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NETBible: Strong -- 3404

miseo <3404>

misew miseo

Origin:from a primary misos (hatred)
Reference:TDNT - 4:683,597
In Greek:emishsa 1, emishsan 1, emishsav 1, emishsen 2, emisoun 1, memishkasin 1, memishken 1, memishmenou 1, misei 7, misein 1, miseiv 1, mish 1, mishsei 2, mishseiv 1, mishsousin 2, mishswsin 1, misoumenoi 4, misountev 2, misountwn 1, misousin 1, misw 2, miswn 5
In NET:hates 10, hated 7, hate 6, he will hate 2, hating 2, You hate 1, detested beast 1, They hated 1, I hate 1, I hated 1, does hate 1, who hates 1, it hated 1, it hates 1, have hated 1, will hate 1, who hate 1, has hated 1
In AV:hate 41, hateful 1
Definition:1) to hate, pursue with hatred, detest
2) to be hated, detested
from a primary misos (hatred); to detest (especially to persecute); by
extension, to love less:-hate(-ful).

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