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NETBible: Strong -- 4339

proselutos <4339>

proshlutov proselutos

Origin:from the alternate of 4334
Reference:TDNT - 6:727,943
In Greek:proshlutoi 1, proshluton 2, proshlutwn 1
In NET:Gentile convert to Judaism 1, convert 1, proselytes 1
In AV:proselyte 4
Definition:1) a newcomer
1a) a stranger, alien
2) a proselyte
2a) one who has come over from a Gentile religion to Judaism

The Rabbis distinguished two classes of proselytes, proselytes of
righteousness, who received circumcision and bound themselves to keep
the whole of the Mosaic law and to comply with all the requirements
of Judaism, and proselytes of the gate, who dwelt among the Jews, and
although uncircumcised observed certain specific laws, esp. the
seven precepts of Noah, i.e. against the seven chief sins, idolatry,
blasphemy against God, homicide, unchastity, theft or plundering,
rebellion against rulers and the use of "flesh with the blood thereof".
from the alternate of 4334; an arriver from a foreign region, i.e.
(specially), an acceder (convert) to Judaism
see GREEK for 4334

Also search for "proselutos" and display in [NET] and Parallel Bibles.

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