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NETBible: Strong -- 5502

cheroubim <5502>

Xeroubin cheroubim

Origin:plural of Hebrew origin 03742 Mybwrk
Reference:TDNT - 9:438,1312
PrtSpch:n n pl
In Greek:ceroubin 1
In NET:cherubim 1
In AV:cherubim 1
Definition:1) cherubim, two golden figures of living creatures with two wings;
they were fastened to the lid of the ark of the covenant in the
holy of holies (both at the sacred tabernacle and of Solomon's
temple) in such a manner that their faces were turned towards each
other and down towards the lid, which they overshadowed with their
expanded wings. Between these figures God was regarded as having
fixed his dwelling place.
plural of Hebrew origin (3742); "cherubim" (i.e. cherubs or
see HEBREW for 03742

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