Ezekiel 5:7

5:7 “Therefore this is what the sovereign Lord says: Because you are more arrogant than the nations around you, you have not followed my statutes and have not carried out my regulations. You have not even carried out the regulations of the nations around you!

Ezekiel 11:16

11:16 “Therefore say: ‘This is what the sovereign Lord says: Although I have removed them far away among the nations and have dispersed them among the countries, I have been a little sanctuary for them among the lands where they have gone.’

Ezekiel 12:19

12:19 Then say to the people of the land, ‘This is what the sovereign Lord says about the inhabitants of Jerusalem and of the land of Israel: They will eat their bread with anxiety and drink their water in fright, for their land will be stripped bare of all it contains because of the violence of all who live in it.

Ezekiel 13:9

13:9 My hand will be against the prophets who see delusion and announce lying omens. They will not be included in the council of my people, nor be written in the registry of the house of Israel, nor enter the land of Israel. Then you will know that I am the sovereign Lord.

Ezekiel 13:18

13:18 and say ‘This is what the sovereign Lord says: Woe to those who sew bands on all their wrists and make headbands for heads of every size to entrap people’s lives! 10  Will you entrap my people’s lives, yet preserve your own lives?

Ezekiel 13:20

13:20 “‘Therefore, this is what the sovereign Lord says: Take note 11  that I am against your wristbands with which you entrap people’s lives 12  like birds. I will tear them from your arms and will release the people’s lives, which you hunt like birds.

Ezekiel 14:4

14:4 Therefore speak to them and say to them, ‘This is what the sovereign Lord says: When any one from the house of Israel erects his idols in his heart and sets the obstacle leading to his iniquity before his face, and then consults a prophet, I the Lord am determined to answer him personally according to the enormity of his idolatry. 13 

Ezekiel 16:8

16:8 “‘Then I passed by you and watched you, noticing 14  that you had reached the age for love. 15  I spread my cloak 16  over you and covered your nakedness. I swore a solemn oath to you and entered into a marriage covenant with you, declares the sovereign Lord, and you became mine.

Ezekiel 16:36

16:36 This is what the sovereign Lord says: Because your lust 17  was poured out and your nakedness was uncovered in your prostitution with your lovers, and because of all your detestable idols, and because of the blood of your children you have given to them,

Ezekiel 16:43

16:43 “‘Because you did not remember the days of your youth and have enraged me with all these deeds, I hereby repay you for what you have done, 18  declares the sovereign Lord. Have you not engaged in prostitution on top of all your other abominable practices?

Ezekiel 17:9

17:9 “‘Say to them: This is what the sovereign Lord says:

“‘Will it prosper?

Will he not rip out its roots

and cause its fruit to rot 19  and wither?

All its foliage 20  will wither.

No strong arm or large army

will be needed to pull it out by its roots. 21 

Ezekiel 17:22

17:22 “‘This is what the sovereign Lord says:

“‘I will take a sprig 22  from the lofty top of the cedar and plant it. 23 

I will pluck from the top one of its tender twigs;

I myself will plant it on a high and lofty mountain.

Ezekiel 20:5

20:5 and say to them:

“‘This is what the sovereign Lord says: On the day I chose Israel I swore 24  to the descendants 25  of the house of Jacob and made myself known to them in the land of Egypt. I swore 26  to them, “I am the Lord your God.”

Ezekiel 20:31

20:31 When you present your sacrifices 27  – when you make your sons pass through the fire – you defile yourselves with all your idols to this very day. Will I allow you to seek me, 28  O house of Israel? As surely as I live, declares the sovereign Lord, I will not allow you to seek me! 29 

Ezekiel 20:39-40

20:39 “‘As for you, O house of Israel, this is what the sovereign Lord says: Each of you go and serve your idols, 30  if you will not listen to me. 31  But my holy name will not be profaned 32  again by your sacrifices 33  and your idols. 20:40 For there on my holy mountain, the high mountain of Israel, declares the sovereign Lord, all the house of Israel will serve me, all of them 34  in the land. I will accept them there, and there I will seek your contributions and your choice gifts, with all your holy things.

Ezekiel 21:7

21:7 When they ask you, ‘Why are you groaning?’ you will reply, ‘Because of the report that has come. Every heart will melt with fear and every hand will be limp; everyone 35  will faint and every knee will be wet with urine.’ 36  Pay attention – it is coming and it will happen, declares the sovereign Lord.”

Ezekiel 24:21

24:21 Say to the house of Israel, ‘This is what the sovereign Lord says: Realize I am about to desecrate my sanctuary – the source of your confident pride, 37  the object in which your eyes delight, 38  and your life’s passion. 39  Your very own sons and daughters whom you have left behind will die 40  by the sword.

Ezekiel 25:13

25:13 So this is what the sovereign Lord says: I will stretch out my hand against Edom, and I will kill the people and animals within her, 41  and I will make her desolate; from Teman to Dedan they will die 42  by the sword.

Ezekiel 28:2

28:2 “Son of man, say to the prince 43  of Tyre, ‘This is what the sovereign Lord says:

“‘Your heart is proud 44  and you said, “I am a god; 45 

I sit in the seat of gods, in the heart of the seas” –

yet you are a man and not a god,

though you think you are godlike. 46 

Ezekiel 29:3

29:3 Tell them, ‘This is what the sovereign Lord says:

“‘Look, I am against 47  you, Pharaoh king of Egypt,

the great monster 48  lying in the midst of its waterways,

who has said, “My Nile is my own, I made it for myself.” 49 

Ezekiel 29:19

29:19 Therefore this is what the sovereign Lord says: Look, I am about to give the land of Egypt to King Nebuchadrezzar of Babylon. He will carry off her wealth, capture her loot, and seize her plunder; it will be his army’s wages.

Ezekiel 30:13

30:13 “‘This is what the sovereign Lord says:

I will destroy the idols,

and put an end to the gods of Memphis.

There will no longer be a prince from the land of Egypt;

so I will make the land of Egypt fearful. 50 

Ezekiel 31:15

31:15 “‘This is what the sovereign Lord says: On the day it 51  went down to Sheol I caused observers to lament. 52  I covered it with the deep and held back its rivers; its plentiful water was restrained. I clothed Lebanon in black for it, and all the trees of the field wilted because of it.

Ezekiel 31:18

31:18 Which of the trees of Eden was like you in majesty and loftiness? You will be brought down with the trees of Eden to the lower parts of the earth; you will lie among the uncircumcised, with those killed by the sword! This is what will happen to Pharaoh and all his hordes, declares the sovereign Lord.’”

Ezekiel 33:11

33:11 Say to them, ‘As surely as I live, declares the sovereign Lord, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but prefer that the wicked change his behavior 53  and live. Turn back, turn back from your evil deeds! 54  Why should you die, O house of Israel?’

Ezekiel 33:27

33:27 “This is what you must say to them, ‘This is what the sovereign Lord says: As surely as I live, those living in the ruins will die 55  by the sword, those in the open field I will give to the wild beasts for food, and those who are in the strongholds and caves will die of disease.

Ezekiel 34:2

34:2 “Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds 56  of Israel; prophesy, and say to them – to the shepherds: ‘This is what the sovereign Lord says: Woe to the shepherds of Israel who have been feeding themselves! Should not shepherds feed the flock?

Ezekiel 34:8

34:8 As surely as I live, declares the sovereign Lord, my sheep have become prey and have become food for all the wild beasts. There was no shepherd, and my shepherds did not search for my flock, but fed themselves and did not feed my sheep,

Ezekiel 34:10

34:10 This is what the sovereign Lord says: Look, I am against the shepherds, and I will demand my sheep from their hand. I will no longer let them be shepherds; 57  the shepherds will not feed themselves anymore. I will rescue my sheep from their mouth, so that they will no longer be food for them.

Ezekiel 35:11

35:11 therefore, as surely as I live, declares the sovereign Lord, I will deal with you according to your anger, and according to your envy, by which you acted spitefully against them. I will reveal myself to them when I judge you.

Ezekiel 36:3

36:3 So prophesy and say: ‘This is what the sovereign Lord says: Surely because they have made you desolate and crushed you from all directions, so that you have become the property of the rest of the nations, and have become the subject of gossip 58  and slander among the people,

Ezekiel 36:5-6

36:5 therefore this is what the sovereign Lord says: Surely I have spoken in the fire of my zeal against the rest of the nations, and against all Edom, who with great joy and utter contempt have made my land their property and prey, because of its pasture.’

36:6 “Therefore prophesy concerning the land of Israel, and say to the mountains and hills, the ravines and valleys, ‘This is what the sovereign Lord says: Look, I have spoken in my zeal and in my anger, because you have endured the insults of the nations.

Ezekiel 36:22-23

36:22 “Therefore say to the house of Israel, ‘This is what the sovereign Lord says: It is not for your sake that I am about to act, O house of Israel, but for the sake of my holy reputation 59  which you profaned among the nations where you went. 36:23 I will magnify 60  my great name that has been profaned among the nations, that you have profaned among them. The nations will know that I am the Lord, declares the sovereign Lord, when I magnify myself among you in their sight.

Ezekiel 37:9

37:9 He said to me, “Prophesy to the breath, 61  – prophesy, son of man – and say to the breath: ‘This is what the sovereign Lord says: Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe on these corpses so that they may live.’”

Ezekiel 37:19

37:19 tell them, ‘This is what the sovereign Lord says: Look, I am about to take the branch of Joseph which is in the hand of Ephraim and the tribes of Israel associated with him, and I will place them on the stick of Judah, 62  and make them into one stick – they will be one in my hand.’ 63 

Ezekiel 39:10

39:10 They will not need to take 64  wood from the field or cut down trees from the forests, because they will make fires with the weapons. They will take the loot from those who looted them and seize the plunder of those who plundered them, 65  declares the sovereign Lord.

Ezekiel 39:17

39:17 “As for you, son of man, this is what the sovereign Lord says: Tell every kind of bird and every wild beast: ‘Assemble and come! Gather from all around to my slaughter 66  which I am going to make for you, a great slaughter on the mountains of Israel! You will eat flesh and drink blood.

Ezekiel 43:18

43:18 Then he said to me: “Son of man, this is what the sovereign Lord says: These are the statutes of the altar: On the day it is built to offer up burnt offerings on it and to sprinkle blood on it, 67 

Ezekiel 44:15

The Levitical Priests

44:15 “‘But the Levitical priests, the descendants of Zadok 68  who kept the charge of my sanctuary when the people of Israel went astray from me, will approach me to minister to me; they will stand before me to offer me the fat and the blood, declares the sovereign Lord.

Ezekiel 46:1

The Prince’s Offerings

46:1 “‘This is what the sovereign Lord says: The gate of the inner court that faces east 69  will be closed six working days, but on the Sabbath day it will be opened and on the day of the new moon it will be opened.

tn Traditionally this difficult form has been derived from a hypothetical root הָמוֹן (hamon), supposedly meaning “be in tumult/uproar,” but such a verb occurs nowhere else. It is more likely that it is to be derived from a root מָנוֹן (manon), meaning “disdain” (see L. C. Allen, Ezekiel [WBC], 1:52). A derivative from this root is used in Prov 29:21 of a rebellious servant. See HALOT 600 s.v. מָנוֹן.

sn You are more arrogant than the nations around you. Israel is accused of being worse than the nations in Ezek 16:27; 2 Kgs 21:11; Jer 2:11.

tc Some Hebrew mss and the Syriac omit the words “not even.” In this case they are being accused of following the practices of the surrounding nations. See Ezek 11:12.

tn Or “have been partially a sanctuary”; others take this as temporal (cf. NASB, NIV, NRSV “a little while”).

tn The Hebrew term may refer to the secret council of the Lord (Jer 23:18; Job 15:8), but here it more likely refers to a human council comprised of civic leaders (Gen 49:6; Jer 6:11; 15:17 Ps 64:3; 111:1).

tn The reference here is probably to a civil list (as in Ezra 2:16; Neh 7:64) rather than to a “book of life” (Exod 32:32; Isa 4:3; Ps 69:29; Dan 12:1). This registry may have been established at the making of David’s census (2 Sam 24:2, 9).

sn The wristbands mentioned here probably represented magic bands or charms. See D. I. Block, Ezekiel (NICOT), 1:413.

tn Heb “joints of the hands.” This may include the elbow and shoulder joints.

tn The Hebrew term occurs in the Bible only here and in v. 21. It has also been understood as a veil or type of head covering. D. I. Block (Ezekiel [NICOT], 1:414) suggests that given the context of magical devices, the expected parallel to the magical arm bands, and the meaning of this Hebrew root (סָפַח [safakh, “to attach” or “join”]), it may refer to headbands or necklaces on which magical amulets were worn.

10 tn Heb “human lives” or “souls” (three times in v. 18 and twice in v. 19).

11 tn The word הִנֵּה (hinneh, traditionally “behold”) indicates becoming aware of something and has been translated here as a verb.

12 tn Heb “human lives” or “souls.”

13 tn Heb “in accordance with the multitude of his idols.”

14 tn The word הִנֵּה (hinneh, traditionally “behold”) indicates becoming aware of something and has been translated here as a participle.

15 tn See similar use of this term in Ezek 23:17; Prov 7:16; Song of Songs 4:10; 7:13.

16 tn Heb “wing” or “skirt.” The gesture symbolized acquiring a woman in early Arabia (similarly, see Deut 22:30; Ruth 3:9).

17 tn The Hebrew word occurs only here in the OT.

18 tn Heb “your way on (your) head I have placed.”

19 tn The Hebrew root occurs only here in the OT and appears to have the meaning of “strip off.” In application to fruit the meaning may be “cause to rot.”

20 tn Heb “all the טַרְפֵּי (tarpey) of branches.” The word טַרְפֵּי occurs only here in the Bible; its precise meaning is uncertain.

21 tn Or “there will be no strong arm or large army when it is pulled up by the roots.”

22 sn The language is analogous to messianic imagery in Isa 11:1; Zech 3:8; 6:4 although the technical terminology is not the same.

23 tc The LXX lacks “and plant it.”

24 tn Heb “I lifted up my hand.”

25 tn Heb “seed.”

26 tn Heb “I lifted up my hand.”

27 tn Or “gifts.”

28 tn Or “Will I reveal myself to you?”

29 tn Or “I will not reveal myself to you.”

30 sn Compare the irony here to Amos 4:4 and Jer 44:25.

31 tn Heb “and after, if you will not listen to me.” The translation leaves out “and after” for smoothness. The text is difficult. M. Greenberg (Ezekiel [AB], 1:374) suggests that it may mean “but afterwards, if you will not listen to me…” with an unspoken threat.

32 sn A similar concept may be found in Lev 18:21; 20:3.

33 tn Or “gifts.”

34 tn Heb “all of it.”

35 tn Heb “every spirit will be dim.”

36 sn This expression depicts in a very vivid way how they will be overcome with fear. See the note on the same phrase in 7:17.

37 tn Heb “the pride of your strength” means “your strong pride.”

38 sn Heb “the delight of your eyes.” Just as Ezekiel was deprived of his beloved wife (v. 16, the “desire” of his “eyes”) so the Lord would be forced to remove the object of his devotion, the temple, which symbolized his close relationship to his covenant people.

39 tn Heb “the object of compassion of your soul.” The accentuation in the traditional Hebrew text indicates that the descriptive phrases (“the source of your confident pride, the object in which your eyes delight, and your life’s passion”) modify the preceding “my sanctuary.”

40 tn Heb “fall.”

41 tn Heb “and I will cut off from her man and beast.”

42 tn Heb “fall.”

43 tn Or “ruler” (NIV, NCV).

44 tn Heb “lifted up.”

sn See Prov 16:5.

45 tn Or “I am divine.”

46 tn Heb “and you made your heart (mind) like the heart (mind) of gods.”

47 tn Or “I challenge you.” The phrase “I am against you” may be a formula for challenging someone to combat or a duel. See D. I. Block, Ezekiel (NICOT), 1:201-2, and P. Humbert, “Die Herausforderungsformel ‘h!nn#n' ?l?K>,’” ZAW 45 (1933): 101-8.

48 tn Heb “jackals,” but many medieval Hebrew mss read correctly “the serpent.” The Hebrew term appears to refer to a serpent in Exod 7:9-10, 12; Deut 32:33; and Ps 91:13. It also refers to large creatures that inhabit the sea (Gen 1:21; Ps 148:7). In several passages it is associated with the sea or with the multiheaded sea monster Leviathan (Job 7:12; Ps 74:13; Isa 27:1; 51:9). Because of the Egyptian setting of this prophecy and the reference to the creature’s scales (v. 4), many understand a crocodile to be the referent here (e.g., NCV “a great crocodile”; TEV “you monster crocodile”; CEV “a giant crocodile”).

49 sn In Egyptian theology Pharaoh owned and controlled the Nile. See J. D. Currid, Ancient Egypt and the Old Testament, 240-44.

50 tn Heb “I will put fear in the land of Egypt.”

51 tn Or “he.”

52 tn Heb “I caused lamentation.” D. I. Block (Ezekiel [NICOT], 2:194-95) proposes an alternative root which would give the meaning “I gated back the waters,” i.e., shut off the water supply.

53 tn Heb “turn from his way.”

54 tn Heb “ways.” This same word is translated “behavior” earlier in the verse.

55 tn Heb “fall.”

56 tn The term shepherd is applied to kings in the ancient Near East. In the OT the Lord is often addressed as shepherd of Israel (Gen 49:24; Ps 8:1). The imagery of shepherds as Israel’s leaders is also employed (Jer 23:1-2).

57 tn Heb “I will cause them to cease from feeding sheep.”

58 tn Heb “lip of the tongue.”

59 sn In Ezek 20:22 God refrained from punishment for the sake of his holy name. Here God’s reputation is the basis for Israel’s restoration.

60 tn Or “sanctify,” Heb “make holy.”

61 tn Or “spirit,” and several times in this verse.

62 tn Heb “I will place them on it, that is, on the stick of Judah.”

63 sn The reunification of Israel and Judah is envisioned as well in Ezek 33:23, 29; Jer 3:18; 23:5-6; Hos 1:11; Amos 9:11.

64 tn Heb “they will not carry.”

65 tn Heb “loot their looters and plunder their plunderers.”

66 tn Or “sacrifice” (so also in the rest of this verse).

67 sn For the “sprinkling of blood,” see Lev 1:5, 11; 8:19; 9:12.

68 sn Zadok was a descendant of Aaron through Eleazar (1 Chr 6:50-53), who served as a priest during David’s reign (2 Sam 8:17).

69 sn The east gate of the outer court was permanently closed (Ezek 44:2).