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NETBible: Strong -- 302

an <302>

an an

Origin:a primary particle
In Greek:an 161, [an] 4
In NET:whoever 34, whatever 8, one 5, Whoever 5, would 5, Whenever 3, anyone 3, until 3, whenever 2, someone 2, If 2, Wherever 1, who 1, Whatever 1, which 1, however 1, what 1, too 1, was happening 1, whether 1
In AV:whosoever 35, whatsoever 7, whomsoever 4, whereinsoever 1, what things soever 1, whatsoever + 3745 7, an many as + 3745 4, whosoever + 3745 2, what things so ever + 3745 1, wherewith soever + 3745 1, whithersoever + 3699 4, wheresoever + 3699 2, whatsoever + 3748 5, whosoever + 3748 3, whose soever + 5100 2, not tr 111
Definition:1) has no exact English equivalent, see definitions under AV
a primary particle, denoting a supposition, wish, possibility or
uncertainty:-(what-, where-, wither-, who-)soever. Usually
unexpressed except by the subjunctive or potential mood. Also
contracted for 1437.
see GREEK for 1437

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