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NETBible: Strong -- 5456

phone <5456>

fwnh phone

Origin:probably akin to 5316 through the idea of disclosure
Reference:TDNT - 9:278,1287
PrtSpch:n f
In Greek:fwnai 6, fwnaiv 1, fwnav 2, fwnh 65, fwnhn 40, fwnhv 23, fwnwn 2
In NET:voice 70, a voice 23, sound 9, voices 6, roaring 4, speaks 3, noise 2, roar 2, shouts 2, a sound 2, a command 1, language 1, languages 1, A voice 1, crashes 1, sayings 1, spoke out 1, to voice 1, sounds 1, shrieks 1, shouted 1, loudly 1
In AV:voice 131, sound 8, be noised abroad + 1096 1, noise 1
Definition:1) a sound, a tone
1a) of inanimate things, as musical instruments
2) a voice
2a) of the sound of uttered words
3) speech
3a) of a language, tongue
probably akin to 5316 through the idea of disclosure; a tone
(articulate, bestial or artificial); by implication, an address (for
any purpose), saying or language:-noise, sound, voice.
see GREEK for 5316

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