2, wages 2, surely 1, hire out 1
Definition:1) to hire
1a) (Qal) to hire
1b) (Niphal) to hire oneself out
1c) (Hithpael) to earn wages
or (by permutation) cakar (Ezra 4:5) {saw-kar'}; a primitive
root (apparently akin (by prosthesis) to 3739 through the idea
of temporary purchase; compare 7937); to hire:-earn wages,
hire (out self), reward, X surely.
see HEBREW for 03739
see HEBREW for 07937

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