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Ezekiel 5:6

5:6 Then she defied my regulations and my statutes, becoming more wicked than the nations 1  and the countries around her. 2  Indeed, they 3  have rejected my regulations, and they do not follow my statutes.

Ezekiel 5:15

5:15 You will be 4  an object of scorn and taunting, 5  a prime example of destruction 6  among the nations around you when I execute judgments against you in anger and raging fury. 7  I, the Lord, have spoken!

Ezekiel 8:10

8:10 So I went in and looked. I noticed every figure 8  of creeping thing and beast – detestable images 9  – and every idol of the house of Israel, engraved on the wall all around. 10 

Ezekiel 11:12

11:12 Then you will know that I am the Lord, whose statutes you have not followed and whose regulations you have not carried out. Instead you have behaved according to the regulations of the nations around you!’”

Ezekiel 16:6


16:6 “‘I passed by you and saw you kicking around helplessly in your blood. I said to you as you lay there in your blood, “Live!” I said to you as you lay there in your blood, “Live!” 11 

Ezekiel 16:33

16:33 All prostitutes receive payment, 12  but instead you give gifts to every one of your lovers. You bribe them to come to you from all around for your sexual favors!

Ezekiel 31:4


31:4 The water made it grow;

underground springs made it grow tall.

Rivers flowed all around the place it was planted,

while smaller channels watered all the trees of the field. 13 

Ezekiel 32:23

32:23 Their 14  graves are located in the remote slopes of the pit. 15  Her assembly is around her grave, all of them struck down by the sword, those who spread terror in the land of the living.

Ezekiel 32:26


32:26 “Meshech-Tubal is there, along with all her hordes around her grave. 16  All of them are uncircumcised, killed by the sword, for they spread their terror in the land of the living.

Ezekiel 34:26

34:26 I will turn them and the regions around my hill into a blessing. I will make showers come down in their season; they will be showers that bring blessing. 17 

Ezekiel 36:36

36:36 Then the nations which remain around you will know that I, the Lord, have rebuilt the ruins and replanted what was desolate. I, the Lord, have spoken – and I will do it!’

Ezekiel 38:4

38:4 I will turn you around, put hooks into your jaws, and bring you out with all your army, horses and horsemen, all of them fully armed, a great company with shields of different types, 18  all of them armed with swords.

Ezekiel 39:2

39:2 I will turn you around and drag you along; 19  I will lead you up from the remotest parts of the north and bring you against the mountains of Israel.

Ezekiel 40:5


40:5 I saw 20  a wall all around the outside of the temple. 21  In the man’s hand was a measuring stick 10½ feet 22  long. He measured the thickness of the wall 23  as 10½ feet, 24  and its height as 10½ feet.

Ezekiel 40:29

40:29 Its alcoves, its jambs, and its porches had the same dimensions as the others, and there were windows all around it and its porches; its length was 87½ feet 25  and its width 43¾ feet. 26 

Ezekiel 40:33

40:33 Its alcoves, its jambs, and its porches had the same dimensions as the others, and there were windows all around it and its porches; its length was 87½ feet 27  and its width 43¾ feet. 28 

Ezekiel 41:11-12

41:11 There were entrances from the side chambers toward the open area, one entrance toward the north, and another entrance toward the south; the width of the open area was 8¾ feet 29  all around.

41:12 The building that was facing the temple courtyard at the west side was 122½ feet 30  wide; the wall of the building was 8¾ feet 31  all around, and its length 157½ feet. 32 

Ezekiel 41:19

41:19 a human face toward the palm tree on one side and a lion’s face toward the palm tree on the other side. They were carved on the whole temple all around;

Ezekiel 43:12


43:12 “This is the law of the temple: The entire area on top of the mountain all around will be most holy. Indeed, this is the law of the temple.

Ezekiel 43:17

43:17 The ledge is 24½ feet 33  long and 24½ feet wide on four sides; the border around it is 10½ inches, 34  and its surrounding base 1¾ feet. 35  Its steps face east.”

Ezekiel 43:20

43:20 You will take some of its blood, and place it on the four horns of the altar, on the four corners of the ledge, and on the border all around; you will cleanse it and make atonement for it. 36 

Ezekiel 47:2

47:2 He led me out by way of the north gate and brought me around the outside of the outer gate that faces toward the east; I noticed 37  that the water was trickling out from the south side.

1 sn The nations are subject to a natural law according to Gen 9; see also Amos 1:3-2:3; Jonah 1:2.

2 tn Heb “she defied my laws, becoming wicked more than the nations, and [she defied] my statutes [becoming wicked] more than the countries around her.”

3 sn One might conclude that the subject of the plural verbs is the nations/countries, but the context (vv. 5-6a) indicates that the people of Jerusalem are in view. The text shifts from using the feminine singular (referring to personified Jerusalem) to the plural (referring to Jerusalem’s residents). See L. C. Allen, Ezekiel (WBC), 1:73.

4 tc This reading is supported by the versions and by the Dead Sea Scrolls (11QEzek). Most Masoretic Hebrew mss read “it will be,” but if the final he (ה) is read as a mater lectionis, as it can be with the second masculine singular perfect, then they are in agreement. In either case the subject refers to Jerusalem.

5 tn The Hebrew word occurs only here in the OT. A related verb means “revile, taunt” (see Ps 44:16).

6 tn Heb “discipline and devastation.” These words are omitted in the Old Greek. The first term pictures Jerusalem as a recipient or example of divine discipline; the second depicts her as a desolate ruin (see Ezek 6:14).

7 tn Heb “in anger and in fury and in rebukes of fury.” The heaping up of synonyms emphasizes the degree of God’s anger.

8 tn Or “pattern.”

9 tn Heb “detestable.” The word is often used to describe the figures of foreign gods.

10 sn These engravings were prohibited in the Mosaic law (Deut 4:16-18).

11 tc The translation reflects the Hebrew text, which repeats the statement, perhaps for emphasis. However, a few medieval Hebrew manuscripts, the Old Greek, and the Syriac do not include the repetition. The statement could have been accidentally repeated or the second occurrence could have been accidentally omitted. Based on the available evidence it is difficult to know which is more likely.

12 tn The Hebrew word occurs only here in the OT.

13 tn Heb “Waters made it grow; the deep made it grow tall. It (the deep) was flowing with its rivers around the place it (the tree) was planted, it (the deep) sent out its channels to all the trees of the field.”

14 tn Heb “whose.”

15 tn The only other occurrence of the phrase “remote slopes of the pit” is in Isa 14:15.

16 tn Heb “around him her graves,” but the expression is best emended to read “around her grave” (see vv. 23-24).

17 tn Heb “showers of blessing.” Abundant rain, which in turn produces fruit and crops (v. 27), is a covenantal blessing for obedience (Lev 26:4).

18 sn The Hebrew text mentions two different types of shields here.

19 tn The Hebrew root occurs only here in the OT. An apparent cognate in the Ethiopic language means “walk along.” For a discussion of the research on this verb, see D. I. Block, Ezekiel (NICOT), 2:460.

20 tn The word הִנֵּה (hinneh, traditionally “behold”) indicates becoming aware of something and has been translated here as a verb.

21 tn Heb “house.”

22 tn Heb “a measuring stick of six cubits, [each] a cubit and a handbreadth.” The measuring units here and in the remainder of this section are the Hebrew “long” cubit, consisting of a cubit (about 18 inches or 45 cm) and a handbreadth (about 3 inches or 7.5 cm), for a total of 21 inches (52.5 cm). Therefore the measuring stick in the man’s hand was 10.5 feet (3.15 meters) long. Because modern readers are not familiar with the cubit as a unit of measurement, and due to the additional complication of the “long” cubit as opposed to the regular cubit, all measurements have been converted to American standard feet and inches, with the Hebrew measurements and the metric equivalents given in the notes.

23 tn Heb “building.”

24 tn Heb “one rod [or “reed”]” (also a second time in this verse, twice in v. 6, three times in v. 7, and once in v. 8).

25 tn Heb “fifty cubits” (i.e., 26.25 meters).

26 tn Heb “twenty-five cubits” (i.e., 13.125 meters).

27 tn Heb “fifty cubits” (i.e., 26.25 meters).

28 tn Heb “twenty-five cubits” (i.e., 13.125 meters).

29 tn Heb “five cubits” (i.e., 2.625 meters).

30 tn Heb “seventy cubits” (36.75 meters).

31 tn Heb “five cubits” (i.e., 2.625 meters).

32 tn Heb “ninety cubits” (i.e., 47.25 meters).

33 tn Heb “fourteen”; the word “cubits” is not in the Hebrew text but is understood from the context; the phrase occurs again later in this verse. Fourteen cubits is about 7.35 meters.

34 tn Heb “half a cubit” (i.e., 26.25 cm).

35 tn Heb “one cubit” (i.e., 52.5 cm).

36 sn Note the similar language in Lev 16:18.

37 tn The word הִנֵּה (hinneh, traditionally “behold”) indicates becoming aware of something and has been translated here as a verb.

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