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NETBible: Strong -- 3609

oikeios <3609>

oikeiov oikeios

Origin:from 3624
Reference:TDNT - 5:134,674
In Greek:oikeioi 1, oikeiouv 1, oikeiwn 1
In NET:family 2, members of household 1
In AV:of the household 2, of (one's) own house 1
Definition:1) belonging to a house or family, domestic, intimate
1a) belonging to one's household, related by blood, kindred
1b) belonging to the household of God
1c) belonging, devoted to, adherents of a thing
from 3624; domestic, i.e. (as noun), a relative, adherent:-(those) of
the (his own) house(-hold).
see GREEK for 3624

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