Revelation 5:12

5:12 all of whom were singing in a loud voice:

“Worthy is the lamb who was killed

to receive power and wealth

and wisdom and might

and honor and glory and praise!”

Revelation 6:5

6:5 Then when the Lamb opened the third seal I heard the third living creature saying, “Come!” So I looked, and here came a black horse! The one who rode it had a balance scale 10  in his hand.

Revelation 6:9

6:9 Now 11  when the Lamb opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been violently killed 12  because of the word of God and because of the testimony they had given.

Revelation 6:12

6:12 Then 13  I looked when the Lamb opened the sixth seal, and a huge 14  earthquake took place; the sun became as black as sackcloth made of hair, 15  and the full moon became blood red; 16 

Revelation 6:16

6:16 They 17  said to the mountains and to the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of the one who is seated on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb, 18 

Revelation 7:17

7:17 because the Lamb in the middle of the throne will shepherd them and lead them to springs of living water, and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.” 19 

Revelation 12:11

12:11 But 20  they overcame him

by the blood of the Lamb

and by the word of their testimony,

and they did not love their lives 21  so much that they were afraid to die.

Revelation 13:8

13:8 and all those who live on the earth will worship the beast, 22  everyone whose name has not been written since the foundation of the world 23  in the book of life belonging to the Lamb who was killed. 24 

Revelation 14:1

An Interlude: The Song of the 144,000

14:1 Then 25  I looked, and here was 26  the Lamb standing on Mount Zion, and with him were one hundred and forty-four thousand, who had his name and his Father’s name written on their foreheads.

Revelation 15:3

15:3 They 27  sang the song of Moses the servant 28  of God and the song of the Lamb: 29 

“Great and astounding are your deeds,

Lord God, the All-Powerful! 30 

Just 31  and true are your ways,

King over the nations! 32 

Revelation 19:9

19:9 Then 33  the angel 34  said to me, “Write the following: Blessed are those who are invited to the banquet at the wedding celebration of the Lamb!” He also said to me, “These are the true words of God.”

Revelation 21:9

The New Jerusalem Descends

21:9 Then 35  one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls full of the seven final plagues came and spoke to me, 36  saying, “Come, I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb!”

Revelation 21:27

21:27 but 37  nothing ritually unclean 38  will ever enter into it, nor anyone who does what is detestable 39  or practices falsehood, 40  but only those whose names 41  are written in the Lamb’s book of life.

Revelation 5:6

5:6 Then 42  I saw standing in the middle of the throne 43  and of the four living creatures, and in the middle of the elders, a Lamb that appeared to have been killed. 44  He had 45  seven horns and seven eyes, which 46  are the seven 47  spirits of God 48  sent out into all the earth.

Revelation 5:8

5:8 and when he had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders threw themselves to the ground 49  before the Lamb. Each 50  of them had a harp and golden bowls full of incense (which are the prayers of the saints). 51 

Revelation 5:13

5:13 Then 52  I heard every creature – in heaven, on earth, under the earth, in the sea, and all that is in them – singing: 53 

“To the one seated on the throne and to the Lamb

be praise, honor, glory, and ruling power 54  forever and ever!”

Revelation 7:9

7:9 After these things I looked, and here was 55  an enormous crowd that no one could count, made up of persons from every nation, tribe, 56  people, and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb dressed in long white robes, and with palm branches in their hands.

Revelation 7:14

7:14 So 57  I said to him, “My lord, you know the answer.” 58  Then 59  he said to me, “These are the ones who have come out of the great tribulation. They 60  have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb!

Revelation 14:10

14:10 that person 61  will also drink of the wine of God’s anger 62  that has been mixed undiluted in the cup of his wrath, and he will be tortured with fire and sulfur 63  in front of the holy angels and in front of the Lamb.

tn The words “all of whom” are not in the Greek text, but have been supplied to indicate the resumption of the phrase “the voice of many angels” at the beginning of the verse.

tn Grk “saying.”

tn Or “slaughtered”; traditionally, “slain.”

tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “then” to indicate the implied sequence of events within the vision.

tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “so” to indicate the implied result of the summons by the third creature.

tc The reading “and I looked” (καὶ εἶδον, kai eidon) or some slight variation (e.g., ἶδον, idon) has excellent ms support ({א A C P 1611}) and its omission seems to have come through the mss that have already placed “and look” (καὶ ἴδε or καὶ βλέπε [kai ide or kai blepe]) after the verb “come” (ἔρχου, ercou) in 6:1. Thus, for these copyists it was redundant to add “and I looked” again.

tn The phrase “and here came” expresses the sense of καὶ ἰδού (kai idou).

tn Here καί (kai) has not been translated because of differences between Greek and English style.

tn Grk “the one sitting on it.”

10 sn A balance scale would have been a rod held by a rope in the middle with pans attached to both ends for measuring.

11 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “now” to indicate the introduction of a new and somewhat different topic after the introduction of the four riders.

12 tn Or “murdered.” See the note on the word “butcher” in 6:4.

13 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “then” to indicate the implied sequence of events within the vision.

14 tn Or “powerful”; Grk “a great.”

15 tn Or “like hairy sackcloth” (L&N 8.13).

16 tn Grk “like blood,” understanding αἷμα (aima) as a blood-red color rather than actual blood (L&N 8.64).

17 tn Because of the length and complexity of the Greek sentence, a new sentence was started here in the translation. Here καί (kai) has not been translated because of differences between Greek and English style.

18 tn It is difficult to say where this quotation ends. The translation ends it after “withstand it” at the end of v. 17, but it is possible that it should end here, after “Lamb” at the end of v. 16. If it ends after “Lamb,” v. 17 is a parenthetical explanation by the author.

19 sn An allusion to Isa 25:8.

20 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “but” to indicate the contrast.

21 sn They did not love their lives. See Matt 16:25; Luke 17:33; John 12:25.

22 tn Grk “it”; the referent (the beast) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

23 tn The prepositional phrase “since the foundation of the world” is traditionally translated as a modifier of the immediately preceding phrase in the Greek text, “the Lamb who was killed” (so also G. B. Caird, Revelation [HNTC], 168), but it is more likely that the phrase “since the foundation of the world” modifies the verb “written” (as translated above). Confirmation of this can be found in Rev 17:8 where the phrase “written in the book of life since the foundation of the world” occurs with no ambiguity.

24 tn Or “slaughtered”; traditionally, “slain.”

25 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “then” to indicate the implied sequence within the narrative.

26 tn The phrase “and here was” expresses the sense of καὶ ἰδού (kai idou).

27 tn Here καί (kai) has not been translated.

28 tn See the note on the word “servants” in 1:1.

29 tn Grk “saying.” The participle λέγοντες (legontes) is redundant in contemporary English and has not been translated.

30 tn On this word BDAG 755 s.v. παντοκράτωρ states, “the Almighty, All-Powerful, Omnipotent (One) only of God…() κύριος ὁ θεὸς ὁ π. …Rv 1:8; 4:8; 11:17; 15:3; 16:7; 21:22.”

31 tn Or “righteous,” although the context favors justice as the theme.

32 tc Certain mss (Ì47 א*,2 C 1006 1611 1841 pc) read “ages” (αἰώνων, aiwnwn) instead of “nations” (ἐθνῶν, eqnwn), which itself is supported by several mss (א1 A 051 Ï). The ms evidence seems to be fairly balanced, though αἰώνων has somewhat better support. The replacement of “ages” with “nations” is possibly a scribal attempt to harmonize this verse with the use of “nations” in the following verse. On the other hand, the idea of “nations” fits well with v. 4 and it may be that “ages” is a scribal attempt to assimilate this text to 1 Tim 1:17: “the king of the ages” (βασιλεὺς τῶν αἰώνων, basileu" twn aiwnwn). The decision is a difficult one since both scenarios deal well with the evidence, though the verbal parallel with 1 Tim 1:17 is exact while the parallel with v. 4 is not. The term “king” occurs 17 other times (most occurrences refer to earthly kings) in Revelation and it is not used with either “ages” or “nations” apart from this verse. Probably the reading “nations” should be considered original due to the influence of 1 Tim 1:17.

33 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “then” to indicate the implied sequence within the narrative.

34 tn Grk “he”; the referent (the angel) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

35 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “then” to indicate the implied sequence within the narrative.

36 tn Grk “with me.” The translation “with me” implies that John was engaged in a dialogue with the one speaking to him (e.g., Jesus or an angel) when in reality it was a one-sided conversation, with John doing all the listening. For this reason, μετ᾿ ἐμοῦ (met emou, “with me”) was translated as “to me.” See also v. 15.

37 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “but” to indicate the contrast present in this context.

38 tn Here BDAG 552 s.v. κοινός 2 states, “pert. to being of little value because of being common, common, ordinary, profane…b. specifically, of that which is ceremonially impure: Rv 21:27.”

39 tn Or “what is abhorrent”; Grk “who practices abominations.”

40 tn Grk “practicing abomination or falsehood.” Because of the way βδέλυγμα (bdelugma) has been translated (“does what is detestable”) it was necessary to repeat the idea from the participle ποιῶν (poiwn, “practices”) before the term “falsehood.” On this term, BDAG 1097 s.v. ψεῦδος states, “ποιεῖν ψεῦδος practice (the things that go with) falsehood Rv 21:27; 22:15.” Cf. Rev 3:9.

41 tn Grk “those who are written”; the word “names” is implied.

42 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “then” to indicate the implied sequence within the narrative.

43 tn Perhaps, “in the middle of the throne area” (see L&N 83.10).

44 tn Or “slaughtered”; traditionally, “slain.” The phrase behind this translation is ὡς ἐσφαγμένον (Jw" ejsfagmenon). The particle ὡς is used in Greek generally for comparison, and in Revelation it is used often to describe the appearance of what the author saw. This phrase does not imply that the Lamb “appeared to have been killed” but in reality was not, because the wider context of the NT shows that in fact the Lamb, i.e., Jesus, was killed. See 13:3 for the only other occurrence of this phrase in the NT.

45 tn Grk “killed, having.” Because of the length and complexity of the Greek sentence, a new sentence was started here in the translation by supplying the pronoun “he.”

46 sn The relative pronoun which is masculine, referring back to the eyes rather than to the horns.

47 tc There is good ms evidence for the inclusion of “seven” (ἑπτά, Jepta; Ì24 א 2053 2351 ÏK). There is equally good ms support for the omission of the term (A 1006 1611 ÏA pc). It may have been accidentally added due to its repeated presence in the immediately preceding phrases, or it may have been intentionally added to maintain the symmetry of the phrases or more likely to harmonize the phrase with 1:4; 3:1; 4:5. Or it may have been accidentally deleted by way of homoioteleuton (τὰ ἑπτά, ta Jepta). A decision is difficult in this instance. NA27 also does not find the problem easy to solve, placing the word in brackets to indicate doubts as to its authenticity.

48 sn See the note on the phrase the seven spirits of God in Rev 4:5.

49 tn Grk “fell down.” BDAG 815 s.v. πίπτω 1.b.α.ב. has “fall down, throw oneself to the ground as a sign of devotion or humility, before high-ranking persons or divine beings.”

50 tn Because of the length and complexity of the Greek sentence, a new sentence was started here in the translation.

51 sn This interpretive comment by the author forms a parenthesis in the narrative.

52 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “then” to indicate the implied sequence of events within the vision.

53 tn Grk “saying.”

54 tn Or “dominion.”

55 tn The phrase “and here was” expresses the sense of καὶ ἰδού (kai idou).

56 tn Here καί (kai) has not been translated before each of the following categories, since English normally uses a coordinating conjunction only between the last two elements in a series of three or more.

57 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “so” to indicate the implied result of the previous question.

58 tn Though the expression “the answer” is not in the Greek text, it is clearly implied. Direct objects in Greek were frequently omitted when clear from the context.

59 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “then” to indicate the implied sequence of events within the vision.

60 tn Because of the length and complexity of the Greek sentence, a new sentence was started here in the translation. Here καί (kai) has not been translated because of differences between Greek and English style.

61 tn Grk “he himself.”

62 tn The Greek word for “anger” here is θυμός (qumos), a wordplay on the “passion” (θυμός) of the personified city of Babylon in 14:8.

63 tn Traditionally, “brimstone.”