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NETBible: Strong -- 2744

kauchaomai <2744>

kaucaomai kauchaomai

Origin:from some (obsolete) base akin to that of aucheo (to boast) and 2172
Reference:TDNT - 3:645,423
In Greek:egkaucasyai 1, kaucasai 3, kaucasyai 3, kaucasye 1, kaucasyw 4, kauchsasyai 2, kauchshtai 2, kauchsomai 5, kauchsomeya 1, kauchswmai 3, kauchswntai 1, kaucwmai 1, kaucwmenoi 3, kaucwmenouv 1, kaucwmenov 2, kaucwmeya 2, kaucwntai 2, kekauchmai 1
In NET:boast 6, I will boast 4, we rejoice 3, boasts 2, can boast 2, will boast 2, I boast 2, boasting 1, You boast 1, I have boasted 1, I keep boasting 1, do boast 1, are boasting 1, exult 1, they boast 1, they can boast 1, to boast 1, to go on boasting 1, take pride 1, should take pride 1, you boast 1, may boast 1, must boast 1, do you boast 1
In AV:glory 23, boast 8, rejoice 4, make boast 2, joy 1
Definition:1) to glory (whether with reason or without)
2) to glory on account of a thing
3) to glory in a thing
from some (obsolete) base akin to that of aucheo (to boast) and 2172;
to vaunt (in a good or a bad sense):-(make) boast, glory, joy,
see GREEK for 2172

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