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NETBible: Strong -- 25

agapao <25>

agapaw agapao

Origin:perhaps from agan (much) [or cf 05689 bge]
Reference:TDNT - 1:21,5
In Greek:agapa 12, agapan 8, agapate 15, agapatw 1, agapav 2, agaphsantov 2, agaphsate 1, agaphsav 3, agaphsei 4, agaphseiv 10, agaphshte 1, agaphsw 1, agaphyhsetai 1, agapw 6, agapwmai 1, agapwmen 10, agapwn 13, agapwntav 3, agapwnti 1, agapwntwn 1, agapwsin 5, hgapa 5, hgapate 2, hgaphkamen 1, hgaphkosin 1, hgaphmenhn 3, hgaphmenoi 3, hgaphmenoiv 1, hgaphmenw 1, hgaphsa 5, hgaphsan 3, hgaphsav 5, hgaphsen 12
In NET:love 29, loved 20, loves 18, Love 8, we love 6, to love 5, does love 5, you love 4, you have loved 3, will love 3, I love 3, have loved 3, beloved 2, he loves 2, he loved 2, do you love 2, you loved 2, I have loved 2, let us love 2, You must love 1, Do love 1, You shall love 1, Having loved 1, You have loved 1, am I to be loved 1, I loved 1, So love 1, I do love 1, he felt love 1, they did love 1, they loved 1, unloved 1, will be loved 1, should love 1, she loved 1, dearly loved 1, has loved 1, have set affection 1, you would love 1, are love 1
In AV:love 135, beloved 7
Definition:1) of persons
1a) to welcome, to entertain, to be fond of, to love dearly
2) of things
2a) to be well pleased, to be contented at or with a thing

Synonym : See Definition 5914
perhaps from agan (much) (or compare 5689); to love (in a social or
moral sense):-(be-)love(-ed). Compare 5368.
see GREEK for 5689
see GREEK for 5368

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